MC6093 - Global Marketing and Sales in the Digital Age (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||
Module title | Global Marketing and Sales in the Digital Age | ||||||||||
Module level | Honours (06) | ||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
Marketing is an essential component of any organisation regardless of size and has application globally, helping an organisation to retain and recruit news customers and increase the scale of a business.
Marketing is focused on the customer and the value of the product offering to stimulate demand, while sales activities are designed to encourage customer purchase. Both functions need to be integrated within an organisation to improve business performance.
Global marketing helps an organisation to find and develop new market opportunities while maintaining its domestic market(s.)
This module is intended to allow students to focus and explore the key components and nature of marketing and sales in a global market.
The global events of 2019 demonstrate the key linkages and interdependence of markets and demonstrate the importance of designing, distribution and selling products/ services in markets around the world, while maintaining a home market.
The module aims to:
- Provide an understanding of the role and importance of marketing and sales in a global setting.
- Explore a range of strategic choices available to organisations when seeking to expand globally.
- Provide an overview of marketing management in the ‘digital age’
- Explore the relationship and interdependence of marketing and sales
- Examine the impact of communication including digital applications to support product/service delivery in a global market.
1. Overview of Marketing and Sales LO1, LO2
a. Explore the difference between marketing and sales
b. How to stimulate consumer demand
c. Effective use of Key account management
d. Using Key concepts for effective marketing and sales
2. The Global Marketplace LO2
a. Identify the key drivers for market development
b. Use effective criteria for identifying and selecting new global markets Information Systems and Marketing Research
c. Identity different market entry methods with focus on data collection and usage
d. Current and future trends impacting on marketing and sales
e. The role of sales
3. Market Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) LO3
a. Explore the principles of effective market segmentation and the STP process both domestically and in the global marketplace
b. Investigate consumer and business to business market segmentation
c. Describe different targeting strategies
d. Explore the concept of positing and the use of perception maps in the positioning process
4. New Proposition Development and Innovation LO2
a. Developing New Products and Services for the consumer and business to business market
b. Explore the process and issues associated with innovating new propositions
5. Principles and practice of Marketing Communications in a global marketplace LO3
a. The role of marketing communications in marketing/sales
b. The role of culture in marketing communications
c. The effective use of modules in marketing communications
d. Using digital and social media
6. Configuring the product/services marketing mix to suit the marketing environment LO1, LO2
a. Delivering value in the consumer and business to business markets, domestically and globally
7. Marketing Planning LO1, Lo2, LO3
a. Identifying Strategic Competitive Advantage
b. Bringing the marketing mix together
c. The key elements of the marketing plan
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module is delivered over a 12-week teaching period via a combination of lectures, and seminars totalling three hours contact time per week.
Seminars feature group discussion/analysis of case studies and may utilise a tactic of ‘flip-learning’ to provide opportunities for peer interaction. The module supports independent study through a virtual learning environment hosted on WebLearn, where students can access lecture notes, additional readings, coursework briefs, assessment guidelines and feedback, in addition to finding links to external resources. The university’s feed-forward initiative supports these independent learning strategies. Learning materials are posted in advance as part of a blended learning approach that allows students to plan their contribution to particular sessions.
Reflective learning is incorporated into the module – students are advised to keep a journal of experiences and personal development that charts the effectiveness of their learning.
Students are encouraged to actively engage with the subject, their peers, and the tutors through the module's online forums and through group collaboration in research initiatives. Guest speakers working in the global marketing industry will be invited to give master classes and discuss career opportunities with students; employability is embedded throughout the module through consideration of the various job roles within the marketing industry.
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this module, students will be able to:
- Critically analyse marketing and sales activities in a global context offering justified recommendations for change
- Critically analyse potential markets for an organisation to enter or withdraw from, to support organisational objectives, applying an understanding of appropriate marketing theories
- Develop targeted marketing communication messages in a creative and compelling manner while utilising the principles of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Assessment strategy
There is one assessed for the module, which is an individual piece of work and allows students to work collaboratively on background research.
The assessment provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate achievement of Los 1,2 and 3 through the production of a justified strategic marketing plan which addresses the theoretical concepts and practical applications for an organisation of entering a new international market. To fully address the LOs Students will also need to be fully conversant with the need for effective communication, the role of culture and the importance of social media in delivering targeted and key messages.
Core Texts
Green M.C.,and Keegan W.J, (2020) Global Marketing, 10e, , Pearson
Baines, P. Fill, C. Rosengren, S. Antonetti, P (2019) Marketing, 5e
Supplementary Text:
Solomon M.R., Marshall G.W, & Stuart E.W., (2019) Marketing: Real People, RealChoices Global Edition, 9/E, Pearson
•European Journal of Marketing
•Academy of Management Journal
•Academy of Management Review
•Journal of Product and Brand Management
•Journal of Islamic Marketing
•International Marketing Review
•Business Strategy Review
•California Management Review
•European Management Review
•Harvard Business Review
•Journal of Business Research
•Journal of International Marketing
•Journal of Management
•Management Decision
•Sloan Management Review
•Strategic Management Journal