module specification

ST5F06 - Training and Conditioning (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Training and Conditioning
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
64 hours Placement / study abroad
146 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Programming Tasks x 4 (total 2000 words) Due weeks 6/8/10/13
Coursework 50%   Report on Industry Placement (2000 words)
Attendance Requirement 0%   Attendance at placement and/or simulated 8 weeks x 8 hours per week
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This unit covers advanced exercise techniques, anaerobic and aerobic exercise prescription, Speed, Agility and plyometrics. There is a work based learning component that requires the student to experience the personal training and/or strength and conditioning arena. This will allow the student to develop industry links and critically evaluate the placement. Students further develop personal training skills, improve practical skills and widen the scope of their practice.  The major focus will be on future career development and progression within the industry.

Module aims

Aims of this module include a continuation of different training modes and creative methods of resistance training. The students will use plyometric and speed and agility training information in programming for advanced athletes and clients. All information delivered in this module will be applied to the strength and conditioning and personal training industries. This is relevant to future employment opportunities and industry requirements. With this in mind, the students are tasked to reflect on their exit routes out of the course and how to progress to meet their personal goals.


This module should include advanced training modes, frequency, order, sets/reps, continuum, volume, intensity for programming. Both plyometric, speed and agility training will be covered to an advanced physiological level. Professional conduct guidelines and how to assess the student’s own strengths and weaknesses to improve their performance will be investigated. Progression routes will be discussed and highlighted. This module includes development of NSCA and UKSCA elements.

Learning and teaching

The theory will be delivered in lectures supported by practical sessions in a gym environment.
These lectures will cover strength and conditioning theory including aerobic and anaerobic training. This allows the students to develop scientific knowledge in order to programme at higher levels.

Work based learning will be covered both in professional practice and in a simulated environment in a gymnasium. The students will reflect on this work experience and formulate exits routes at the end of the foundation degree.

Moodle VLE will be used by the students to shore up the knowledge base being developed. Including journal searches and other sources of information available 24 hours.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit students will:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of advanced training concepts by programming advanced training regimes with due regard for professional guidelines (programming in this instance is the production of coherent and achievable exercise plans)
2. Show evidence of self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses as a personal trainer and or strength and conditioning specialist
3. Investigate and scrutinise various options available after completion of the course, and of what route/s of progression are available
4. Improving own learning and performance and have the ability to apply updated periodisation programming skills appropriate to I-Level: use their plan, seeking feedback and support from relevant sources, to help meet targets; seek information from relevant sources to establish evidence of their achievements, when reviewing progress

Assessment strategy

A report on the industry chosen by the student will cover the Personal Training and/or Strength and Conditioning Industry (50% Learning outcomes 2,3,4). The work placement must consist of a minimum 20 hours in the industry chosen by the student. The subsequent 44 hours can be simulated within City and Islington College if the tutor agrees that this will be more applicable to the student exit route or learning plan.
The student will programme four tasks that will cover the advanced training aspect of this module (50% learning outcome 1).
The mandatory attendance requirement (i.e. 8 weeks x 8 hours per week) at work placements is necessary for the vocational nature of the FDSc.


Essential Reading
Baechle, T.R. & Earle, R.W., Editors (2008). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, (3rd edition). Human Kinetics

Recommended Reading
Bates,M. (2008) Health Fitness Management. (2nd Ed) Human Kinetics
Brown, L. & Ferrigno, V. (2005) Training for Speed, Agility and Quickness: Training Drills for Peak Performance. (2nd Edition) Human Kinetics
Fleck, S.J. & Kraemer W.J. (2004) Designing resistance training programs, (3rd Edition). Human Kinetics
Gamble P. (2009) Strength and Conditioning for Team Sports: Sport-Specific Physical Preparation for High Performance. Routledge
Mcneely, E. (2006) Power Plyometrics – the complete program. Meyer and Meyer

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strength and Conditioning Journal
Professional Journal of Strength and Conditioning UKSCA
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise