module specification

SW4008 - Social Context for Social Work (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Social Context for Social Work
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
40 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
170 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 80%   Essay on a Social issue within the context of social work practice
Group Presentation 20%   Group presentation
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Thursday Morning

Module summary

This module introduces social theories, social constructs, and social policy whereby legislation, ethical issues, anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice and Law are embedded throughout the module.


Through the examination of the nine protected Characteristics under the Equality Act 2010, you will address structural issues that impact on the lives of People with Lived Experience.


You will explore and reflect on Global, National and Local issues and how these issues manifest into other social issues, such as homelessness, domestic violence, poverty, education, unemployment etc. (L01)


You will have direct input from People with Lived Experiences and social workers with regards to their lived personal and professional experiences of social issues.


You will scrutinise and analyse, ethical dilemmas and the tensions that exist between Law, legislation, policy and procedures and practice.



You will gain knowledge and understanding of housing Law and how it interconnects with social work practices.

You will be expected to undertake research in preparation for planning for a group presentation in order to develop your communication skills through collaboratively working within groups, which is a fundamental skill within social work.   (LO4)  

You will acquire knowledge from different sociological perspectives, social policy, human rights and Law. (LO1)

You will be encouraged to explore and question personal values and beliefs systems and investigate how this impacts and influences social work practice. (LO3)

You will have the opportunity

‘People with Lived Experience colleagues have contributed to the development, design and delivery of this module in the following ways

  • Developed the case studies used
  • Co-facilitated a session
  • Marked the presentations’ etc

Prior learning requirements



Essay writing LO6

Introduction to equality, diversity, and ethical practice. LO2

Introduction to Gender inequalities LO4

Introduction to Anti-Discriminatory Practice and Anti- Oppressive Practice LO4

Introduction to Disability policy LO1

Introduction to Social Policy LO3 & LO4

Introduction to sociology for social work LO1 &LO2

Introduction to Housing Law and housing policy LO1

Introduction to Group Presentations LO5

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

You will learn through a variety of different teaching methods/models, which are inclusive and take account of different learning styles the aim been to widen your participation.


You will embrace a number of pedagogical mediums through which you will learn.

You will experience, through the use of interactive lectures, seminars, group presentations, research, participation of social workers, People with Lived Experiences, adult learning questionnaires, online resources, (Podcasts, YouTube clips, twitter, BASW material, storytelling of different narratives) etc.

You will experience a diverse teaching platform which cater for diverse learning needs.   

You will work together as a team. Group work replicates some of the tensions, conflicts, apprehensions, anxieties, and ethical dilemmas which emerges from personal values and beliefs. Equally this activity facilitates, supports, encourages, empowers, inspires, and stimulates you to learn and teach each other.


Embedded throughout the module is reflective understanding and learning and as part of your formative assessment, you will have the prospect of submitting a reflective account on how you learn best.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module you will be able to:


  1. Understand how areas including law, social policy, sociology, housing and homelessness can inform Social Work practice
  2. Understand the role of a social worker, within their expertise, and explore some of the ethical dilemmas and tensions that exist within social practice.
  3. Discuss social welfare policy, its evolution, implementation and impact on people, professions and interagency working
  4. Explain how values inform social theory and social policy and professional practice
  5. Locate, retrieve and evaluate literature and on-line educational resources relevant to professional contexts
  6. Practise oral and written communication skills and inter-personal skills including giving, receiving, and acting on constructive feedback.
