module specification

SE5W00 - Professional Placement (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Professional Placement
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 72
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   An e-Portfolio - you cannot pass on aggregate.
Coursework 50%   Placement
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Wednesday Morning

Module summary

This module prepares students for their professional placement and offers them the opportunity for assessed practice in a work setting in order to gain occupational practice recognition in early childhood. During the professional placement students undertake a range of observations and hands on practice supported by setting mentors and university supervising tutors. The taught element focuses on pedagogy, roles and responsibilities within the multidisciplinary context of early years settings.

The module and placement experience will enable students to:

• Meet the professional standard for early childhood care and education.

• Become a proficient and critically reflective practitioner.

• Further develop the necessary skills, experience and understanding required to observe, plan, deliver and review their practice across the early year’s curriculum.

• Plan for and implement a holistic and anti-bias approach to children’s play and learning.

• Work collaboratively with parents and have an understanding of working effectively in teams and with other professionals.

• Meet and promote children’s health, welfare and safety needs and the conditions that enable them to flourish.

Prior learning requirements



The module will provide students with opportunities to develop essential skills in professional practice with children from birth to six years old through work-based experience and attendance at professional studies sessions. These sessions will focus on key aspects of practice in early childhood, with communication skills, the use of ICT and working with others threaded through each topic. Students will have opportunities to reflect on their placement experiences with focussed feedback and target-setting and will collect evidence to demonstrate that the professional standards are being addressed.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The placement offers practical experience with regular observation and feedback by setting-based mentor and supervising tutor as well as observation of other practitioners.  There will be regular meetings with the setting-based mentor during the practice experience.

The weekly professional studies lectures and seminar sessions will provide opportunities for the students to discuss their practical experiences, helping them to constantly make links between their practical and their theoretical understanding, as they further develop their pedagogical approach.

Placement requirements are essential to this module and equates to 400 hours (No placement at level 4) over the academic year.  This is usually undertaken as:

      a. 2 days per week at placement plus block placements

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate that they have achieved the professional standards for Early Childhood Care and Education (See Early Years Educator (Level 3) Criteria.

2. Reflect constructively on their professional learning and set targets for the future development of their professional knowledge and skills.

3. Take initiative in observing, planning, delivering and reviewing their practice across the early years’ curriculum, taking account of children’s diverse family and cultural backgrounds.

4. Form and promote mutually respectful relationships with families, colleagues and other professionals.

5. Form and promote the necessary depth and strength of relationships with individual children and facilitate the building of relationships with and between children in groups.


Baldock, P., Fitzgerald, D. and Kay, J. (2013) Understanding Early Years Policy, London: SAGE

Campbell-Barr, V. and Leeson, C. (2016) Quality and leadership in the early years: research, theory and practice, London: SAGE

Department for Education (2021) Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage: Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five, available at: (accessed 02.11.2022)

Department for Education (2022) The role of the Early Years Special Educational Needs Coordinator, available at: 08.09.22)

Dickins, M. (2014) A to Z Of Inclusion In Early Childhood, Maidenhead: Open University Press

Equality Act 2010, chapter 15, available at: (accessed on 04.01.23)

Health and Safety Executive (2022) Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, available at: (accessed on 05.11.2022)

Kitto, E. and Bullogh, L. (2021) ‘Reflective Practice’, in Palaiologou, I. (Ed) The Early Years Foundation Stage, Theory and Practice (4th edition), London: Sage

Male, T. and Ince, A. (2021) ‘Leadership’, in Palaiologou, I. (Ed) The Early Years Foundation Stage, Theory and Practice, London: Sage

Mathers, S., Roberts, F. and Sylva, K. (2014) ‘Quality in Early Childhood Education’, in Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (Eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (6th edition), London: SAGE

McFarlane-Edmond, P. and Withers, C. (2023) Effective Practice in the Early Years. London: Sage

Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2004) The Effective provision of Pre-school (EPPE) Project: Findings from preschool to End of Key Stage 1, available at: on 05.01.2023)

Unicef (1989) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, available at: on 02.11.2023)