module specification

SM7102 - Digital Media Project Management (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Digital Media Project Management
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 200
64 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
100 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   2500 word Report
Coursework 60%   A 2,500 words Production Plan
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Friday Afternoon

Module summary

You will develop professional skills in: the management of digital projects; digital media project management methodologies; digital project planning and production life-cycle; the selection, recruitment and management of digital media teams; managing creativity; crisis management; hardware and software requirements for digital media projects; outsourcing; client handling, digital media asset management, copyright and legal issues, quality assurance procedures and localisation.


  • To enable students to critically evaluate best practice in digital media project management.
  • To enable students to effectively manage all the stages in the production of digital media projects.
  • To research, produce and apply appropriate solutions in relation to digital media project management.


Prior learning requirements


Available for Study Abroad


This module introduces students to best practice in the management of digital media projects. Students will be encouraged to research management theories and produce management solutions for digital media production problems.  Students will explore and evaluate current trends in digital media management, evaluate project planning tools and address issues in international and virtual team management.
An indicative programme of study covers the following:

  • The role of the management team in digital media productions. Project management methodologies and theories.
  • Digital media production life-cycle. Managing different types of productions. Planning techniques. Resources and task allocation.
  • Digital media team selection and recruitment. Outsourcing and freelance commissioning.
  • Team management and communication strategies. Management and leadership styles.
  • Management in the digital creative industries. Managing international, diverse and distributed teams. Managing technical and creative teams.
  • Client Management and Account Handling techniques. Managing project stakeholders.
  • Risk Assessment and Crisis Management.
  • Evaluation of project management/planning tools and software. Hardware and software requirements for a digital media production.
  • Legal issues, IP and Copyright. Content production and Digital Asset Management.
  • Quality Assurance procedures, testing and project de-briefing.
  • International perspective: localisation and translation.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Teaching methods include lectures, role-play activities and computer lab sessions, on-line learning materials and tutorials. Students will be expected to attend lectures and take part into on-line activities as well as comment on their readings. The teaching and learning strategy will adopt a problem-solving and situated approach to expose students to real-life scenarios and digital media management briefs.
A blended learning strategy will be employed to enhance the learning experience. The VLE will be used as a platform to support the overall learning and teaching strategy, with online discussions, role-play and situated learning experiences, and to facilitate formative assessment and related feedback as well as a tool to integrate useful online learning materials provided by professional organisations and other relevant sources.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module postgraduate students will be able to:

LO1 Analyse, evaluate and apply digital media project management theories, models and strategies.
LO2 Identify and evaluate resources required for the management of a digital media project.
LO3 Produce a project management plan for a digital media production
LO4    Critically analyse solutions for digital media project management problems.
