module specification

PH4000 - Project Work 1 (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Project Work 1
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Art, Architecture and Design
Total study hours 300
228 hours Guided independent study
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Project work 1: 001 (10-minute illustrated presentation, completed project works and supporting journals).
Coursework 50%   Project work 2: 002 (10-minute illustrated presentation, completed project works and supporting journals).
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year City Friday All day
Year City Tuesday All day
Year City Tuesday Morning

Module summary

Focusing on the student’s own evolving photographic practice, the PH4000 Project Work 1 module provides an opportunity for students to develop projects, responding to photography briefs, using technical skills and research methods supported within the course. The module considers the relationship between method, medium and meaning, with reference to relevant theory, as well as traditional and contemporary practices.

The module PH4000 Project Work 1 is shared by, serves and sustains the awards in the BA Fashion Photography and BA Photography courses, delivered in a seamless and integral relationship with the work of other core modules in the level, including the Critical and Contextual Studies modules.

Students are encouraged to develop as autonomous learners, taking increasing responsibility for the progress of their project work. Students will be expected to consider and construct critical connections between Level 4 modules.

This module aims to enable students to investigate and learn key skills of interpretation and knowledge in the development of individual photographic practice. Through assigned briefs and projects, the module aims to provide a framework to develop concepts and principles in visual practice relevant to contemporary debates in photography. Building upon skills acquired in the other subject specific modules, the module aims to facilitate learning in the selection, testing and informed use of materials, equipment, facilities, research and processes relevant to their enquiry into and interpretation of the theme of a given project. One key objective of the module is to give the students opportunities to present their project work to an audience of peers.


At the beginning of the module, its aims and key concepts will be outlined to all students. There will be a session in which students will guided in the processes and approaches when planning a photographic project. Over the course of two semesters, students will interpret briefs in order to demonstrate the application and evaluation of research and experimentation aimed at completing photographic projects. (Learning Outcome 1 and 3).

At the end of each semester students will present their photography project work and its development to an audience of their peers at a time appointed by tutors (Learning Outcomes 2 and 4).

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Scheduled teaching provides the guidance and foundation to ensure that independent study is effective in addressing the module’s learning outcomes and assessment tasks.

In-class activity makes use of varied student-centred approaches such as active, flipped and blended learning, so that a range of learning strategies is deployed, and individual learning styles are accommodated. Information is provided through a range of means and sources to minimise and remove barriers to successful progress through the module. The course team seeks to embed the University’s Education for Social Justice Framework in fostering learning that is enjoyable, accessible, relevant and that takes account of the social and cultural context and capital of its students.

Activities foster peer-to-peer community building and support for learning. Interim formative feedback points help students to reflect on their progress and receive help to identify the opportunity for improvement in learning strategies and outcomes in developing the project work. Throughout the module, students build a body of work that responds to project briefs, including written reflections on progress and achievement.

Learning outcomes

1. demonstrate the use of a journal to record the evaluation of planning, idea development, experimentation, problem solving and research used to complete briefed Semester 1 photographic projects;

2. demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and dynamically in an illustrated presentation summarising your Semester 1 photography project work and its development;

3. demonstrate the use of a journal to record the evaluation of planning, idea development, experimentation, problem solving and research used to complete briefed Semester 2 photographic projects;

4. demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and dynamically in an illustrated presentation summarising your Semester 2 photography project work and its development.
