module specification

SS6006 - Gender and Sexuality (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Gender and Sexuality
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
210 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   3,000 words essay exploring and evaluating key concepts and theories (LO1)
Coursework 50%   3,000 word case study analysis
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

 The module introduces students to the key concepts and theories relating to the social construction of gender and sexuality and their application to a range of social sectors and issues in the UK and abroad. The ways in which gender and sexuality are both constitutive of the social and are constituted through social structures, institutions and interactions are explored, as are the ways in which theories of gender and sexuality have informed the sociological study of the family, work, health, education, crime, the welfare state and politics, media and the body.
Module aims
• To introduce and critically analyse key concepts in the sociological study of gender and sexuality;
• To introduce a range of theoretical approaches to understanding the operation of gender and sexuality at the levels of social structures, social relations and social identities;
• To consider the impact of gender and sexuality across a range of social sectors and social issues;
• To consider the links and intersections between gender, sexuality and other forms of social identity and difference, including class, race, ethnicity, etc.
• To consider the social and political sources of the persistence of discrimination and inequalities on the basis of gender and sexual orientation.

Module aims



Topics LO1
Introduction to gender and sexuality LO1
Theories of gender LO1
Theories of sexuality LO1
Intersexuality LO1
Transgender and Transsexual identities LO1
Sexuality and the Law LO2, LO3
Gender and the Law LO2, LO3
Domestic Violence LO2, LO3
Sexual Violence LO2, LO3
Assessment 1 LO1
Criminalisation of homosexuality LO2, LO3
Sex work LO2, LO3
Body modification LO2, LO3
Reproductive rights and technologies LO2, LO3
Gender and education LO2, LO3
Gender and Welfare state LO2, LO3
Gender and migration LO2, LO3
Media representation LO2, LO3
Femicide LO2, LO3
Assessment 2 LO2, LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will utilise a combination of lectures, seminars, group activities and video/film on gender and sexuality. The lectures and seminars will utilise and expect students to use a wide selection of resources available to them in the library and online. Students will be encouraged to engage in class discussions analysing specific gender and sexuality issues and problems.
The lectures, readings, seminars, and class exercises are geared to prepare the students for assessment assignments. The tasks (see assessment strategy below) are aimed at ascertaining whether the student has achieved all learning Outcomes outlined above.

Learning outcomes

 On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1 Identify and describe a range of sociological concepts and theories used to explain gender and sexuality;
2 Demonstrate an understanding of how gender and/or sexuality play a part in shaping specific social sectors.
3 Critically evaluate and apply appropriate concepts and theories of gender and/or sexuality to the analysis of specific contemporary social issues and controversies.


 Core readings

Brittan, Dana (2011) The Gender of Crime, Rowman and Littlefield.
Price, Janet and M. Shildrick (eds) (1999) Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader, Routledge.
Victoria Robinson and Diane Richardson (2015) Introducing Gender and Women's Studies, 4th edition, Palgrave (e-book available via the library website).
Weeks, Jeffrey (2009) Sexuality, Routledge.
Additional readings
Adams, Rachel and D Savran (eds) (2002) The Masculinity Studies Reader,
Bird, Chloe (2008) Gender and Health, Cambridge UP.
Brah A and A Phoenix (2004) ‘Ain’t I a Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 5 (3).
Butler, Judith (1994) 'Gender as Performance: An Interview with Judith Butler',
Radical Philosophy, 67, Summer 1994.
Cohen, Anthony P. (2000). Signifying Identities: Anthropological Perspectives on
Boundaries and Contested Identities (New York: Routledge).
Dines, G and J Humez (2011) Gender, race and class in media: a critical reader,
E Breitenbach et al (eds) (2002) The Changing Politics of Gender Equality in Britain,
Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Ferguson, Susan J. (ed.) (2013) Race, gender, sexuality, and social class:
dimensions of inequality (Los Angeles: SAGE Publications).
Gauntlett, D (2008). Media, gender and identity: an introduction (London; New York:
Hines, Sally (2007) ‘(Trans) Forming Gender: Social Change and Transgender Citizenship’, Sociological Research Online, vol.12, issue 1.
Jackson, S and S Scott (2002) Gender: A Sociological Reader, Routledge.
Jones, J. (ed) (2011) Gender, sexualities and law, Routledge.
Kelan, Elisabeth (2009) Performing Gender at Work, Palgrave.
Lewis, Jane (2009) Work-Family Balance, Gender and Policy, Edward Elgar.
Mirza, Heidi (ed) (1997) Black British Feminism: A Reader, Routledge.
Pascall, Gillian (2012) Gender Equality in the Welfare State?, Policy Press.
Pilcher, Jane and I Whelehan (2004) 50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies, Sage.
Richardson, D. (2000). Rethinking Sexuality (Theory, Culture & Society), Sage.
Taylor, Yvette, Sally Hines and Mark E. Casey (eds) (2011) Theorizing Intersectionality and Sexuality, Palgrave.
Ward, T., Laws, R.D., Hudson, S.M. (eds) (2003) Sexual deviance: issues and controversies, Sage.
Wykes, Maggie and K Welsh (2009) Violence, Gender and Justice, Sage.
Young, Iris Marion (2005) On Female Body Experience, Oxford University Press.

But the main readings will appear within the week by week programme. A large amount of self-directed study will be expected at level 6.