SS6001 - Development and Social Enterprise (2021/22)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2021/22 | ||||||||||||||||
Module status | DELETED (This module is no longer running) | ||||||||||||||||
Module title | Development and Social Enterprise | ||||||||||||||||
Module level | Honours (06) | ||||||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 30 | ||||||||||||||||
School | School of Social Professions | ||||||||||||||||
Total study hours | 300 | ||||||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2021/22(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
The module aims to
1. Critically examine conflicting discourses with regard to social and community enterprises
2. compare models of entrepreneurial activity focusing on those relevant to community development and the voluntary sector
3. consider the ways in which community development projects can adapt to changes in the external environment, including changing funding models and increasing requirements for non-grant related independent sources of income
4. discuss the differences / similarities between the values of CD as expressed in the UK and those by the International Association for Community Development (IACD).
5. identify ways in which success/failure can be measured in the context of community action and ethical concerns
6. enable students to situate themselves with the competing ideas and practices which are prevalent within community development and the voluntary sector
• Community Capacity Building (LO1)
• Different legal forms of social enterprise and impact on stakeholders (eg: Yunus’ Types 1 and 2) (LO3)
• Social Enterprise - established and newer forms (Community business, Community enterprise, Community Interest Company (CIC), Co-operatives, Employee-owned business, Housing Association, Development trust) (LO1)
• Political, legal, social and ethical context of the social enterprise – conflicting demands (LO3)
• Sustainable models of development for social enterprises (LO2, LO5)
• Funding models for social enterprises (LO2, LO5)
• LEAP- Learning Evaluation and Planning (LO4)
• Assessing Community Strengths (LO3, LO4)
• Community Development challenges - HIV and AIDS/Gender/Employment (LO1, LO2, LO3)
• Theories of Change, Group theory (LO6)
• Presenting a case for development, Planning and Prioritising, Budgeting, Evaluation and Risk management (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6)
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module is delivered through a mixture of lectures, seminars and workshops. The module draws on the students’ own interests to enable them to build independently on their resources. Students work independently in groups to promote their ideas for social enterprises, supported by the University’s Accelerator programme. The module encourages self-reflection through a range of supported activities, and professional development through the development and promotion of a social enterprise.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. analyse and compare competing ideas and practices concerning support of projects and individuals. (LO1)
2. select, from the diverse range of social enterprise models, ways in which community development can be progressed (LO2)
3. identify ways in which community development and practices reflect changes in the external environment and specifically in relation to social enterprises. (LO3)
4. discuss and evaluate approaches to community development. (LO4)
5. identify resources from a variety of sources including those that exist within public or private sector establishments and to appropriately reference and present the material. (LO5)
6. evaluate a proposal and build on this to develop future plans (LO6)
Assessment strategy
1. The written proposal will assess the awareness and understanding of the different perspectives on development issues and particularly those in relation to social enterprise. It will require students to have actively researched ways of raising money in a business like way. This is 3000 words.
2. Presentation to a “Dragon’s Den” panel. Students will be encouraged to discuss and test out their ideas
3. The final essay will require students to review their feedback from the “Dragon’s Den” and plans for raising money and to discuss these in terms of efficiency, social value and ethical concerns. This is 2000 words.
Core Texts
Gilchrist, A and Taylor, M, 2011, The Short Guide to Community Development Bristol: Policy Press
Ridley-Duff, R and Bull, M, 2011, Understanding Social Enterprise, Theory and Practice London: Sage
Additional texts
Gunn, R and Durkin, C, 2010, Social Entrepreneurship, a skills approach Bristol: Policy Press
Hudson, Mike (2009) Managing without profit: leadership, management and governance of third sector organisations. London: Directory of Social Change
Nicholls, Alex. 2008. Social Entrepreneurship: New models of sustainable social change. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Rogers, Jenny. 2010. "The Secret Life of Groups." in Facilitating groups. Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw Hill Education (ebook)
Pearce, J. (2003). Social enterprise in anytown. London, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Popple, K, 2015, Analysing Community Work: Theory and Practice Milton Keynes: Open University Press (e-resource)
National Council for Voluntary Organisations (2011) Income sources. Available from:
Community Development Foundation (2011) What’s Happening in your Region.Available from:
Social Enterprise UK – a range of free guides on creating social enteprises (e.g. Start Your Social Enterprise) available for download at
Social Enterprise UK offer free training and support to social enterprises
The Social Economy Student network
Locality (network for community-led organisations)
Community Development Journal
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
International Journal of Community Research and Engagement