module specification

ST4F01 - Anatomy and Physiology for Sport and Exercise (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Anatomy and Physiology for Sport and Exercise
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
210 hours Guided independent study
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
In-Course Test 30%   Quizzes
Unseen Examination 20%   Multiple Choice Exam
Coursework 25%   Essay
Coursework 25%   Practical Written Report
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module is designed to develop an introduction to both anatomy and exercise physiology, helping learners develop a baseline understanding for those with an interest in studying for sports-related degrees. Included in the module is a background on key anatomical structures and systems of the body, as well as how the body’s physiology works to allow sport and exercise performance.

Module aims

The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s Framework for Higher Educations Qualifications. The module aims to build upon and develop learner’s baseline understanding of anatomy and exercise physiology focusing specifically for those studying for sports related degrees. With this in mind, the anatomy module provides learners knowledge of the structures and functions of the major systems in the body, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, muscular and neuromuscular systems, including how some of these systems contribute to movement. The exercise physiology module’s focus is on how the systems covered in anatomy operate during exercise, and learners gain laboratory based experience through carrying out simple tests to assess the learning outcomes. Through doing so, learners gain key employability skills related to being able to carry out physiological tests in a laboratory setting.


Anatomy Content
Cardiovascular System: Structure, blood, vasculature, cardiac cycle, thermoregulation, vascular shunt, skeletal muscle pump, sympathetic and parasympathetic control of the heart, blood pressure and baroreceptors; Respiratory System: Structure, neural and chemical control of breathing, chemoreceptors, respiratory volumes, mechanics of breathing and transport of gases; Muscular System: Location, origin, insertion, function of the major muscles; sliding filament theory, muscle fibre types, muscle types (cardiac, smooth, skeletal) and muscular contractions (concentric, eccentric, isometric and isokinetic); Skeletal System: Joints, levers, movement types, planes and axis of movement, location of major bones and ossification; Neuromuscular System: Structure of the nervous system, neuromuscular control of movement, central nervous system and peripheral nervous system outline, stretch shortening cycle, motor units, muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs and proprioceptors; Endocrine System: Adrenaline, noradrenaline, growth hormone, thyroid, hormones, corticosteroids, catecholamine’s, insulin and glucagon; Structure of Cells: Cell membrane, cytosol and organelles.

Exercise Physiology Content
Acute and chronic responses of exercise on the body: Cardiovascular Responses: Cardiac hypertrophy, stroke volume, cardiac output, resting heart rate, blood volume, capillarisation, and blood pressure; Respiratory Responses: Minute ventilation, respiratory muscles, resting lung volumes, oxygen diffusion rate, and Valsalva manoeuvre; Neuromuscular Responses: Hypertrophy, tendon strength, myoglobin stores, mitochondria, storage of glycogen and triglycerides, and neural pathways; Energy System’s Responses: ATP, the energy systems (ATP-PC system, lactic acid system, aerobic system) including reactions and effects of chronic and acute exercise on the energy systems; Endocrine System: General responses of the hormones covered in anatomy content to chronic and acute exercise; Laboratory Tests: One Repetition Max (1RM), Wingate Test and submaximal VO2, in accordance with health and safety standards including a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

Learning and teaching

The first semester of this module is dedicated to basic anatomy and physiology of the major systems in the body giving learners initial knowledge to complete semester two based on the physiology of these systems during exercise. The module material is delivered to learners using a combination of scheduled teaching and guided independent study. Scheduled teaching comprises a lecture programme, as well as related practical classes and seminars. Practical classes include both laboratory physiology exercises and also exercises in musculoskeletal anatomy and movement analysis. Guided independent study is supported by material on Moodle. Anatomy teaching benefits from availability of specialised software. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning throughout the module and particularly in periodic independent-study weeks. During induction, students are shown how to use ProMonitor, available from MyCandi which allows them to monitor their progress, record their personalised learning goals, and reflect on their learning through the ability to record comments on their personalised learning plan page throughout the year.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Understand the structures and functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
2. Demonstrate a knowledge of the gross anatomy of the human skeleton, muscular and nervous systems, including how they affect movement
3. Show knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles regarding the effect of exercise on the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, neuromuscular, and energy systems
4. Competently conduct simple, laboratory physiological tests and provide coherent written reports on their findings

Assessment strategy

Achievement of the learning outcomes is assessed through a variety of methods including, practical written report (25%), coursework (25%), and exam/quizzes (50%). A multiple choice, unseen examination will be set (45 minutes; Learning Outcome 1) and quizzes (3 quizzes, 15 minutes each; Learning Outcome 2). Summative coursework will consist of one written report (1500 words; Learning Outcome 3). The practical written report will arise from experimental work carried out in the laboratory (1500 words; Learning Outcome 4). An aggregate mark of 40% or more is required to pass this module.


Essential Reading:

Marieb, E.N. & Hoehn, K.N. (2013). Human Anatomy & Physiology (8th Ed). Pearson Education.

Recommended Reading:
Kenney, W.L., Wilmore, J.H. & Costill, D. (2011). Physiology of Sport & Exercise (5th Ed). Human Kinetics.

Stone RJ, and Stone JA (2011).  Atlas of Skeletal Muscles (7th Ed). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Widmeier, E.P., Raff, H. & Strang, K.T. (2014).  Vander’s Human Physiology (13th Ed). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Journal of Applied Physiology
Journal of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise