module specification

ST5F02 - Community Football Coaching II (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20, but may be subject to modification
Module title Community Football Coaching II
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
210 hours Guided independent study
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Examination 20%   Practical assessment of coaching (20mins)
Practical Examination 20%   Practical assessment of coaching (20mins)
Practical Examination 40%   Practical assessment of coaching (40mins)
Coursework 20%   Reflection on coaching performance (1000 words)
Attendance Requirement 0%   Learners must attend 80% of practical coaching sessions
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module will develop the introductory coaching practices that were developed in Community Football Coaching I and provide the learners with advanced coaching practices that will be utilised during their work placement in a secondary school setting.  Learners will enhance their understanding of coaching practices and theories to enable them to plan and deliver differentiated coaching sessions to groups of mixed ability secondary school children.  Learners will explore coaching theories associated with football, as well as techniques to manage group behaviour and strategies to increase participant engagement.  Students will experience a variety of real life challenges in their work experience placements and will have to adapt to these, challenging the players appropriately.  Emphasis will be placed on assessing the players’ learning and allowing players the opportunity to feedback to the coach information they have learnt.  Learners will critically evaluate their performance and progression as a football coach using theories related with being a reflective practitioner and produce a plan that will enhance their abilities as a football coach and their careers.

Prior learning requirements

Community Football Coaching I

Module aims

Learners will enhance the theoretical knowledge related to coaching and learning and provide a platform for learners to integrate the knowledge gained on the foundation degree to enhance their coaching performance.  The module aims to enable students to apply and develop their own skills, knowledge and experience to facilitate progression throughout their coaching sessions, and to consider adaptations in future session plans and schemes of work where necessary.  Learners will combine the knowledge, skills and professional attributes they have attained on the course to enhance the experiences of their participants.  During the module students have the opportunity to plan a sequence of coaching sessions that are appropriate to a specific group, taking into consideration the standard and needs of the group.  Learners will be able to use multiple sources of information to reflect on their performance as a football coach.  Completion of this module will enable coaches to plan for their career and to improve their performance as a coach in order to enhance the learners employability opportunities beyond the foundation degree.


1. Session planning

Plan coaching sessions considering differentiation based on the ability, age and motivation of the group; making reference to assessment for learning and how it can be assessed; strategies for maintaining players involvement/engagement in practical sessions; strategies for maintaining appropriate learner behaviour.
Schemes of work, session plans which should include Schema theory, Games for Understanding theory, Skill Acquisition and conditioning theories.

2. Session delivery
Combining technical practices appropriate for secondary school children; learner participation in the feedback (giving and receiving feedback to/ from players); learner participation in assessing learning, coaches apply creativity and self-expression in sessions; learners apply content above (1. Session planning).

3. Critical reflection
Students will learn how to monitor and evaluate performance; evaluation of own performance; theories of reflection; the learning cycle; sources of feedback and how it can be used to reflect; professional development planning; professional qualifications; governing/professional bodies; SMART targets.

4. Operational elements of Arsenal in the Community
Including partnerships; funding; monitoring and evaluation; challenging behaviour; tournaments and competitions; budgeting; Soccer School organisation and management.

Learning and teaching

The first semester is devoted to developing the underpinning skills relating to football coaching including teaching and learning, differentiation, managing learner behaviour and equality and diversity.  Learners will coach their peers to develop coaching techniques in preparation for their work experience placement.  The delivery of the module will be a blend of scheduled teaching, practical application and independent study.  Scheduled teaching will comprise of lectures.  Practical application will consist of learners coaching their peers and participation in Arsenal in the community coaching sessions.  Resources on Moodle will support independent study.  Learners will be encouraged to reflect on and enhance their own learning by reflecting on their own performance.  During induction, students are shown how to use ProMonitor, available from MyCandi which allows them to monitor their progress, record their personalised learning goals, and reflect on their learning through the ability to record comments on their personalised learning plan page throughout the year.

Learning outcomes

1. Plan for and maintain a coaching environment that promotes high standards of teaching and learning, differentiation, learner behaviour and equality and diversity.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical underpinning of coaching and skill acquisition, when completing session plans and coaching programmes.
3. Independently deliver two coaching sessions appropriate to a group of mixed ability secondary school learners (at least one of which must be delivered during work placement).
4. Critically reflect on their coaching performance evaluating their strengths and weakness as a coach and the impact this had on the participants.
5. Create a professional development plan to improve coaching practice and enhance career potential within coaching/teaching.

Assessment strategy

Learning outcomes will be assessed via a combination of practical (80%) and written assessments (20%).  Summative assessment will consist of two 20minute practical assessments (amongst peers) and one 40minute coaching session delivered on placement.  This will be accompanied by a 1000 word reflection on the performance as a Community Football Coach.  Learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 will be assessed in the practically, while learning outcome 4 will be assessed via the written assessment.  An aggregate mark of 40% or higher is required to pass this module.  An attendance component is attached to this module to match the expectation of the professional workplace, learners must attend 80% of practical sessions to pass the module.  Learners with mitigating circumstances will be able to resit this component over the summer, if it is agreed by the course tutor.


Essential reading:
Martens, R (2012).  Successful Coaching, forth edition.  Human Kinetics

Recommended reading:
Charles, T. and Rook, S. (2011).  101 Youth Football Coaching Sessions (101 Drills).  A & C Black Publishers Ltd

Gatz, G. (2009).  Complete Conditioning for Soccer.  Human Kinetics

Lyle, J. and Cushions, C. (2010).  Sports Coaching: professionalisation and practice, first edition.  Churchill Livingstone

McMorris, T. and Hale, T. (2006). Coaching Science: Theory into Practice.  John Wiley & Sons Ltd, England.

Williams, M.A. (2012).  Science and Soccer: Developing Elite Performers, 3rd edition. Routledge


International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching
International Journal of Coaching Science
International Sports Coaching Journal
Sports Coaching review