module specification

SS7PA6 - Organised Crime and Global Security Dissertation (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Organised Crime and Global Security Dissertation
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 60
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 600
570 hours Guided independent study
30 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Dissertation 15,000 words
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Friday Morning
Summer studies North Friday Morning

Module summary

The dissertation is a triple-weighted module and is designed to provide an opportunity for you to undertake a substantial piece of research in their subject field.  The dissertation is intended to build on the taught modules of the award and is underpinned by the Research Methods module, SS7079 Criminological Research Methods. The dissertation is designed to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and skills developed throughout the award. It is the largest piece of assessed work undertaken on the award, and is seen as the clearest expression of your ability to study at Masters level.

The dissertation allows you to undertake an independent and sustained piece of research into a substantive topic of your own choosing. The dissertation
must include appropriate empirical research in the field of criminology and criminal justice. It must also be grounded in related criminological theories and relate to previous criminological research.

The dissertation has the following aims:

1. To undertake an independent investigation of one area or topic within the field of Criminology;
2. To demonstrate advanced and original application of research knowledge and skills to the proposed topic;
3. To provide an opportunity for systematic critical reflection on the research topic and its relationship to advanced scholarship in the field of study.



There will be a series of dissertation workshops to help you get organised. An initial project proposal should be submitted to the module leader by Week 6, after which individual supervisors will be allocated.

The role of the supervisor is to act as a learning resource for you. It is your responsibility to make use of that opportunity, in consultation with the supervisor. You are therefore expected to accept responsibility for the management of your learning.

1. Authorisation of formal dissertation plan (LO1)
2. Revision of dissertation plan if necessary (LO2)
3. Allocation of dissertation supervisor (LO3)
4. Dissertation workshops as necessary (LO4)
5. Personal supervision sessions (LO5)
6. Submission of dissertation (LO6)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

There will be initial workshops prior to you submitting your proposal including one-to-one support with the module leader. Following submission of the proposal and allocation of the supervisor, you can reasonably expect to obtain around nine hours of tutorial guidance from their supervisor. This includes time spent by your supervisor commenting on draft work submitted during the dissertation process.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of their chosen research topic

2. Critically evaluate their research findings

3. Be conversant with pertinent criminological theoretical frameworks

4. Have an advanced understanding of research methodology

5. Communicate their research findings in an academic style
6. Present their written work to
appropriate scholarly standards
