module specification

MN6P03 - Management Investigation and Recruitment Report (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Management Investigation and Recruitment Report
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
215 hours Guided independent study
85 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 25%   Audio File evaluation
Coursework 25%   Job Application & Interview Simulation
Coursework 50%   Report
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Investigating and researching a business, industry or sector results in the identification and location huge amounts of data. Financial reports, industry reports, journal articles, industry publications, newspapers, web sites, the list can be endless. This data needs to be collected, evaluated, analysed, synthesised and transformed into information that is useful for the reader or user. Electronic data sources have significantly reduced the time that needs to be spent on research. It is the ability to evaluate, synthesise and present that data which will most enhance management capability. This module is about that very process of transforming data into information that will be useful to users, one main user being the writer of the report. The undertaking of the investigation and report will enable the student to pursue a robust enquiry into the industry or sector in which they are hoping to find employment.  Furthermore this module will help students to prepare for the graduate job market by ensuring they have an up-to-date CV and online profile as well as gaining further personal experience into the application process. Researching the report and completion of associated activities will enable students to excel at interview.

Module aims

To enable students to undertake an investigation using secondary sources of data and report on that investigation in a professional manner.

To enhance employability by offering the opportunity to research an industry or sector where employment is being sought

To identify and prepare for employment opportunities

The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:
1. Academic  reading
2. Researching
3. Analysing data
4. Completing tasks and projects
5. Commercial awareness
6. Application of knowledge and presenting data
7. Career management


Styles of report for different users
Business Research Project Skills
Evaluation of literature sources
Business Research Software
Accessing economic, financial and market data
Assessing the reliability and validity of data
Analysing & synthesising data
Presenting data orally and in writing
Drawing  and defending conclusions
Making and defending recommendations
Oral presentation of data
Evaluating reports
Training needs analysis on personal skills for the graduate jobs
Developing on and offline profile
Identifying job opportunities
Progressing applications
Preparing for interviews
Interview simulations

Learning and teaching

This module will be delivered through weekly workshops which will be enhanced with day long activities twice during the course of the academic year. These day long events will involve participation in interview simulations.
A key starting point for the workshops will be an explanation to the students for the choice of this method of delivery and exploration and advice as to how individuals can maximise their own learning. Concepts of action and experiential learning will be revisited and students reminded to focus particularly on the opportunities the classroom sessions provide to engage in, and reflect upon, their aspirations as soon to be graduates. This module is essentially student driven. However, whilst the area of investigation is to be determined by the individual student, there are certain generic skills that can be supported in formal classroom sessions. In addition to tuition on the advanced use of library data bases and other resources,  there will also be classroom sessions to support the peer evaluation. and assist students in developing a critical voice.  The approach to learning is essentially action orientated with the teaching starting from what the students needs to do and the theory of researching being explained in the context of underpinning the action. The main focus being the use of data to enhance employability and business knowledge, researching and pursuing job opportunities and preparing for interviews.   Classroom sessions will be supported with timetabled weekly on line discussions which will be facilitated by tutorial staff and enable students from the different groups to interact. An on-line discussion forum will be held on a weekly basis offering students the opportunity to share their experiences of job seeking.
Given the dynamic and very competitive nature of the job market it is envisaged that students will exposed to a series of talks by a number of external speakers working in different fields [i.e. finance, HR, marketing, management, voluntary sector, public sector] from the world of work including some former students. This will be supplemented by talks from the Londonmet Career Services. This will increase students’ urgency to develop an early focus in pursuit of employment. Guidance will also be given to those who want to pursue further studies at Masters level within the university or elsewhere.
Advice on CV writing will be provided so that students can better market themselves. In addition, interview techniques will be practiced in class using mock interviews. Students will each prepare an action plan so better focusing their job application effort.
Weblearn: will be used for the distribution of the Module booklet. It will also be used as an interactive mechanism between students and tutors, for example, to direct students to particular readings or to provide news about the module or the module content. It will also be used for the timely provision of generic feedback following formative assessment.
Linkedin: Students will be required to prepare personal profiles which could be used to market themselves via the linkedin tool



Learning outcomes

On completing the module students will be able to
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Appreciate the variety of secondary data available to business researchers

2. Assess the robustness and validity of various data sources and employ a range of analytical techniques to summarise data

3. Use data to draw reasoned conclusions and recommendation

4. Evaluate other business reports in the context of the above

5. identify job opportunities from published sources

6. Perform well at interviews in a  specific sector


Bentley, T.J. (2002) Report writing in business: the effective communication of information. England: CIMA Publishing
Davies, M.B. (2007) Doing a Successful Research Project. England: Palgrave MacMillanDone, J. & Mulvey, R. (2011). Brilliant Graduate Career Handbook. London: Prentice Hall.
Flick, U. (1998) An Introduction to Qualitative Research. London: Sage
Holliday, A. (2002) Doing and Writing Qualitative Research. London: Sage
Hatton, A. (2007) The definitive business pitch: how to make the best pitches, proposals and presentations. England: Financial Times Publishing
Saunders, M. Lewis, P. Thornhill, A. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students. 5th Edition England: Prentice Hall.
Swift, L. Piff, S. (2005) Quantitative Methods for Business, Management & Finance. 2nd ed. England: Palgrave MacMillan.
Trought, F (2011). Brilliant Employability Skills – How to stand out from the crowd in the graduate job market. London: Prentice Hall. 


London Metropolitan University provide a learning development website. The site provides information about: report writing, oral presentations and other useful guides such as writing up experiments and projects.

London Metropolitan University document – summary of different types of report, format, structure etc:

The London Metropolitan University Library website is a g ood source of information - books and journals:

The London Metropolitan University Library and Business School also provides access to the Bloomberg Research and Trading Room
Youtube will also be used.