module specification

SH4007 - Introduction to Health & Social Care; concepts of health & well-being (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Introduction to Health & Social Care; concepts of health & well-being
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
28 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
200 hours Guided independent study
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Other 30%   Podcast
Coursework 70%   Report
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year (Spring and Summer) North Monday Morning
Year North Friday Morning

Module summary

This module aims to introduce students to contemporary contexts of healthcare and social care whilst investigating current understanding of health and wellbeing and its application to the organisation and delivery of health and social care.


 Introduction to health care in England
 Introduction to social care in England
 The concept and definitions of health (medical vs. social model)
 Roles and settings in health & social care
 Health inequalities, social inequalities and the social determinants of health
 Introduction to public health
 Introduction to epidemiology
 Introduction to health policy
 Communities and Health
 Approaches to addressing health and social care inequalities: coproduction, asset-based community development, social prescribing  and health promotion initiatives

Learning Outcomes LO 1 - 4

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The use of case studies, scenarios and narratives will be at the heart of the delivery of this module. This will allow students to examine the same scenarios in other concurrent modules and revisit these in the subsequent years of the course. The lecture and workshop programme is designed to enable students to examine key issues with regard to health and social care in order to make links between theory, health and social care policy and practice.  There will be a mixed programme to include:
• Lectures
• Interactive workshops: collaborative problem-based learning
• Observation/field trips
• WebLearn, video materials & other online educational content

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Understand different health and social care approaches and provisions
2. Identify health and social care issues within a specific population
3. Describe selected health and social care policies
4. Identify the social determinants of health and the relationship to health inequalities
