module specification

ST4006 - Sport and Exercise Anatomy and Physiology (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20, but may be subject to modification
Module title Sport and Exercise Anatomy and Physiology
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
237 hours Guided independent study
63 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 15%   Practical (15 Min)
Coursework 15%   Practical written report (750 words)
Unseen Examination 30%   Multiple choice/short answer exam (anatomy) 45 minutes
Unseen Examination 40%   Multiple choice (physiology) 1 hour
Attendance Requirement 0%   Practical Attendance
Attendance Requirement 0%   Tutorial Attendance
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module is a broadly-based introduction to human anatomy and systems physiology, with a bias towards the specific interests of those studying for sports-related degrees. The module also includes background material in chemistry, biochemistry and cell biology.

Guidance notes: Students must satisfy the practical attendance requirement in order to successfully complete the module

Module aims

The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s Framework for Higher Educations Qualifications. This module aims to provide an introduction to human anatomy and physiology, as well as a preliminary foundation in relevant underlying areas of chemistry, biochemistry and cell biology. The module has a bias towards the specific interests of those studying for sports-related degrees.  Thus the principal focus in anatomy is the musculoskeletal system, together with movement analysis and the isolation of specific muscle groups.  In physiology the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems receive greatest attention.


Foundation material
Principles of chemistry: atomic structure and bonding; weak and strong bonds; polar covalent bonding; molecules; solutions; properties of water; reactions and thermodynamics
Fundamentals of biochemistry: principle categories of biochemicals, their structures and properties; introduction to metabolism; biochemical reactions and catalysis; regulation of enzymes.
Cell physiology: anatomy of the generalised cell; cell membrane, cytosol, organelles. Cell division, differentiation and speciliasation. Tissues and their classification.
Musculoskeletal  anatomy
General anatomical principles: axes, planes and levers, bones, joints & levers.  musculoskeletal anatomy. Nerves and outline of neuroanatomy of the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system
Overview of relevant concepts (e.g. biological organisation, control systems and homeostasis). Structure, function and regulation of physiological systems with emphasis on cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, gastrointestinal and urinary systems.

Learning and teaching

The first semester is devoted to anatomy and underpinning material in biochemistry and cell biology; the second to human physiology. The material is delivered by a combination of scheduled teaching and guided independent study. Scheduled teaching comprises a lecture programme, as well as related practical classes and seminars. Practical classes include both laboratory physiology exercises and also exercises in musculoskeletal anatomy and movement analysis.  Guided independent study is supported by material on Weblearn.  Anatomy teaching benefits from availability of specialised software. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning throughout the module and particularly in periodic independent-study weeks.

Students’ study responsibilities are articulated in the FLS Staff/Student Agreement which is available via the Faculty Web site.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Understand general principles of chemistry, biochemistry and cell biology at a level sufficient to support subsequent study of physiological systems
2. Demonstrate a knowledge of the gross anatomy of the human skeletal, muscular and nervous systems, including functional aspects
3. Have a factual knowledge of structure and function in the various physiological systems, with an emphasis on those important to sports performance
4. Competently carry out some simple practical anatomical and physiological exercises, and provide coherent written reports

Assessment strategy

Achievement of the learning outcomes is assessed through a combination of coursework and examinations. Summative coursework will consist of one practical written report (750 words, Learning Outcomes 1,3,4) arising from experimental work carried out in the laboratory; a multiple choice physiology exam (1 hour,) as well as a practical sport and exercise anatomy examination (15 minutes, Learning Outcome 2 – verbal skills), And an anatomy written unseen multiple choice and short answer exam (45 minutes); Learning Outcomes 1,2,3). An aggregate mark of 40% or more is required to pass this module. Sports Therapy and Sports and Dance Therapy students need to achieve an aggregate mark of 40% or above in the anatomy written and practical exams combined to pass the module overall. There is an attendance requirement for the practical sessions. Failure to meet this requirement can prevent the student progressing and will require the attendance component of the module to be re-sat at the earliest opportunity. In the event of a student needing to re-sit this component they will be contacted by their Module Leader who will inform them of exactly what sessions must be re-attended. Once the re-attendance has been successfully completed the Module Leader will action the release of their module mark.  Formative assessment opportunities are provided on-line.


Biel, A. (2011) Trail Guide to the Body (4th Ed.) Books of Discovery (ISBN 978-0982663400) Drake, R. L. Vogl, W. & Mitchell, A. W. M. (2009) Gray’s Anatomy for Students (2nd Ed.) Churchill Livingstone. (ISBN 978-0443069529)
Field, D. & Owen, J. (2006) Field’s Anatomy: Palpation and Surface Markings (4th Ed.) Butterworth Heinemann. (ISBN 978-0750688482)
Kenney, W.L., Wilmore, J.H. & Costill, D. (2011). Physiology of Sport & Exercise (5th Ed). Human Kinetics. (ISBN 978-0736094092)
McArdle, W.D., Katch, F.I. & Katch, V.L. (2009). Exercise Physiology (7th Ed). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. (ISBN 978-1608318599) [CORE]
Marieb, E.N. & Hoehn, K.N. (2010). Human Anatomy & Physiology (8th Ed). Pearson Education. (ISBN 978-0321584199)
Martini, F.H., Nath, J.L  & Bartholomew, E.F. (2011). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology (9th Ed). Pearson Education. (ISBN 978-0321761033)
Palastanga, N.,  Soames, R.W. & Field, D. (2006) Anatomy & Human Movement: Structure & Function (5th Ed.) Butterworth & Heinemann. (ISBN 978-0750688147)
Peterson, O.H. (Ed.) (2006) Lecture Notes: Human Physiology (5th Ed). Wiley-Blackwell. (ISBN 978-1405136518)
Stone RJ, and Stone JA (2011) Atlas of Skeletal Muscles (7th Ed), McGraw-Hill Higher Education. (ISBN 978-0073378169) [CORE]
Widmeier, E.P., Raff, H. & Strang, K.T. (2010). Vander’s Human Physiology (12th Ed). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.  (ISBN 978-0071222150)