module specification

PT5W50 - Practice Education 1 (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Practice Education 1
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 0
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 410
23 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
4 hours Guided independent study
8 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
375 hours Placement / study abroad
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Other 100%   Common Placement Assessment Form (CPAF Level 5 Assessment form)
Other 0%   Common Placement Assessment Form (CPAF Level 5 Assessment form)
Coursework 0%   Practice Education e-portfolio (500 words)
Other 0%   Clinical Simulation
Other 0%   Placement 1: Attendance
Other 0%   Placement 2: Attendance
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Thursday Morning
Year North Thursday All day
Year North Wednesday Afternoon

Module summary

This is the first of two zero-credit weighted practice education modules in the pre-reg MSc Physiotherapy course, and it is aimed at supporting students to complete mandatory practice-based learning elements required to graduate with eligibility to register as a Physiotherapist. This module gives students the opportunity to practice and consolidate clinical and non-clinical skills learnt in first year academic modules under the supervision and guidance of clinical educators within healthcare environments, working within their expanding scope of practice, managing own workload, maintaining own health, multi-disciplinary working including with service users, clinical governance, information management etc and continuing professional development (CPD) under the guidance of clinical educators within a healthcare environment. As a zero-credit weighted module, it does not contribute to your MSc pre-reg award, but it must be passed to graduate as a Physiotherapist.

Practice Education 1 comprises two Level 5 practice placements: one longitudinal and a block practice placements.  Longitudinal placement will comprise one-day a week practice-based learning (7-hours/day) in the autumn and winter semesters and include 5 days of clinical simulation in the University and 20 days of practice-based placement in a clinical setting, adding up to 5 weeks. The block placement will be a 6-week (37.5 hours/week) placement in a contemporary clinical setting over the summer. Whilst on both placements, students will be expected to undertake directed study (identified reading) and private study according to support their clinical practice and continuing education.

There will also be taught contents prior to students going on placement to set expectations, ensure safe and competent practices are highlighted, and students are aware of how to appropriately report any issues while on clinical placement. 

Reflective practice will play a key role in the learning process to develop and enhance clinical reasoning and practical skills.

Prior learning requirements

No pre-requisite.
Available for Study Abroad? NO



  • Mandatory training: Adults, Safeguarding Children, Infection Control and Risk Assessment training, information governance, Digital professionalism
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Manual Handling (MH), Data safety Awareness,
  • Fitness to Practice, own scope of practice, relevant and appropriate sources of support, advice, and guidance and how to access them whilst on placement
  • Multi-professional practice including knowledge and understanding of common clinical problems, differences between impairment and disability, health and safety factors, recent research, and clinical developments.
  • Physiotherapy framework to map personal development


  • Manual Handling, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Appropriate clinical focussed and multi-disciplinary communication
  • Clinical Information interpretation, accurate record keeping in relevant patient documentation
  • Estimating impact of common problems on individual patients’ lifestyles and social functioning
  • Clinical management skills including assessment, problem identification, treatment/ interventions planning, setting SMART goals for management of disability and progressing them.
  • Effective delivery of safe clinical and appropriate handling skills
  • Self-awareness for maintaining personal health and well-being


  • Behave ethically and with integrity
  • Respect for all patients, promoting diversity, acknowledging patients’ rights include refusal of treatment
  • Appreciation and enthusiasm for life-long learning
  • Independent and critical approach to learning
  • Understand own limitations
  • Maximise benefits derived from various learning opportunities

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Students will learn under supervision of practice educators through clinical observation, clinical practice, reflective practice, and clinical de-briefs.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, students should be able to:

  1. Work safely and in a non-discriminatory manner within the parameters of local/national policies & protocols when in health and social care settings.
  2. Demonstrate safe and effective professional practice within own scope of practice during placement including maintenance of own fitness to practice, professionalism, interpersonal skills, clinical reasoning, assessment, treatment/management, monitoring, evaluation, record keeping and quality assurance.
  3. Communicate effectively and respectfully with service users, carers, clinical educators, and appropriate members of the multidisciplinary team, using a wide range of appropriate communication skills including verbal, non-verbal, written and listening) to both share and receive information.
  4. Apply key theoretical perspectives and evidence under-pinning effective physiotherapy assessment, clinical reasoning, and management.
  5. Demonstrate initiative in the organisation, prioritisation of own workload and delegate tasks safely and appropriately.
  6. Reflect on your own practice skills, seek, and respond appropriately to feedback during practice placements for continuing professional development.


Electronic Reading List:

  1. Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions E-Book, edited by Joy Higgs, et al., Elsevier Health Sciences, 2008.
  2. Bassot, Barbara. The Reflective Practice Guide: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical Reflection, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
  3. Herbert, Robert, et al. Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy - E-Book, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2011
  4. White, Sue, et al. Critical Reflection in Health and Social Care, McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.