ST7009 - Sports Rehabilitation (2022/23)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2022/23, but may be subject to modification | ||||||||||||
Module status | DELETED (This module is no longer running) | ||||||||||||
Module title | Sports Rehabilitation | ||||||||||||
Module level | Masters (07) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 20 | ||||||||||||
School | School of Human Sciences | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 200 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2022/23(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
This module aims to provide students with the knowledge and ability to develop and implement rehabilitation programmes to return athletes to full functional fitness. Students will develop a critical awareness of current trends in rehabilitation processes. Students will also develop an understanding of the application and use of taping and how it can be used to support a rehabilitation process.
This module aims to provide the student with the theoretical knowledge and practical expertise to plan, implement and deliver rehabilitation and remedial programmes suitable for the early, intermediate, late and functional stages of common sports injuries. The students will gain the knowledge to plan and implement a pre-discharge assessment for common sports injuries. The students will also gain knowledge of taping and be able to critically review its use. They will be able to apply the most common of taping procedures to support their work during placement hours.
• Maintaining and improving range of movement, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. LO1
• Criteria for return to sport, principles and practice. LO2, LO4
• Principles of progressions through a rehabilitation programme based on the pathophysiology of the injured and healing tissue, presenting signs and symptoms, sporting requirements of the athlete. LO3, LO4
• Evidence base for rehabilitation programmes and individual exercises. LO3, LO4
• Principles and practice of rehabilitation. LO1, LO4
• Health and safety issues. LO4
• Prehabilitation and injury prevention strategies. LO1
• Use of taping and main techniques to support sporting injuries. LO4
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module will consist of practical and theory based session in which students can apply the knowledge gained in lectures to practical situations. Lectures will be based on the physiological elements underpinning healing and progression of rehabilitation. Students will be encouraged to think about all the elements needed to design and implement a safe and progressive rehabilitation programme. Students will be given case studies which will be used to develop such rehabilitation plans both as individuals and in small groups.
Weblearn tools such as interactive quizzes, articles and videos will be used to enhance student learning, engagement and understanding whilst also providing formative feedback.
Students will have the opportunity to deliver sessions to their peers allowing the opportunity to reflectively evaluate themselves as well as receive feedback from their peers. These skills are an essential for a Sports Therapist as they assess and develop rehabilitation programmes in line with a patient progress.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate systematic and critical understanding of the theoretical basis for sports therapy treatment and rehabilitation and assess the scientific evaluation of its effectiveness incoprorating clinical reasoning and evidence based practice.
2. Critically interpret athlete information to prioritise and set realistic treatment and rehabilitation goals and to plan, prepare and administer for common sports injuries across the sporting spectrum.
3. Discriminate, synthesise and integrate relevant concepts from a wide theoretical and practical knowledge base to address the needs of the athlete during injury rehabilitation.
4. Critically analyse current recommendations on advice to athletes on preventative and self-treatment measures
Assessment strategy
Assessment instruments comprise:
1. Prepare an educational package for a specifically identified target audience accompanied by a 2000 word literature review (50%) (LO 4)
2. A 35 minute practical demonstration of a rehabilitation session for a specific sport and injury with a viva which will focus on the student's ability to rationalise the exercise choice(s) (50%) (LOs 1,2 & 3)
This module is pass all components due to the clinical and theoretical competencies outlined by The Society of Sports Therapists to enable application for membership.
Andrews JR, Harrelson GL and Wilk KE (2012) Physical rehabilitation of the injured athlete (4th edition). W.B. Saunders Company London
Arnheim DD and Prentice WE (2000) Principles of athletic training (10th edition) WCB McGraw-Jill, Boston, USA
Brukner, P. and Khan,K. (2017) Clinical Sports Medicine (5th Edition) McGraw-Hill; NSW, Australia
Comfort, E. and Abrahamson, P (2010) Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention, Wiley and Blackwell; England
Norris,C (2011) Managing Sports Injuries: a guide for students and clinicians, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, London.
Prentice WE (2010) Rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine (5th edition) WCB McGraw-Hill, Boston, USA [CORE]
American Journal of Sports Medicine
Athletic Therapy Today
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy in Sport
Journal of Sports Rehabilitation
Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine
Sports Discus
Visible Body