module specification

SW7011 - Advanced Safeguarding (Adults) (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Advanced Safeguarding (Adults)
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
45 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
207 hours Guided independent study
48 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   A written essay
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

• This module is designed to enable social workers to advance their own Safeguarding practice and develop the knowledge and confidence to positively influence the practice of others.
• The module will support the development of a critical creative and enquiring approach underpinned by in depth knowledge of the current legislation and guidance that underpins social work practice in Adult Safeguarding.
• Opportunities will be created for participants to challenge the current assumptions and approaches and to develop strategies to take practice into the future to improve outcomes for adults with care and support needs.
• There will be a human right and person-centred theme running though all aspects of the module to ensure the humanity and diversity of participants future practice.
• Participants will be required to critically reflect on their professional role with an emphasis on professional development and advancement


Current legislation, guidance and practice in Adult Safeguarding, where did it come from and where is it going? To include:  L.O 1,3,4,6

The Care Act 2014
The Care and Support Statutory Guidance 2014
Making Safeguarding Personal, research and guide
Mental Capacity Act 2005/Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards 2007
The Criminal Courts and Justice Act 2014
The Human Rights Act 1998

Meeting the challenges of Adult Safeguarding in 2018/2019. Looking at the new categories of abuse, the broader multi-agency responsibilities and limitations on current practice. To include:  L.O 1,2,5,6

All categories of abuse and what they mean in Safeguarding practice for Social Workers
Self-neglect and Hoarding
Modern Slavery
Domestic Abuse (including Forced Marriage, FGM, Honour Based Violence and the influence of substance misuse and mental illness)
What gets in the way, limitations and boundaries on current practice.

The complexities of ensuring effective, outcome based, person centred safeguarding practice when supporting adults with a full range of needs.
To include exploring safeguarding approaches for adults who have:  L.O 1,2,5,6,7

Mental illness
Personality Disorders
Substance misuse issues
Age related challenges
Learning Disabilities
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Physical frailty or illness
Homelessness or are highly mobile
Other care and Support needs

Multi-agency, inter-professional partnership working. Why is it essential in Safeguarding work, and why is it so difficult and how do we do it better?
To include reference to;  L.O 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Outcomes form Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Participants own experiences and reflection
Recent research

Developing an enquiring, reflective, creative and analytical approach to all safeguarding practice.  L.O 2,3,4,5,6,7
To include exploring;
Appreciative enquiry
Task centred
Cognitive behavioural
Person Centred
Brief therapy
Strengths based

The future of Adult Safeguarding. To include exploration of;  L.O 1,3,4,5,6,7

What is coming?
How can participants influence the future emphasis and be practice developments?
What is the current academic discourse from a range of sources?
Where does Safeguarding fit in the development of the future landscape of adult social care and health?

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The richness of adult learning and training is the diversity of the participants. In roles, levels of experience, priorities, levels of understanding, personality, ethnicity etc. This module will enable everyone to have a positive experience of the course, the key messages of the programme will be re-enforced in various ways to ensure people with visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learning styles have equal opportunity to absorb the essential information. This will be achieved by using lots of real examples, chosen to relate as closely as possible to the work place of the specific participants. It should also involve encouraging participants to think of examples themselves in situations they may be part of and in settings they visit. If the sessions feel really relevant and targeted to the participants, they are far more likely to achieve the learning outcomes.

We will ensure participants understand how to access further resources, e learning packages to support their learning is essential in achieving a blended learning approach. Only a limited amount of information can be absorbed at a workshop so it important participants have opportunity for good reflective effective supervision, mentoring and modelling to embed new skills and knowledge and the motivation to seek further information as required.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module participants will have:
1. Developed their knowledge of the legislation and guidance that underpins Safeguarding Adults practice in 2018 and the direction of travel into the future.
2. Explored their own role in the process and that of the full multi-agency arena currently central to safeguarding practice.
3. Explored current academic discourse around Adult Safeguarding and the relevance to current practice.
4. Enhanced their understanding of the theory and research that led to the current approaches in Adult Safeguarding and how they need to guide current practice development.
5. Discussed how achieving outcomes for adults that improve and enhance their well being can be better applied, more dynamic and creatively use the strengths based approaches from the Care Act 2014.
6. Considered the challenges to current Safeguarding practice and how to develop the widest possible toolkit of approaches and options to achieve improved outcomes for adults.
7. Used their own experience, national cases and outcomes of Safeguarding Adults Reviews to critically analyse current practice and develop strategies for undertaking and influencing improvements in Safeguarding practice going forward.



Core Text:
Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act 2014 (Knowledge in Practice) Paperback – 21 Aug 2017
by Adi Cooper (Editor), Emily White (Editor), Lyn Romeo (Foreword)

Other Texts:
Safeguarding Adults: Key Themes and Issues Paperback – 13 Feb 2018
by Gillian MacIntyre (Editor), Ailsa Stewart (Series Editor), Pearse McCusker (Series Editor)

Self-Neglect and Hoarding Paperback – Illustrated, 21 Feb 2018
by Deborah Barnett (Author)

A critique of the domestic law framework Access to Social Care Human Rights: transforming services? By Bowen, P (2014) London. Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Social Work Theory and Practice (2017) by Lesley Deacon - University of Sunderland, UK Stephen J. Macdonald - University of Sunderland, UK

The British Journal of Social Work (Oxford journals for BASW)
Professional Social Work. (BASW)
Journal of Social Work  SAGE Publications Ltd
British Journal of Social Work  Social Care Online

Care and support statutory guidance - GOV.UK
British Association of Social Workers: BASW
Community Care Social Work News & Social Care Jobs
National Institute for Social Work: NISW
The British Journal of Social Work Oxford Academic - Oxford Journals
The Journal of Adult Protection Emerald Insight

Electronic Databases:
Social Care Online.
Social Policy & Practice

Social Media Sources
