module specification

ST4F03 - Sports Conditioning and Testing (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Sports Conditioning and Testing
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
210 hours Guided independent study
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Unseen Examination 40%   Short answer unseen exam (1 hour)
Coursework 30%   Practical fitness assessment (30mins)
Coursework 30%   Practical written report (1500 words)
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This unit provides theoretical and practical coverage of different training regimes, as well as an introduction to the safe and efficient usage of the gymnasium. There is a strong emphasis on the scientific structure of training in regards to strength, power, endurance, flexibility and functional training. This module also includes the practical application of field tests for athletic performance and how to interpret and apply the acquired data.

Module aims

In this module students should gain an understanding of the importance of safe and efficient usage of the gymnasium. They should also develop confidence in carrying out exercises and using equipment in the gymnasium. The theoretical basis of the various components of physical exercise training such as; strength, power, endurance, flexibility and functional training will be developed. Students will then build upon this knowledge by applying and developing an understanding of how to carry out relevant field tests for physical performance. The practical skills they develop will also improve their employability in the sports and health areas and give them background knowledge on parts of the UKSCA and NSCA accreditation processes. In addition, students will also develop both the ability to measure, analyse and report field test data in a scientific format as well as to clearly communicate data relevant to allied professionals such as coaches and trainers.


The syllabus will Introduce students to exercise training principles: frequency, duration, intensity and mode and demonstrate how to structure training regimes: periodisation, peaking, macro, meso and micro cycles. Particular focus will be placed on training for strength, power, speed, flexibility and endurance in specific sports. There will be an additional introduction to functional training concepts and practises. There is a strong focus in this module on introducing practical skills and techniques in weightlifting, speed, agility and plyometrics in line with the UKSCA to develop coaching capabilities.

Focus then shifts towards field-testing with emphasis on movement screening, flexibility, strength, power, reactive strength index, eccentric strength utilisation ratio, anaerobic power, agility and acceleration. Principles of validity and reliability of field test procedures and information on the Interpretation of data and quantifying to normative data are then worked on.

Learning and teaching

The first semester is devoted to the theoretical principles of training, and their application in a practical setting. The second semester focuses on the purpose of field tests for athletes and their interpretation and application. The material is delivered by a combination of scheduled teaching and guided independent study. Teaching comprises of a seminar programme and practical classes. Practical classes include gym and field based exercise sessions, as well as physical exercise testing. Guided independent study is supported by material on moodle as well as a variety of worksheets and journal articles for self-directed learning. During induction, students are shown how to use ProMonitor, available from MyCandi which allows them to monitor their progress, record their personalised learning goals, and reflect on their learning through the ability to record comments on their personalised learning plan page throughout the year.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a factual knowledge of the underlying concepts of training principles
2. Understand the theoretical basis of the components of physical exercise performance
3. Competently carry out a variety of physical assessments for sports performance
4. Demonstrate an ability to interpret data and sensitively feedback information
5. Provide a coherent written report based on a variety of physical assessment results

Assessment strategy

Achievement of the learning outcomes is assessed through a combination of coursework (60%) and unseen examination (40%). Summative coursework will consist of a practical assessing competence in carrying out a variety of physical fitness assessments (30 minutes, Learning Outcomes 3 and 4 in part) and a written report based on physical assessment findings from class based field testing (30% Learning Outcomes 5 and 4 in part). A written unseen exam will also be set (1 hour, Learning Outcomes 1, 2).  An aggregate mark of 40% or more is required to pass this module.


Essential Reading:
Baechle, T.R. and Earle, R.W., Editors (2008). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, (3rd edition). Human Kinetics.

Recommended Reading:
Bompa, T.  and Haff, G. (2005) Periodization: Theory and Methodology of training, Human Kinetics

Newton, H. (2010). Explosive Lifting for Sports :Enhanced Edition. Champaign,IL : Human  Kinetics.

Tanner, R. and Gore, C. (2013) Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes. (2nd edition). Human Kinetics

Journal of Sports Science
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strength and Conditioning Journal
Professional Journal of Strength and conditioning UKSCA