module specification

SE5058 - Children's Rights in Today's World (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Children's Rights in Today's World
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 150
9 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
75 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
30 hours Placement / study abroad
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Blog
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester LMET Distance Learning Not applicable -

Module summary

In this module students will develop an understanding of children’s right globally. It will explore the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and examine children’s rights in today’s complex world.

The aim of the module is to enable students to:
- Examine legislation (both historical and current) designed to protect human rights and, in particular, the advocacy rights of children.
- Examine the rights of young children.
- Critically evaluate the role of the significant adults/agencies in ensuring children           have their rights respected.

Prior learning requirements

Enhanced DBS
Students are expected to undertake 60 hours work placement providing for children in the birth to six age range as part of this module, normally in a group setting.


This core module addresses a key aspect of professional knowledge in the early years field and aims to enable students to:

• Explore theUN Convention of the Rights of the Child and  how this is enshrined in law.
• Study relevant legislation, curriculum frameworks, codes of practice and official guidance in areas of Children’s Rights locally and globally
• Develop an understanding of the concepts of Children’s Rights as they relate to both children and adults in their sphere of work and to critically reflect on their own practice in seeking to promote this LO1,LO2,LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

For taught course students theoretical input will be through lectures and seminars. Online students will receive the same theoretical input through bespoke on-line module materials with access to an allocated tutor who is available to support them online as well as by e-mail or by telephone.

All students will benefit from a blended learning approach through the use of Web Learn for supplementary materials, links to E-books, on-line discussions and self-assessment exercises such as quizzes and reflective tasks.

Reflection and discussion are key to teaching for all students – for taught students this will be in the context of tutor-led sessions while for distance learning students reflection will be promoted by the exercises incorporated into the web-based materials.  For all students experiential learning promotes their growing ability to act as a reflective practitioner.

Teaching and learning strategies and methods also focus on workplace skills and professionalism. All students undertake and reflect on observations in the workplace and weekly tasks and reflective exercises support increased knowledge and understanding. Observations, action research, work-related tasks and the use of development planning tools support the growth of practitioners’ professional competence. 

The development of transferable skills in presenting evidence, arguments and points of view to a range of audiences, through a range of media, including the use of ICT also supports individual learning.

The development of transferable skills in presenting evidence, arguments and points of view to a range of audiences, through a range of media, including the use of ICT also supports individual learning.

Learning outcomes

1. Evaluate current debates on the sociological and socio-legal theories and concepts of childhood and children’s rights in relation to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
2. Articulate how relevant legislation and codes of practice impact the varied childhoods experienced by children in the minority and majority world
3. Critically consider the rights and responsibilities of people/agencies concerned in the planning and provision of care, education, health, welfare and advocacy of children and young people


Alderson, P. (2008)Young children's rights: Exploring beliefs, principles and practice (2nd ed., Children in charge), London: Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.

Conley Wright, A. and Jaffe, K. (2014) Six steps to successful child advocacy, London: Sage.

Denov, M. S., Maclure, R. A. and Campbell, K. M. (eds.) (2011) Children's rights and international development: lessons and challenges from the field, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Frankel, S. (2018) Giving Children a Voice, London: Jessica Kingsley

Hanson, K. and Nieuwenhuys, O. (eds.) (2013) Reconceptualizing children's rights in international development: living rights, social justice, translations, New York: Cambridge University Press.

Jones, P. and Walker, G. (2011) Children's Rights in Practice, London: Sage

Kamenopoulou, L. (2018) Inclusive Education and Disability in Global South, Palgrave MacMillan

Kumari, V. and Brooks, S. (eds.) (2004) Creative child advocacy: global perspectives.

Smith, A. (2015) Enhancing Children's Rights Connecting Research, Policy and Practice (Studies in Childhood and Youth), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Smith, A. B., Gollop, M., Marshall, K. and Nairn, K. (eds.) (2000) Advocating for children: international perspectives on children's rights, Dunedin: University of Otago Press

Stoecklin, D. & Bonvin, J-M. (2014) Children’s Rights and the Capability Approach : Challenges and Prospects (Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research), Dordrecht: Springer

Wall, J. (2016), Children's Rights: Today's Global Challenges, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield

Department for International Development

World Health Organization


Save the Children (LIBRARY)

Coram Children’s Legal Centre

Children's Rights Alliance for England