module specification

MN5F10 - Work Based Learning (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Work Based Learning
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
96 hours Placement / study abroad
159 hours Guided independent study
45 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   An individual portfolio (2,000 words)
Coursework 50%   An individual business report on a work-based project (2,500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Work-Based Learning (Module code MN5F10GN) provides the opportunity for students to use an authentic work context as a key component of learning and assessment.  This module will enable students to reflect on their previous learning over the course and allow them to integrate this with work-based practice.

Module aims

This module aims to:
• Encourage students to apply their learning to work experience.
• Enable students to develop personally and professionally by providing opportunities for them to reflect on the integration of work experience with their academic study.
• Encourage students to make connections between academic study and vocational experience.


• Personal skills audit
• Personal development planning
• Reflective analysis of the work-based learning experience
• Setting objectives, target-setting and deadlines
• Job competencies, roles and responsibilities
• Linking practice with theory (eg SWOT, PESTEL, Five Forces)

Learning and teaching

Students are expected to attend 8 guided workshops of 3 hours each where students will be oriented with techniques and methods that can be applied to work and enquiry in different departments within organisations.

Additionally, students will be supported to find a work placement and 4 tailored sessions will be provided to improve the interpersonal and employability skills among students.

A supervisor will monitor and supervise students throughout the process.

Learning outcomes

On completing the module students will be expected to be able to:
1. Evaluate the business environment and management practice of the organisation.
2. Audit their personal and professional development within the work based environment.
3. Take responsibility for their own learning within a work based setting including identification of personal and professional learning and development needs for their proposed future career role.
4. Plan and undertake a work-based project.
5. Monitor and evaluate the progress of the work-based project.
6. Reflect upon and evaluate their experience and learning at work.


This will depend on the content of your negotiated area of study and will therefore differ for each student.  When undertaking this module you will access a range of relevant books, professional journals and national guidelines appropriate to your negotiated area of study.  Below are the websites that will provide some guidance on the student experience. 

Core Textbooks:
• Roodhouse, S., and Mumford, J., (2010), Understanding Work-Based Learning, Surrey: Gower Publishing
• Helyer, R., (2015), The Work-Based Learning Student Handbook, 2nd ed. London: Palgrave

•  National Council for Work Experience
•  National Career Service
• National minimum wage: work experience and internships. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.
• Employment rights and pay for interns.