module specification

MC5081 - Marketing Communications for Events (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Marketing Communications for Events
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
9 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
105 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 30%   Individual Presentation slides
Coursework 70%   Individual Report : Integrated Campaign for an Events Marketing Report 1,500
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module introduces students to fundamentals of the marketing communications process and the role of an integrated marketing communicating approach in both traditional and digital communication formats, in achieving marketing objectives. The changing environment and impact of technology are explained as background for synthesis of the communications process.

The module aims to:

  • Develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of relevant concepts, theories and context of Integrated Marketing Communications as the relate to B2B and B2C customers.
  • Understanding of the SOSTAC + 3M’s IMC planning model and how both old and new marketing thinking contributed to its development.
  • How to select the relevant communications tools and develop a fully integrated marketing communications campaign and how the plans are controlled and evaluated.
  • Foster a critical awareness and understanding of the latest developments in marketing communications and the regulatory & ethical framework in which marketing communications operate and responsible communications.

The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:

  • Academic and highly specialist writing and reading
  • Analysing data/research
  • Critical thinking and being creative
  • Communicating/presenting, orally and/or in writing
  • Digital Literacy and IT skills


Synthesis of the communications process. - LO1
-How integrated marketing communications developed – the concept of integrated marketing communications
-Factors leading to integrated marketing and corporate communications in both a national and global context
- and ethical consideration How integrated marketing communications fits into a company’s marketing plan, and the role marketing communications tools plays within the marketing communications framework
- Barriers to integrated communications
- Theoretical principles of branding/brand equity  & the role of marketing communications in building strong brands/brand equity and influencing consumer purchase behaviour
- SOSTAC + 3M’s IMC planning model and how both old and new marketing thinking contributed to its development
-Communications theory and models including; hierarchy of effects models, Attitude formation and change, elaboration likelihood, attitude formation and change, how communications work in a digital age

Evaluation of the regulatory   framework in which marketing - LO1
communications operate and the marketing communications mix and tools
-Standards and responsibilities- regulatory, legislative and ethical issues and framework within which marketing communications operates.
-Advertising and advertising research.
- Multicultural & diverse segments  
Cross cultural  aspects in international marketing communications strategies and planning                                                                   
-Culture, cultural norms, language and symbols
standardisation, adaptation & localisation
-The media planning options for traditional and digital-paid, owned and earned media for advertising including (TV, Radio, Print, cinema, outdoor, digital billboard, display advertising, video advertising, advergaming).

-The use of other tools in the marketing communications tool kit, including brand activation, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship, exhibitions and trade fairs.

Marketing Communications Plan - LO2
A detailed analysis of the marketing communications process
- An integrated marketing communications strategy and context analysis
- Understanding and selecting diverse target audience decision making
- Setting communications objectives and budgets
- Creative strategy -creative idea and creative appeals; strategy and executional styles.
-  Campaign implementation and scheduling process
- How marketing communications tools used in a campaign are measured, controlled and evaluated (quantitative  /qualitative approaches).

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be delivered over a 12- week period and consists of a 1hour lecture and
2 hour seminar per week. The weekly lectures will focus on key theories, concepts
models and frameworks for the analysis of integrated marketing communications and developing campaign plans.
The seminar sessions will relate the generic topics and attributes to marketing communications and strategic marketing plan management in order to identify and discuss how, for example, different mix of communications tools are adopted for a campaign brief within a range of industries.
Such discussions with encompass debates, video, cases, questions and answer sessions
to build on the generic topics covered in the lectures. The seminars, will as such anchor
knowledge imparted in the lectures and provides a forum for:
● A better understanding of lectures through small group discussions, case study,
video journal article/problem solving analysis and interchange of questions and
● Applying understanding of technical skills required for carrying out
communications campaigns; academic writing as applied to specific
The facilities of Web Learn will be used as part of a blended learning approach and will
be central to the delivery of module and weekly material will be loaded & external web links will be used to form the basis of class discussions. In particular students will be
encouraged to use the web learn discussion forum on a regular basis.  Weblearn will also be used for student feedback purposes.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of appropriate concepts, theories, tools and  models of integrated marketing communications as they relate to how to set campaign objectives, implement a campaign, measure and evaluate its success.
  2. Recognise and critique the increasingly complex nature of communications within the management, ethics, delivery and control of strategic marketing plans.


Core texts
de Pelsmacker, P., Geuens, M. & Van den Bergh, J., (2017) Marketing Communications, A European Perspective 5th  ed, FT Prentice Hall (Available as an E-book.)

Additional reading
-Fill, C. and Turnbull, s. (2016) Marketing Communications: discovery, creation and conversation,7th edition, Pearson Education.
- Rossiter, J.R., Percy, L., Bergkvist, L. (2018) Marketing Communications: Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, SAGE.
-- Andrews, J.C. and Shimp, T.A. (2018) Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 10th Edition, CENGAGE.
- Smith, P.R. and Ze Zook (2020), Marketing Communications, 7th Edition, published by Kogan Page, London.
Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F (2019), Digital Marketing, 7th Edition. Pearson
- Graham, B. and Anouti, C. (2018) Promoting Fashion, Laurence King Publishing. 
-Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. Gremler, D.D. (2016) Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm, 3rd European Edition, McGraw Hill Education.

Online academic journals
International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing and Communications
Journal of Mobile Communications
Journal of New Communications Research
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Marketing