module specification

ST4008 - Foundations of Sport Psychology and Coaching (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Foundations of Sport Psychology and Coaching
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
105 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
180 hours Guided independent study
15 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Unseen Examination 15%   Progress Tests 30 minutes Based on coaching and sociology elements
Unseen Examination 15%   Progress Tests 30 minutes Based on sport psychology and health and exercise elements
Practical Assessment 40%   Practical coaching and/or teaching demonstration (20-25 minute), to include session plan submission (equivalent to maxim
Coursework 30%   Reflective report, including reference to the practical demonstration and linking theory to practice (1500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module intends to introduce students to basic principles in a range of areas, which will be critical to development of a true understanding of sports performance and participation. These basic principles will primarily feature sport psychology and coaching. The module will primarily develop an understanding of the impact that psychological state has on both performance and participation; as well as the most effective way to develop a sound coaching/teaching knowledge base and pedagogy.

In addition, parts of the module will focus on sociology of sport and health related aspects of sport and exercise, referring to the sociological value of sport and how this links to coaching and teaching pedagogy; plus coverage of health related aspects, showing how sport and exercise can benefit our physical condition and psychological wellbeing.


• Coaching structure LO1,LO3,LO5
• Coaching roles and pedagogy LO1,LO3,LO5
• Skill acquisition LO1, LO3
• Long term athlete development LO1, LO3
• Child protection in sport LO1, LO3, LO5
• Risk assessment LO1,LO3
• Sociology in sport LO1, LO3, LO5
• Introduction to sport psychology (goal setting, concentration, anxiety and stress) LO1, LO4
• Introduction to sport psychology (confidence, imagery, leadership) LO1, LO4
• Health related sport and exercise LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5
• Reflective practice LO1,LO2,LO3,LO4

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Lectures will be used to present and develop core material, practicals will be used to demonstrate and allow students to apply concepts taught in lectures/tutorials and develop their experiential learning, tutorial sessions will be used to support the lecture material and allow the students to engage in the material using problem-solving skills and directed learning will be used to develop an understanding beyond the material given in lectures. It will include exercises set within the lecture and tutorial sessions and involve using the web and library resources.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Appreciate the role of physical activitity in the wider curriculum
2. Reflect on their own and others learning
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the essentials of coaching and coach development
4. Demonstrate an understanding of psychological impact in sport and the use of mental skills
5. Appreciate both the sociological and health related roles that sport plays


Key texts:
• Cassidy, T and Jones, R L and Potrac, P. (2004) Understanding sports coaching: The social, cultural and pedagogical foundations of coaching practice. London: Routledge
• Kidman, L. & Hanrahan, S. (2011)  The Coaching process: A practical guide to becoming an effective sports coach. Abingdon, Routledge
• Weinberg, R.S. and Gould, D. (2014) Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. 6th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Other texts:
AfPE (2008) Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sport, Coachwise Ltd.
• Balyi, I & Willimas, C. (2009) Coaching the young developing performer. SportsCoach UK
• Capel, S. (2004) Learning to Teach Physical Education in Secondary Schools: A Student Teacher’s Guide to Professional Issues in Secondary Education, Open University Press
• Cross, Neville, & Lyle, J. (Editors) (1999). The coaching process - principles and practice for sport.  Butterworth Heinemann
• Jones, R L (ed.) (2005) The sports coach as educator: Reconceptualising sports coaching. London: Routledge.
• Kirkland, S., Sharma, A & Patel, M. (2010) Equity in your coaching. SportsCoach UK   
• Lee, M. (2007). Coaching children in sport: Principles and Practice (Kindle edition). Sport Press.
• O’Neill, J, Breckon, P & Capel, S. (2006) A Practical Guide to Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School, Routledge Teaching Guides.
• Redhead, D, Sommerville, H & Waring, G. (2005) FUNdamental Movement Ideas for Early Years: Activity Guide, British Gymnastics

Journals:  Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
                 The Sport Psychologist
                 Journal of Sports Science
                 British Journal of Physical Education
                 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
                 The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education

Websites: sports coach UK (
                 Youth Sport Trust (
                 National Curriculum Online (