module specification

SS7W02 - Advanced Professional Learning (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Advanced Professional Learning
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 60
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 600
120 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
435 hours Guided independent study
45 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 30%   Students will produce a reflection on their position within their professional sector
Coursework 40%   Students will complete a portfolio documenting their professional work
Coursework 30%   Students will produce a viable doctoral research proposal
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Week -

Module summary

This module is an opportunity for students to engage gain credit for their professional knowledge and experience alongside developing their research proposal

This module will give space for students to take stock of their existing knowledge, professional networks, professional experiences and status in the sector to show the academic value of this and how it will be utilised at thesis stage.

As part of the process students will be challenged to reflect of their status and professional understanding and consider their future development needs.

The module aims are as follows:

  • To support students identify and document their professional work-based learning;
  • To provide an understanding of how professional knowledge and experience can enhance academic pursuits;
  • To nurture a self-reflective approach to professional status and knowledge;
  • To help students identify and plan a manageable but influential professional doctorate research proposal;
  • To identify future career development pathways.

This is a core module for the Dprof Crime, Policy and Security.

Prior learning requirements



Module introduction, overview of key theoretical frameworks and processes involved in identifying work-based learning (1-5)
Here students will be introduced to main concepts and processes that underpin the module. This will include understanding portfolio assessments, how to identify work-based learning.

Learning and development in a professional setting (1-3)
Here students will be supported to identify their interpersonal and professional growth over the past 10-15 years. This will be correlated with developments in policy within their sector to show the connection between the both. Students will then be challenged to identify emerging trends within their sector and consider what this might mean for professional development within their sector

Reflective practice and critical self-reflection (2-3)
Students will explore various reflective frameworks and how to apply them to their work place and their professional actions. This will include a detailed assessment of the work of theorists such as Gibbs and Kolb.

Work based research principles (4-5)
Here students will be supported to apply social science research methods to their work setting, consider what data is available to them, what research methods are appropriate to use within their sector and explore the ethical issues that they will need to address.

Designing work-based research (4-5)
Here students will be supported through small group and 1:1 sessions to understand and develop a viable research proposal.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

This module is delivered through a blended learning module that will include one intensive three day block, supported by six peer and tutor lead blended learning structured seminars throughout the year and additional individual tutorial times for each student.

Students will be required to prepare for lectures by reading the core texts and complete online activities prior to the block teaching and seminar sessions including leading part of one of the seminars.

In addition to this, students are expected to engage in independent study to prepare for and write their assignments, though tutorial space will be made available to feedback on and assignment plans. Students are encouraged to develop case studies from their own profession which can be used within the seminars as the basis for discussion and peer review. The teaching methods will include group work, lectures, guest lectures, workshops, and appraisal of audio-visual material. Recommended reading will be available to support each session. Additional electronic material and useful websites will be made available via Weblearn

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students will be able to:

  1. Identify and document their professional work placed learning
  2. Utilise their professional experience, networks and status to benefit their academic work in a reflexive way
  3. Identify career development pathways that will increase their influence
  4. Understand what would be a viable research project in their professional setting
  5. Develop a doctoral level research proposal
