module specification

SH5F01 - Promoting Health and Wellbeing (2022/23)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2022/23
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Promoting Health and Wellbeing
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
108 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
192 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   Presentation
Coursework 60%   Essay
Running in 2022/23

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module focuses on initiatives aimed at promoting health and wellbeing of the public. It examines the local, national and international perspectives of health promotion.  The module investigates social, political and economic factors influencing health choices and the impact of recent legislative changes on health outcomes in these contexts. It is designed to enable students identify and analyse key issues influencing the promotion of health in healthcare systems and how these systems are shaped by health policies. 

Module aims

The module aims to:

• Introduce students to the principles of health promotion
• Enable students engage with the design and delivery of health promotion initiatives
• Instil an understanding of how health promotion initiatives and health outcomes are shaped by public policy initiatives
• Provide students an understanding of the key issues militating against health policy formulation, implementation and health care systems in developed and developing countries.
• Enable students to investigate different approaches to the finance, structure and provision of healthcare in different social contexts while exploring how these factors influence health outcomes.



• Planning health promoting interventions
• Evaluating health promotion interventions
• The policy context of health promotion
• Health promotion: context and contemporary trends
• Health promotion models and approaches
• Settings for health promotion
• Values and ethical issues in health promotion.
• Social marketing and communication in health promotion
• Health policy formulation and implementation process
• Comparing healthcare systems: Some key comparative criteria
• Key problems confronting health care systems in developed countries
• Key problems confronting health care systems in developing and transitional countries
• The UK healthcare system and changes in UK health policy: modernising the NHS
• Different policy approaches to paying for health care
• The digital divide and health information policy
• Health policy and the rationing of healthcare
• Evidence based health promotion and analysis of health promotion reviews and reports.
• Globalisation and health

Learning and teaching

Delivery is through a combination of:
• Small group seminar learning
• Case-study analysis
• Interactive workshops and class debates
• Practical sessions
• Weblearn, video materials & other online educational content

The use of these strategies will be complemented by students’ active engagement with the learning process as they develop their own learning style.  Students will be encouraged to engage meaningfully with these strategies through personal reflection and reflective writing, use of Weblearn, video materials and other online educational content. Students will be expected to access educational resources independently and also to work with peers outside of the formal teaching contact hours. 

Learning outcomes

On completing the module students will be able to:

1. Discuss health promotion theories and apply health promotion principles

2. Identify and use appropriate information to promote the health of individuals and groups through the design and delivery of a health promotion initiative

3. Analyse ethical issues and approaches to health promotion

4. Debate the role of social, economic and health policies in shaping health promotion and care provision in developed and developing countries

5. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of alternative approaches to financing, organising and delivering health care.

Assessment strategy

The assessment strategy is designed to prepare, engage and test a range of skills (theoretical, practical, analytical and academic) in order to assess achievement of the module learning outcomes.  Thus, assessment tools include formal and informal individual and group activities to develop knowledge and skills to undertake the summative assessments. The summative assessments include a:

  • Presentation of a proposal outlining the design for a mini health promotion initiative in weeks 11 & 12 (LO 1,2,3)
  • 2,000 words report on the implementation of the health promotion mini-project that includes reporting on the processes and application of health promotion principles in week 17 (LO 1,2,3)
  • 2,500 words essay to debate key aspects of health policy including comparative views and its impact on population health outcomes in week 30 (LO 1,4,5)


Baggott, R. (2000) Public Health Policy and Politics. Macmillan Press: London

Buse, K., Mays, N and Walt, G (2005) Making Health Policy. Understanding Public Health. Open University Press

Ewless, L., Simnett, I., (2004) Promoting health: A practical guide London: Balliere Tindall

Katz, J., Peberdy, A.,&  Douglas, J. (2000) Promoting health: knowledge and practice 2nd edition. London: Palgrave and Open University Press

Komaromy, C. (ed.) (2001) Dilemmas in UK Health Care,Buckingham: Open University Press

Naidoo, J. & Wills, J. (2003) Health Promotion. Foundations for Practice. Edinburgh, Bailliere Tindall

Naidoo, J. & Wills, J (2005) Public Health and Health Promotion: Developing practice. London: Balliere Tindall

Walt, G. (2004) Health policy: An introduction to process and power. London, Zed Books.

Online Resources
Association of Public Health Observatories

Department of Health – Health and Social Care Topics

Health Protection Agency
Kings Fund

World Health Organisation