module specification

ST5012 - Sports and Dance Rehabilitation (2022/23)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2022/23
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Sports and Dance Rehabilitation
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
79 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
60 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
161 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 50% 40 Seen Early to Intermediate Scenario (25 mins)
Practical Assessment 50% 40 Seen Late to Pre-discharge Scenario (35 mins)
Attendance Requirement 0%   Practical Attendance Requirement
Running in 2022/23

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Friday All day
Year North Friday Morning

Module summary

This module develops students’ ability to research, plan, provide and justify an appropriate rehabilitation programme for the early, intermediate, late and pre-discharge stages of sports and dance injuries. This module serves the BSc Sports and Dance Therapy pathway only.

Aims of the module:

The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s, Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. More specifically, it aims to provide students with academic knowledge and understanding to plan a safe and effective rehabilitation programme suitable for the initial response, acute, sub-acute and remodelling stages of injury healing.

Students will develop critical analysis skills in an oral context and develop awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses in a rehabilitation setting. Students will gain the underpinning knowledge and practical ability to screen for injuries, interpret the findings and implement a prehabilitation programme to help reduce the risk of injury. Students will be able to plan, implement and deliver rehabilitation and remedial programmes suitable for the early, intermediate, late and pre-discharge stages of any common sports or dance injury.

The module also seeks to develop competence in discussion and oral presentation encouraging clarity of presentation and scientific rigour, transferable tools often used in many employment settings and which will facilitate progression to higher level modules.

Prior learning requirements

ST4007 Foundations of Sports Therapy

Module aims




- Theory of the acute inflammatory response to injury and tissue healing LO1, LO2
- Principles and application of treatment for immediate response to injury (ice, compressions) LO1, LO2
- Treatment modalities of early and intermediate stages LO1, LO2
- Gait re-education and the use of ambulatory aids LO1, LO2
- Principles of progressions through a rehabilitation programme based on pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
- Group rehabilitation exercises and settings LO6
- Principles of hydrotherapeutic exercise LO1, LO2, LO5
- Health and safety issues LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6

- Proprioception and balance LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6

- Protective equipment (e.g. splints, braces, casts) LO3, LO4, LO5 
- Late and functional rehabilitation programmes principles and practice LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
- Pre-discharge examination – principles and practice LO6
- PNF stretching and patterns LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
- Prophylactic strapping and taping LO5
- Prehabilitation and screening LO4, LO5, LO6
- Psychology of injury LO4, LO5, LO6
- Dance specific rehabilitation methods LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The learning and teaching strategy will incorporate a blended learning approach including taught lectures, small/large group work, role playing, online quizzes, videos, text books and journal articles.

The students will be participating in oral peer review exercises and will have the opportunity to reflect on these situations so as to enhance personal development.  There will also be the opportunity to reflect in groups and as individuals on practical scenarios and go onto implement planned improvements.

Students’ study responsibilities are articulated in the SSH Staff/Student Agreement which is available via the school website.

Learning and teaching



Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Screen, plan, prepare and apply appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programmes for the early to intermediate phases of sports rehabilitation
2. Justify treatment and rehabilitation modalities for early to intermediate sports rehabilitation
3. Evaluate current research of key areas of rehabilitation approaches to common sports and dance injuries
4. Screen, plan, prepare and deliver appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programmes for the late through to the functional phase of any sporting injury, including chronic, overuse injures
5. Identify, justify and differentiate treatment and rehabilitation modalities for late through to functional stages of injury healing, including chronic, overuse injures including prehabilitation considerations
6. Plan, prepare and demonstrate a pre-discharge assessment for any injury across the sporting and dance spectrum

Assessment strategy

The assessment strategy will include a 1,400 word literature review that will require students to critique current rehabilitation articles. Practical assessment (1) will use examiner-chosen topics for a seen scenario where the students will be required to plan, prepare and deliver a rehabilitation programme for early or intermediate rehabilitation and will run for 25 minutes and will include a viva where the student will justify their rehabilitation choices. Practical assessment (2) will use a seen scenario that the student will use to plan and implement a late/pre-discharge rehabilitation programme. A list of relevant research will need to be handed in one week prior to the exam which will then be used during the viva section to evaluate the research and differentiate between identified rehabilitation modalities. The assessment will run for 45 minutes.  

Students must obtain at least 40% to pass this module. In addition students must normally obtain at least 35% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 35% and 39% may be compensated by other components if the performance in practical components is safe. If the module is passed on reassessment, then the maximum mark awarded will be 40%. Satisfactory attendance must be achieved for progression from this module to be awarded.

Satisfactory competency related attendance must be achieved for progression from this module to be awarded.



Core Text:

Prentice. W.E (2015) Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training, 6th edition. New Jersey: SLACK Incorporated

Other Texts:

Alter, M.J. (2014) Science of flexibility. Illionois: Human Kinetics

Andrews, J.R. Harrelson G.L and Wilk, K.E (2012) Physical rehabilitation of the injured athlete, 4th Edition. London: W.B. Saunders Company

Arnheim, D. D and Prentice, W.E (2010) Principles of athletic training (14th edition) Boston: McGraw-Hill

Hutchinson, M. Brukner, P. Khan, K. Clarsen, B. McCrory, P. Cools, A. Crossely, K. Cook, J and Bahr. R (2016) Brukner & Khan’s clinical sports medicine: Volume 1 injures. New York: McGraw-Hill Education

Joyce, D (2016) Sports injury preventation and rehabilitation Abingdon: Routledge

Knight, K.E (1995) Cryotherapy in sports injury management. Illinois: Human Kinetics, Illinois

Schmidt, R.A and Wrisberg, C.A (2008) Motor Learning and Performance: A situation-based learning approach, 4th edition. Illinois: Human Kinetics