TR5001 - Translation Process and Procedures (2020/21)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2020/21 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Translation Process and Procedures | ||||||||||||
Module level | Intermediate (05) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 30 | ||||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 300 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2020/21(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
This module explores the translation process and procedures, including aspects of ST analysis and text typology. The module focuses on the components of translation, translation stages and the mechanisms underlying these stages. It introduces students to techniques for a strategic source text analysis which help them to anticipate translation problems. Students will be familiarised with the relevance of extra and intra-textual features of the source text to the translation process. They will be required to use appropriate meta-language to describe and discuss translation problems and to explain and justify the translation procedures adopted to solve them.
Students will draw on the theory of anticipating and solving translation problems in language-specific practical sessions, where they will be translating a wide variety of text types into and out of English.
Prior learning requirements
TR4001 is the prerequisite
Module aims
This module will cover the following aspects:
- Pre-translation analysis
- Anticipation of translation problems
- Stages in the translation process
- Translation equivalence
- Text typology
- Language specific translation practice LO1,LO2
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
This module will focus on the following strategies:
1. Materials provided on WebLearn are expected to be read by students prior to attending weekly face-to-face session and seminar activities.
2. There will be formative in-class activities which will allow students to work collaboratively with their peers and tutors.
3. Ample opportunities will be given for peer and tutor feedback to encourage students to reflect on their work with a view to producing the final portfolio to the required standard appropriate to the level of study for this module.
4. Autonomous learning will also be focussed on as regular and independent work is expected for the preparation of the portfolio of translations.
Regular attendance to ALL lectures and seminars is compulsory.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. analyse source texts in terms of their origin and production, identify typical intra-textual and extra-textual features, analyse translation problems and provide a structured and reasoned argument for the use of specific translation methods and procedures, using appropriate meta-language,
2. apply theoretical knowledge of different translation methods and procedures and their context of use, demonstrating ability to translate texts of varying types into and out of English paying due attention to all the relevant aspects which affect the translation act.
Assessment strategy
The processes for marking assessments and for moderating marks are clearly articulated and consistently implemented. These will be explained to students in a clear manner.
The summative assessments will be group presentations on ST analysis in weeks 7 and 8 and a portfolio of translations with commentaries to be submitted in week 29.
There will be regular formative work in the form of draft ST commentaries which will attract feedback from tutor and peers. This will prepare students to start compiling their portfolio with confidence. Translation problems will also be discussed in language specific sessions throughout the year.
Group presentation (20 minutes) focusing on Christiane Nord’s intra-and extra-textual features as applied to a specific ST chosen by the group.
Portfolio of translations with commentaries (4000 words) including one translation from English and another one into English.
Baker, M. (2011) In other words. Manchester: St Jerome.
Bell, R. (1991) Translation and translating. London: Longman.
Hatim, B. and Mason I. (1990) Discourse and the translator. London: Longman.
Hervey, S. and Higgins, I. Thinking translation (different language combinations). London:
Munday. J. (2001) Introducing translation studies. London: Routledge.
Neubert, A. & Shreve G. (2000) Translation as text. London: Kent State University Press.
Newmark, P. (1998) A textbook of translation. London: Prentice Hall.
Nord, C. Text analysis in translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Nord, C. (2001) Translating as a purposeful activity. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Shuttleworth, M. (2017) Studying scientific metaphor in translation. An inquiry into cross-lingual translation practices. London: Routledge.