module specification

SH7025 - Perspectives of Ageing (2018/19)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2018/19
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Perspectives of Ageing
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Social Professions
Total study hours 200
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
74 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
90 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 15%   750 Word Commentary
Coursework 85%   3500 Word essay
Running in 2018/19

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

 This module explores the unfolding of the ageing process, and the lived experiences of older people in contemporary societies, across diverse biological/physical and psychosocial domains. The module introduces students to key topics, including global ageing patterns and trends, beliefs and perceptions about ageing and older people in different cultures, major theoretical frameworks on ageing, health and social care provision for older people, social inequalities and economic security in later life.

This module aims to: -
Introduce students to key concepts, models and theories related to both individual and population ageing in contemporary societies
Foster critical reasoning and ability to apply these concepts, and relevant research skills, appropriately when working with older people or in relation to public health/social policy and practice
Help students acquire knowledge of the lived experiences of older persons
Develop relevant practical research skills which will be valuable for further study, career and employment
Allow students to appreciate ageing as a process characterised by much diversity, to critically reflect on relevant evidence, policies and services for older people
Develop a positive attitude towards health promotion for older persons
Foster a holistic view of health and well-being in later life, including its determinants

Prior learning requirements



 The module covers the following areas: -

Ageing in the UK and internationally, including demographic ageing patterns and trends, as well as the impact of these on society, for example, the provision of health and social services LO1

The definitions of ageing, beliefs, attitudes and perceptions of ageing and older people in society, as well as to the impact of discrimination against older people LO2

Relevant ethical issues in working with or conducting research with older people, including focused research issues in relation to the assessment - informed consent, interviewing, transcription, data sources and analysis LO3

Exploration of how ageing and older people are viewed in different cultures. Emphasis on reviewing major models and theoretical frameworks of ageing, including biological, psychological and social theories of ageing, their contributions, strengths and limitations LO2

Exploration of various biological/health dimensions of ageing, including cognitive ageing and dementia as both contemporary clinical/individual and public health challenges in the UK and internationally. Relevant research evidence, strategies and policies, in regard to, for example, determinants and prevention of dementia, will be examined LO2, LO3

Discussion of models of health and well-being, determinants of health, formal and informal social care arrangements in the UK, and provision of health services to older individuals LO2

Exploration of social inequalities in later life in the UK, their patterns and nature, including housing and economic security of older people, and relevant public policies LO4

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module teaching is based on weekly lectures and seminar classes, where specific group-work exercises have been developed to provide students with an opportunity to examine in more detail some of the main conceptual and methodological issues covered in lectures.

The approach to teaching is based on facilitating the application of concepts, methods and principles to practice-related contexts, and students’ integration of learning in relation to real world scenarios. This approach to teaching aims to develop students’ ability to think critically about data and evidence, and to draw appropriate inferences in accordance with the stated learning outcomes.

The above teaching methods will be complemented by students’ independent study on the module. Students will be required to read, on a weekly basis, recommended chapters in the core textbook, or to access other relevant educational material.

The module will be using WebLearn - guidance will be given during the module about how to best use this. It is designed to support students learning providing access to wider reading and resources to help to prepare for each session e.g. websites, policy documents and articles and or to revise and deepen knowledge after sessions e.g. lecture notes. Students are encouraged to use other learning resources such as the Library and Academic Mentors and WebLearn.

Learning outcomes

 On completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Discuss the implications of demographic ageing and epidemiological changes drawing on current research in relation to debates about health and social needs and provision
2. Critically analyse factors that impact on choices and options available to older people
3. Demonstrate a critical approach to methodological and ethical issues in relation to research and older people
4. Evaluate current legislation and policy issues affecting older people and relate them to people’s lived experiences

Assessment strategy

 Formative assessments will be included throughout the module for example in small-group seminar classes. This will help students build the skills required for a germane analysis.

The summative assessment on this module consists of two components: First, students are required to conduct and transcribe interviews with at least two older persons and write a 750 words commentary justifying the methodology. Second, students are required to write an essay of 3,500 words which critically analyses and evaluates the interviews conducted by the student.


 Core Text:
The Cambridge handbook of age and ageing / edited by Malcolm Johnson ; [in] association with Vern L. Bengtson, Peter G. Coleman, Thomas B.L. Kirkwood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 (Available as E-book from the Library).

Other Texts:
Lloyd, L. Health and care in ageing societies: a new international approach. Bristol : Policy Press, 2012 (Available as E-book from the Library).
