module specification

BC6064 - Advanced Blood Science (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Advanced Blood Science
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 150
111 hours Guided independent study
39 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 60%   Practical Report (1500 words)
Unseen Examination 40%   Online Exam (1.5 hour)
Attendance Requirement 0%   Practical Attendance
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Monday Morning

Module summary

The module covers an advanced combination of the interrelationship between Haematology, and Transfusion Science as reflected in the practice of a multidisciplinary pathology department. More in-depth focus on disease diagnosis and monitoring in haematology the principles of stem cell and solid organ transplantation, tissue and bone banking, organ transplantation, prophylaxis and immunotherapy. Quality control and quality assurance, sample quality and regulatory issues within blood science.
Students’ haematology and transfusion science skills will be developed in the laboratory in practical sessions. Theoretical and practical problems will be employed to assist students in the development of their analytical and problem solving capabilities. Case studies will be examined to give students practice in diagnosis.

Prior learning requirements



The scope and potential of haematology in the diagnosis of disease.
Clinical transfusion, HLA, HPA, HNA and their significance, Haemolytic disease, Transfusion transmitted infections, Stem cell transplantation, and Solid organ transplantation. (1-3)
Haemostasis and thrombosis: the vascular endothelium; platelet aggregation; coagulation. Selected bleeding and clotting disorders; treatment options.
Malignancies of the blood and the principles of their classification.
Immunophenotypes and cytogenetics analysis of blood.
Core and specialist investigations in the diagnosis of diseases affecting the haematology of a patient.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Students will be provided with the opportunity to acquire knowledge through a programme of lectures, problem-solving tutorial sessions laboratory based practical exercises o on-line exercises. Students’ ability to make critical evaluations will be developed through analysis of source material and case studies supported by tutorial material. Students ability to attain and critically evaluate data, and scrutinise the data through problem solving activities will be developed through laboratory based exercises. Students will be expected to reflect on taught material in order to demonstrate their understanding of the principles and practices of blood science (total:  150 hours).

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Compare and contrast of the principles and practice of haematology and transfusion science.
2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of current issues within the role of practicing health care scientists in clinical and diagnostic Blood Sciences and develop and assess the principles and practice of transfusion science and produce reasoned discourse on a topical issue within the arena of blood science
3. Evaluate and discuss in-depth the clinical aetiology and management of immune-haematological and transplantation disorders;


You are also referred to articles, such as those below in selected learning centre journals: BMJ, Lancet, Molecular Medicine Today, Nature, New Scientist, Medicine and the web haematology links in the student directed learning tutorial.