MN6070 - Social Marketing (2024/25)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2024/25 | |||||||||||||||
Module title | Social Marketing | |||||||||||||||
Module level | Honours (06) | |||||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | |||||||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | |||||||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | |||||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2024/25(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
This module aims to introduce the students to a developing specialist new field associated with marketing. It provides the students with the opportunity to build on their knowledge about marketing to apply it to situations where the aim is to help address social problems. Students will learn how this developing new science makes use of several disciplines, in addition to marketing, to help improve the welfare of our societies. This field has been successfully applied to many social ills ranging from obesity, drinking and driving to discrimination and domestic violence.
Students will be first introduced to the history and concepts of social marketing and shown the procedures used by social marketers to address social problems. The students will be encouraged to develop their critical as well as applied abilities during their studies.
By the end of the module the students will not only be able to appreciate the benefits of social marketing but also learn very useful skills about how to apply it. The knowledge and skills of this module will combine with previous skills achieved by students in the course, to enable them to understand and apply their marketing skills to both commercial as well as social situations. It will also help develop a socially responsible attitude as well as enable them to consider pursuing this professionally rewarding specialist area for their career.
A brief outline of the indicative syllabus in narrative form identifying key subject areas to be addressed in discrete elements of the course
- Describe the purpose, definitions and scope of the dimensions of SM LO1
- Describe the principles of SM LO1, LO2
- Plan the SM process LO2, LO3
- Discuss partnerships and ethical issues LO1, LO2
- Apply the SM consumer and effective targeting LO3
- Critically explain social change LO1, LO2
- Design an optimal intervention LO3
- Explain and apply message framing LO2, LO3
- Discuss and demonstrate creativity in SM LO2, LO3
- Describe media planning in SM LO2, LO3
- Discuss the challenges of evaluation LO2, LO3
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module will be delivered over a 15-week period consisting of 2 hour weekly sessions. The module will use a blended learning delivery approach covering lectures/workshops, video demonstrations and student projects. We will use Weblearn extensively for both delivery of teaching and practice material as well as for the submission of assessment.
Each seminar will include introductions to key concepts as well as opportunities for practice of the concepts using real-life examples. Students will be given the opportunity to prepare for sessions by encouraging them to undertake tasks before sessions.
During classes students will be encouraged to present their reflections about tasks so they may also develop their ability to speak confidently to audiences.
Students will be encouraged to keep a learning log to help them see how they are developing and note any areas of difficulties which can be discussed with the tutor.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students should be able to:
1. Critically appreciate the importance of Social Marketing (SM) as an effective tool in improving society. This means also understanding its history and how it came to be considered a specialist field of marketing.
2. Critically appreciate the challenges addressed by SM locally and globally and the concepts and models it makes use of to make a difference in our societies
3. Use a range of key social marketing tools to help understand a problem and develop a strategy to change behaviour.
The outcomes will be targeted via in-class activities (e.g. presentations, practice) and between sessions preparations/readings.
1. Core Reading
Eagle, Lynne & Dahl, Stephan & Hill, Ms Susie & Bird, Sara & Spotswood, Fiona & Tapp, Alan (2012). Social Marketing. London: Pearson.
Fourali, C (2016). The Promise of Social Marketing: A powerful tool for changing the world for good. London: Routledge.
2. Additional Texts
Andreasen, A. (2006) Social Marketing in the 21st Century, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Donovan, R. and Henley, N. (2010) Principles and Practice of Social Marketing: An International Perspective, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Fourali, C. (2009) Developing world-class Social Marketing standards: a step in the right direction for a more socially responsible Marketing profession, Social Marketing Quarterly, 15(2), 14–24.
Fourali, C. (2017). Qualitative Research Methods: Elements of a Good Design, in Benzo, R., Gad-Mohsen, M. and Fourali, C. (Eds). Marketing Research: Planning, Process, Practice. London: Sage.
Fourali, C. (2017). From Theory to Practice: Illustrating the Qualitative Research Process, in Benzo, R., Gad-Mohsen, M. and Fourali, C. (Eds). Marketing Research: Planning, Process, Practice. London: Sage.
Fourali, C. (2018). Development Education and Social Marketing: Two Disciplines with One Purpose. Policy and Practice: A development Education Review. Centre for Global Education. (free access at: )
French, J. and Gordon, R. (2015) Strategic Social Marketing, London: Sage.
Hastings, G. and Domegan, C. (2018) Social Marketing: Rebels with a Cause, Abingdon: Routledge. (recommended)
Kotler, P. (2013) World Social Marketing Conference (WSMC), (accessed 29 November 2014).
Kotler, P. and Lee, N. (2008) Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviours for Good, London: Sage.
Peattie, S. and Peattie, K. (2003) Ready to fly solo? Reducing social marketing’s dependence on commercial marketing theory, Marketing Theory, 3(3), 365–385.
WSMC (2008) World Social Marketing Conference, Brighton and Hove City, 29–30 September, (accessed 10 July 2015).
Social Marketing Quarterly
Journal of Social marketing
Journal of marketing
The Marketer
International Journal of Research in Marketing
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of International Marketing
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Financial Times, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, Marketing Week, Business Week.
World conference on Social Marketing
Agents of Change conference USA
Australian Social Marketing Conference 9 Biannual)
American Social Marketing Association Conference (Biannual)
European Social Marketing Conference (Biannual)
CIM annual conference on marketing
African Social Marketing Conference