CY5051 - Quantitative Analysis (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Quantitative Analysis | ||||||||||||
Module level | Intermediate (05) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||||
School | School of Human Sciences | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
Description: This module will develop problem solving and report writing skills in qualitative analytical chemistry and will enable students to identify analytical substrates on the basis of combined analytical results from a variety of sources. Key areas to be explored are principles of analysis, chromatographic separation techniques, and electroanalysis. The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the QAA’s the Quality Assurance Agency’s, Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.
Prior learning requirements
CY4001 and CY4002
Principles and terminology of analysis: qualitative and quantitative techniques, absolute and empirical methods, sampling, sample treatments, standards, calibration techniques.
Separation Methods: analytical and preparative chromatographic techniques: theoretical models of chromatographic separation - Plate Theory, HETP, the van Deemter equation and modifications. Instrumentation for gas chromatography- injectors, column packings, detectors; quantitative applications. Instrumentation for High Performance Liquid Chromatography: pumps; sample introduction valves; column packing; broad band and specific detectors; quantitative applications. Recent developments in chromatographic systems - chiral chromatography, capillary chromatography, gel filtration. Developments in Flow cytometry.
Electroanalytical techniques: potentiometric and conductimetric titrations; analytical potentiometry - the Nernst equation, electrodes of the first and second kinds, Ion-sensitive electrodes, membrane systems, pH electrodes, examples of cation and anion sensitive systems, enzyme sensors. brief description of diodes, transistors and field effect transitors (FETs), ion-sensitive FETs (ISFETs). LO1,LO2,LO3,LO4
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
Teaching and learning sessions include lectures/workshops (20 h), tutorials (7 h), practical (12 h) with feedback where appropriate.
Tutorials have an emphasis on problem solving based on pre-set work with student participation. Students will be expected to prepare in advance for tutorials to develop problem-solving skills using worksheets provided. Feedback from these sessions facilitates the learning process. Self-managed time and private study (91 hours) should be spread out over the semester and not left until the final weeks. Lectures are used to set context and to deliver subject material, and are linked to tutorials, practicals and problem sessions. Students will be expected to reflect on the learning experience and develop their own understanding of the material.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module the student will be able to:
1. Describe the steps involved in a chemical analysis.
2. Outline the theoretical basis for selected analytical techniques and describe the instrumentation required.
3. Use instrumental data to calculate the concentration of analyte in a specified sample.
4. Evaluate any errors arising from a determination and assess the reliability of the results obtained.
Assessment strategy
The module will be assessed by a time-constrained assessment and a practical report.
The time constrained assessment will be an online progress test of 45 min duration (40%) - this will assess the ability of students to perform appropriate calculations and to describe accurately the principles of the analytical methods and to assess understanding of the principles of chromatography. This element will provide both summative and formative assessment.
The coursework component (60%) will require completing the practical session and reporting the results in the style of a lab report, which will also develop communication skills and engaging with the literature.
A minimum aggregate mark of 40% will be required to pass the module. If the module is passed on reassessment, then the maximum mark awarded will be 40%.
Core Text: Harris, D. C. (2010) Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th Edition. Freeman
Other Texts: Holme, D. J., and Peck, H. (1998) Analytical Biochemistry, 3rd Edition. Longman
Skoog, D. A., Crouch, S. R., and Holler, F. J. (2006) Principles of Instrumental Analysis,6th Edition, Brooks/Cole