module specification

SS8136 - Policing, Leadership and Ethics (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Policing, Leadership and Ethics
Module level Doctoral (08)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences
Total study hours 300
270 hours Guided independent study
30 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   5000 word essay
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Summer studies North Week All day

Module summary

Leadership per se, and leadership in policing and law enforcement,specifically in the domain of police leadership in both strategic leadership and operational policing.

This module is taught in blocks, dates for 14-15 are 9 to  11 June 2015

Prior learning requirements

Completion of 1) Research Methods I and/or Research Methods II and 2),  Police and Society and or Knowledge Based Policing I/or Knowledge Based Policing II

Module aims

The main aims of the module are

  • Continue to develop critical thinking skills
  • Provide an introduction to some aspects of policing leadership in 21st century
  • Develop and improve individual student’s discernment of different kinds of information and sources about policing leadership both in 21st century and before
  • Consider some practice, theories and models of policing leadership.


This module examines the qualities of leadership per se,and then how these are applied, adapted to or added to police leadership in both police policy making and in practical operational policing.In doing so it  also deals with

strategic police leadership
police leadership in operational policing
human resources issues within the police,
an introduction to ethics,
ethics of policing,
comparative international police structures
and  certain interrelated fundamental crime problems

Police leadership in the London Metropolitan University FSSH teaching team is covered by the module leader Professor John Grieve, drawing upon experience as former head of anti-terrorism co-ordinator for UK, former head of Metropolitan Police Racial Hatred Crime and Domestic Violence units, and former head of central police training school, and as an Independent Commissioner of the International Monitoring Commission of the Peace Process for Northern Ireland.

In addition guest/expert lecturers are deployed, including Mr Adrian Lee, Chief Constable of Hertfordshire

The leadership in the private sector as been covered by lecturers including Mr John Howell senior partner John Howell Consultants and lecturer(s) of the London Metropolitan University Business School.

Group assignments are tasked to the students throughout the module, one official and other spasmodic ad hoc assignments tasked with a time limit to complete.

Full interactive discussions on leadership and presentations by the students also form a principal ongoing component throughout the module.

Learning and teaching

Lectures and seminars and based on a collaborative process involving students' active participation. Lectures are used to provide students with a framework of information about the nature and context of research into policing, security and community safety. Where relevant, guest speakers will be invited to provide students with an overall learning strategy that is coherent, varied, stimulating, academically rigourous while remaining practically relevant.

Self directed learning allows students to explore substantive issues for themselves. Continued support and guidance will be offered during coursework and assessment. The learning is further developed through the considerable reading required. The teaching and knowledge development for this module will account for 300 hours of learning time.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to demonstrate

    An understanding of the fundamental qualities of leadership
    Strategic policing decision making
    Operational police decision making in real time situtaions
    Police leaders taking responsibility for managing diversity in order to manage difference
    Enhanced awareness of the overall direction and trends of UK and international policing
    Demonstrate an awareness of some differing ways of considering policing leadership in wider contexts
    Critically evaluate some theories and different types of source available
    Show an awareness of some differing contexts and environments in which policing leadership takes place and the possible competencies, skills and strategies required
    An enhanced ability to gather, analyse, assess and evaluate information about some theories, aspects of leadership more generally, and policing leadership in particular
    Through the above, be adequately equipped and enhanced with sufficient knowledge,  awareness of police leadership problems to enhance report compiling ability, and to enable them, to compile and complete the research necessary for the thesis of the Professional Doctorate.

Assessment strategy

This module will be assessed through a 5000 word essay that allows the student to discuss leadership within their given sector. Students will be asked to specifically focus on demonstrating how they have reflected on their own leadership abilities and what they will need to do to enhance their ability to lead and motivate those they work with


Alderson J. (1998). Principled Policing. Protecting the Public with Integrity. Winchester. UK. Waterside Press.
Allen G.W. (2001). None so blind. Chicago. USA. Ivan R. Dee.
Armstrong M. (2009). Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership. 2nd Edition. London Kogan Paul.
Ascoli D. (1979). The Queen’s Peace. London. Hamish Hamilton.
Bean. P. (2006). Drugs and Crime. Devon. Willan Publishing.
Blair I, (2009). Policing Controversy. London. Profile Books.
Grieve J. Griffiths W. Crego J. (2007) Critical Incident Management  In Newburn and Williamson EdtHandbook of Investigation
Heifetz R.A. (1994). Leadership without easy answers. Harvard USA. Belknap Harvard University Press.
Neyroud, P. and Beckley, A. (2001) Policing, Ethics and Human Rights,Cullompton: Willan
Neyroud, P (2011). Discussion paper on police leadership. London Home Office.
Paddick. B. (2008). Line of Fire. London. Simon and Schuster