module specification

ST6012 - Advanced Sports and Dance Therapy (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Advanced Sports and Dance Therapy
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
94 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
206 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 0%   3 x 15 min practical assessments of special tests / manual therapy techniques
Coursework 50%   2000 word coursework of manual therapy case notes
Practical Assessment 50%   30 minute viva
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module allows students to integrate their knowledge gained throughout their degree and combines this with new skills and knowledge developed within their final year.
The module focuses on vertebral mobilisations, introduces the students to aspects of sports medicine and continually develops the student’s ability to critically reason, interpret and produce treatment plans based on case notes of specific sports and dance injuries.

Prior learning requirements


Module aims

This module aims to develop the student's understanding of the concepts of manual therapy techniques and their applications for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and sacroiliac joints. Students will additionally develop the ability to clinically reason and critically consider athlete information in a sporting and dancing context. The student will be able to safely examine and treat an athlete with spinal dysfunction.
This module additionally aims to provide the student with a level of knowledge and understanding appropriate to a graduate Sports and Dance Therapist. The module will enable the students to develop a deeper understanding of sports and dance injury assessment and treatment and therefore, improve their application of theory to practice.
The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s Framework for Higher Educations Qualifications.


This module will cover:
Assessment, functional & applied anatomy, common conditions, problems and treatments of all joints and areas of the human body.
Research into differentiation tests and clinical reasoning of patient information
‘Sports medicine’ lectures - for example, disability in sport, applied dance psychology, sports and dance nutrition, rehabilitation and training - current concepts and principles, the effects of exercise on diseases and special populations, e.g. the female athlete, cardiac disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes.
This module will also address:
Peripheral and spinal nerves
Philosophies of manual therapy practice related to the spinal column
Manual therapy techniques for the vertebral joints
The clinical reasoning process for diagnosis formation, treatment planning and progression for spinal dysfunction in athletes.
Student Development Weeks will be scheduled as part of module teaching programmes to provide opportunities for reflective engagement with feedback, career preparation and employability development activities, conferences by students and for students, or programme planning advice. Personal Development Planning (PDP) will be embedded in activities and assessments to encourage and emphasise reflection on learning goals and outcomes, to plan ways to address their learning development needs and to capture their learning achievements, using processes and formats appropriate to the subject (for example, learning journals, eportfolios, annotated sketchbooks, case books, skills audits, reflective commentaries, graduation statements).

Learning and teaching

The module content is provided via lectures, seminars and practical lessons. Case studies are given where students relate assessment information to diagnoses. Practical lessons are in small, supervised groups, where they practice clinical skills with support and reflection from peers.
Small group work will be used for the students to practice and hone their practical skills as well as for case discussions and treatment modalities. Students will also work in small groups to discuss the anatomy and biomechanics of the vertebral column. The students are encouraged to solve cases and derive evidence based treatment plans.
Students’ study responsibilities are articulated in the FLS Staff/Student Agreement which is available via the Faculty Web site'.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module the student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the functional anatomy and biomechanical implications of injury to the musculo-skeletal system of athletes
2. Develop clinical skills and clinical reasoning to enable optimal treatment and rehabilitation of the injured competitor/performer
3. Demonstrate an understanding and awareness of the latest research findings available to
complement the roles of the Sports and Dance Therapist
4. Demonstrate an understanding of differentiation tests and an understanding of how they inform a diagnosis.
5. Understand the main philosophies of practice in manual therapy for the spinal column
6. Critically analyse the evidence that underpins manual therapy practice.

Assessment strategy

 - A series of formative assessments will be used to assess a student’s ability to safely and effectively apply manual therapy techniques to the vertebral column.
- A piece of written coursework will assess a student’s knowledge of how to clinically justify chosen methods to treat spinal dysfunction
- A viva exam will assess a students ability to critically analyse and interpret research that has been undertaken to discuss case notes of an injury and specific medical conditions seen in sport and dance

Students must obtain at least 40% to pass this module. In addition students must normally obtain at least 35% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 35% and 39% may be compensated by other components if the performance in practical components is safe. If the module is passed on reassessment, then the maximum mark awarded will be 40%. Satisfactory attendance must be achieved for progression from this module to be awarded.

Satisfactory attendance must be achieved for progression from this module to be awarded.



Booher.JM; Thibodeau. GA (1994) Athletic Injury Assessment . 3rd Ed Mosby
Brukner P & Khan K (2006) Clinical Sports Medicine. McGraw Hill
Prentice, W.E. (2004) Rehabilitation techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training (4th Ed) , McGraw Hill ISBN 0-07-246210-8
Konin, J.G., Wiksten, D.L., Isear, J.A (2006) Special Tests for Orthopaedic Examination (Spiral bound) 3rd ed, Slack Inc, ISBN: 1556427417
American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons; Schenck, R.C. (2005) Athletic Training and Sports Medicine 4th Ed. Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Buschbacher R., Prahlow, N., Dave, S.J. (2008) Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation - A Sports Specific Approach. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 0781777453
Caine D.J, Cain CG & Lidner KJ (1996) Epidemiology of Sports Injuries Human Kinetics
Clippinger, K. (2007) Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology. Chapagne, Ill; Human Kinetics,
Dandy, D.J., Edwards, D.J. (2003) Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma. 4th Edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. ISBN: 0443072132
Howse, J & McCormack, M. (2009) Anatomy Dance technique and Injury prevention 4th ed. London; Methuen Drama,
Pargman, D. (2007) Psychological Bases of Sports Injury, 3rd Ed, Fitness Information Technology, ISBN: 1885693753
Prentice, W.E., Arnheim D (2004) Essentials of Athletic Training. McGraw-Hill ISBN: 9780071113465
Maitland, G. D. (2005) Maitland’s Vertebral Manipulations (7th Ed.) Butterworth Heinemann.
Mastin, Z. (2009) Nutrition for the dancer. Alton UK; Dance Books
Mulligan, B. (1999) Manual Therapy ‘NAGs’, ‘SNAGs’, ‘MWMs’ etc (4th Ed.) Plane View Services
Nordin, M. Frankel, V. (2003) Basic Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Middleditch A & Oliver J (2005) Functional Anatomy of the Spine (2nd edition) Elsevier
Taylor, J. % Taylor, C. (1995). Psychology of Dance. Champagne, ill; Human Kinetics
Berardi, G. (2005) Finding Balance (2nd Ed) Routledge, NY and Oxon
Fitt, S. S. (1996) Dance Kinesiology (2nd Ed) Thompson Schirmer, USA
Grieg, V. (1994) Inside Ballet Technique, Princeton Book Company, Highstown NJ
Laws, H. (2005) Fit to Dance 2, Newgate Press
Solomon, R., Solomon, J., Minton, S.C. (2005) Preventing Dance Injuries, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL