module specification

ST7W34 - Work Placement (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Work Placement
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
20 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
70 hours Guided independent study
10 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
200 hours Placement / study abroad
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 100%   Competency practical assessment
Placement 0%   Evidence of work placement hours
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Tuesday Morning
Autumn semester North Thursday All day
Autumn semester North Tuesday All day
Spring semester North Tuesday All day
Summer studies North Tuesday All day
Summer studies North Thursday All day

Module summary

Students are required to undertake supervised clinical placement hours in order to gain eligibility for membership of the professional body. This module aims to provide the framework for students to undertake these hours and to support their development of professional skills in the working environment. The module also enables students to experience work with injured athletes in a variety of sports therapy environments. The module will run over the all three semesters and placement hours may be gained from the initial semester in order to spread the workload of students.
The module aims are:
To provide a framework for enhancing theoretical knowledge and applying professional principles for a sports therapist
To provide an opportunity of working with injured athletes across a variety of sports therapy environments
To familiarise students with the ethical, legal, professional and administrative issues associated with working as a sports therapist
To promote the development of skills required of a sports therapist in the sports therapy environment

Prior learning requirements

ST7050, ST7051, ST7052, ST7053, ST7068, ST7069


The majority of the syllabus for this module will be experiential learning during placement hours.  A number of seminar sessions will be arranged to discuss:
Demonstarte practical skills in the clinical environment (LO1)

Ethics, legal and professional requirements of a sports therapist and the Society of Sports Therapists (LO3)

Demonstarte effective examination and assessment skills in a clinical environment
Use clinical reasoning to interpret examination and assessment findings (LO2)
Reflective learning - the relevance to a Sports Therapist (LO4)


Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

- Student centred learning – articles, key texts, online resources.
- Sports therapy clinic. All students will spend a period of time working in the clinic where they are supervised by university staff. Learning is experimental and by reflection and discussion in small groups.
- Placements in a variety of sports therapy work environments where they may be supervised assessing, planning and treating a variety of sports injuries. Learning is by discussion and demonstrations. Some of these will be student led seminars where there will be peer feedback on performance.
- Learning will be recorded within the student’s portfolio.
- A number of seminar sessions exploring areas relating to ethics and professional considerations, case notes and therapy related skills.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate skills in a sports therapy environment
2. Effectively interpret examination and assessment findings in the therapy decision-making process in a clinical environment.
3. Appreciate the ethical, legal and professional obligations of a graduate sports therapist.
4. Develop skills through personal reflection.
