module specification

SE5065 - Consolidating Professional Identity (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Consolidating Professional Identity
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 150
42 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
72 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   5 diary entries into an e-portfolio with a 1500-2000 word reflection of progress and targets set for further development
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

This core module provides you with the opportunity to build on your professional development from Level 4 – emerging professional identity module. It extends to explore different professions related to early years as options for your future career plans. You will continue to explore this and plan how to develop the skills needed for future progression.

You will continue to reflect upon your strengths and skills, competencies and attributes and continue to build on these through reflection, openness and self-awareness, through target setting and professional development planning. Further professional attributes such as self-confidence, work ethic, dependability, adaptability, responsible, accountability, maturity and technical skills, as well as self-awareness, communication and interpersonal skills, teamwork, initiative, motivation, will be addressed to form the basis of your professional identity development. The aim is for you to recognise how you are more independent, resilient, responsible and pragmatic and to consolidate your professional identity with a sense of pride.

Reflection, and reflexivity, involving communicating with others, based upon one's own and others' skills, beliefs, understandings and views, will underpin consolidating your professional identity. You will consistently be able to demonstrate empathy and active listening skills.

To become self-confident and recognise your own skills, competencies and attributes.
To reflect upon and adjust your personal development plan and setting targets to support professional identity growth.
To reflect, and be reflexive, in evaluating your professional identity progress.
To begin to develop some of the key professional attributes, including work ethic, dependability, adaptability, responsible, accountability, maturity and technical skills.

Prior learning requirements



In this module you will evaluate your own skills competencies and attributes and will be encouraged to become self-aware and reflexive. Different reflection models will be introduced including Schon, Gibbs and Kolb, in order to help you to plan for further professional development. You will be encouraged to engage in the process of reflection, openness and self-awareness, through target setting and professional development planning, (LO1).

Further professional attributes such as self-confidence, work ethic, dependability, adaptability, responsible, accountability, maturity and technical skills, as well as self-awareness, communication and interpersonal skills, teamwork, initiative, motivation, will be addressed to form the basis of your professional identity development, (LO2).

The aim is for you to recognise how you are more independent, resilient, responsible and pragmatic and to consolidate your professional identity with a sense of pride and so, throughout the module, tutors will encourage you to consider your sense of professional identity, paying particular attention to issues of social justice (LO3).

Reflection, and reflexivity, involving communicating with others, based upon one's own and others' skills, beliefs, understandings and views, with empathy and active listening skills to develop emotional intelligence and literacy (LO3).

Activities to develop, or expand, key academic skills such as engagement, individually or with others, in analysing, critically thinking, problem-solving and research will help expand your entrepreneurial experience and begin to prepare for a range of potential career opportunities (LO2).

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

In this core module, theoretical input will be through lectures and workshops, group work and discussion. You will benefit from a blended learning approach through the use of WebLearn for supplementary materials, links to E-books, research journals and videos. Reading, research, reflection and discussion are key to teaching for all students and this will be in the context of tutor-led sessions.

Teaching and learning strategies and methods also focus on students own experiences. Weekly tasks and reflective exercises will be provided to support increased knowledge and understanding for all students. For students in placement, reflection of work-related tasks, such as observations, action research, and the use of development planning tools support the growth of practitioners’ professional competence. 

The development of transferable skills in presenting evidence, arguments and points of view to a range of audiences, through a range of media, including the use of ICT also supports digital literacy learning.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module you will be able to:

1) To reflect upon your own skills, competencies and attributes.

2) To continue to develop an evolving plan of action of how to develop and build on your skills, competencies and attributes and gain further skills, competencies and attributes to consolidate your professional identity in their chosen area.

3) To reflect and evaluate upon your progress and set targets for the next step in your professional identity development.


Alexander, E, Briggs, M, Gilson, C, Lake, G, Mitchell, H, & Swarbrick, N 2018, Professional Dialogues in the Early Years : Rediscovering early years pedagogy and principles, St Albans: Critical Publishing

Cottrell, S. (2017) Critical thinking skills: effective analysis, argument and reflection, London: Palgrave Macmillan

Fox, A. (2022) Harnessing professional development for educators: a global toolkit, Maidenhead: OUP

Ingleby, E, Oliver, G, & Winstone, R 2015, Early Childhood Studies: Enhancing Employability and Professional Practice, London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Kumar, A. (2022) Personal, Social, Academic and Career Development in Higher Education, 2nd ed., London: Routledge

McFarlane-Edmond, P. and Withers, C. (2023) Effective Practice in the Early Years. London: Sage

McLeod, N. and Giardiello, P. (eds) Abingdon: Routledge (2019) Empowering Early Childhood Educators: International Pedagogies as Provocation,

McMillan, K. (2013) How to improve your critical thinking & reflective skills (3rd ed), London: Pearson Education

McMillan, K, & Weyers, J 2021, The Study Skills Book (4th ed), Harlow: Pearson Education

Oates, R. (2020) The student practitioner in early childhood studies: an essential guide to working with children, London: Routledge

Papatheodorou, T, & Moyles, JR (eds) 2008, Learning Together in the Early Years : Exploring Relational Pedagogy, London: Taylor & Francis Group

Richards, H., Malomo, M. (2022) Developing your professional identity: A guide for working with children and families, St. Albans: Critical Publishing

Stacey, MI 2010, Teamwork and Collaboration in Early Years Settings, London: SAGE Publications