module specification

SM5095 - Writing Short Films: Introduction to Screenwriting (2025/26)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2025/26
Module title Writing Short Films: Introduction to Screenwriting
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 150
12 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
102 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   Oral presentation
Coursework 60%   Step Outline and Screenplay for approx 10 min short film of 10 pages with critical evaluation (3000 words)
Running in 2025/26

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Tuesday Afternoon

Module summary

This module provides an opportunity to study the art and craft of screenwriting via the short film. Screenwriting differs from other forms of creative writing because the screenplay is a vehicle for a production team to create a film. It requires a combination of visual imagination and engineering to create a good screenplay.  Students need to learn the clues which enable an audience to follow the story via character creation and use of action, choice of locations, the tone, the use of genre and narrative pattern of their story.  Via a mix of film analysis and writing their own script, students will have a basic grounding in this element of film production.


In this module students will look at a range of short films that best exemplify key theoretical aspects and the practical skills for writing and developing scripts. Students will examine the key characteristics of film scripts as well as the interrelations between text and performance. (LO1), (LO2)

Students will also be introduced to learn the difference between how the audience understands the film and how the writer plants to the clues for them to do that. (LO1), (LO2)

Students will have the opportunity to develop their own skills for the creation of scripts.  (LO3), (LO4)

Students will develop a critical understanding of the craft and practice of scriptwriting both theoretically and in creative practice. (LO1), (LO2)

The transferable skills developed will enable students to meet the challenges of employment in a society in which the creative industries play a central role. (LO3), (LO4)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

This module will be taught by a programme of 11 weekly sessions in the Autumn term. The entire module is 15 weeks.
The first 6 classes introduce the students to different elements of how screen stories work in order to prepare their own ideas for a short film script. This is done via short lectures and short film analysis. The later sessions are devoted to practical scripting writing via group workshops plus tutor input.
In all cases seminars will include time for small group work, individual writing and comprehension tasks (all intended to develop transferable and valuable employability skills), support from the tutor and reinforcement of weekly lecture themes. Independent learning will be encouraged and include guided reading and viewing, weekly writing tasks, and guided online research and visits to film related events where possible. Tutors will make full use of Weblearn and students will be directed to other websites and blogs of relevance and will be invited to research their own.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to

(1) Understand what are the components required to create a screenplay or film script;
(2) Learn how these components translate to the screen in order for the audience to understand the story.
(3) Demonstrate competency in group-work and in the written and oral presentation of critical and creative ideas
(4) Express a creative voice in the production of original scripts for screen.
