module specification

MN4162 - Principles of Management (in Aviation Context) (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Principles of Management (in Aviation Context)
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
30 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
84 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Portfolio of two parts submitted at the same time (1500 words) Part A: reflective paper Part B: paper based
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Wednesday Morning
Autumn semester North Wednesday Afternoon
Autumn semester North Thursday Morning
Autumn semester North Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

The focus of this module is management and the development of students as managers.  Managers are crucial to getting things done, for example, they plan, organise, lead and coordinate the work of others in order to meet organisational goals efficiently and effectively. The challenges of managing in today’s ever-changing, increasingly uncertain, complex economic environment requires managers to have the knowledge, ability and skills to take action, such as managing information, delegating tasks, setting goals, building teams, motivating others and, along with numerous other activities, achieve organisational success.

The traditional view of the purpose and role of management in the world of work was to seek stability and efficiency in a top-down hierarchy aimed at achieving bottom-line results. In contrast, the contemporary management approach expects managers to engage in motivating people and harnessing their creativity, sharing information and power, leading change, and finding shared vision and values in an increasingly diverse and complex workplace.

Today’s managers require the knowledge and ability to draw on both traditional and contemporary approaches to management when formulating workplace decisions. They also need the skills, tools, and techniques to manage their own career trajectory based on the acquisition of sound employability skills and accompanying behaviours.

In addition to knowledge, the module focuses on developing students as managers
which involves the ability to interact with, and motivate, a diverse range of people.
The module aims are to:  

  •  enable students to identify and explain major developments in the history of managerial thought;
  • provide students with the opportunity to develop management, leadership and employability capability to enhance their individual potential;
  • develop students appreciation of the different management approaches that can be used when managing in uncertain and complex environments;
  • enable students to develop their management and employability skills, such as critical thinking and writing, interpersonal skills, self-management, communication, team-working, problem solving, and presentation skills, in order to maximise their competitive edge in the business world.

Prior learning requirements

Standard university requirements for Level 4 entry.


The major themes covered in this module reflect the QAA subject benchmark statement and include:

  • The Nature of Management: including both traditional and contemporary approaches, key management concepts, processes, procedures, practices and techniques for the effective management of organisations. This includes theories, models, frameworks, tasks, and the roles of management. LO1
  • Managing People: includes goal setting, performance management, and team management, and the role of theories of motivation in improving performance. LO2
  • Becoming a Manager: including a wide variety of skills, such as communication, listening, emotional intelligence, self-management, critical thinking, team working, and problem solving. LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

PDP and reflective learning are integral elements of this module.  The module is delivered through weekly sessions, which will include a variety of group activities and participation in group projects. Group activities and problem-based tasks are supported by multimedia, and student led discussions. Theoretical input consists of defining and clarifying the topic content to an appropriate depth and breadth. Working in groups students will identify the main concepts of the topic, analyse the implications for managing an organisation, evaluate the approach and articulate how it could be used in current business practice. Teaching, learning and assessment activities have been designed to develop student’s awareness of and engagement with their own personal development. They will be encouraged to reflect on their own skill development throughout the module and consider how these will contribute to their future careers as managers. The module will engage a variety of approaches to teaching and learning including e-journals, podcasts and multimedia. Weblearn is used as an interactive mechanism between students and tutors, for example, to direct students to particular readings and/or to provide news about the module or the module content.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes reflect the integration of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) subject benchmark statement and the CMI requirements. 

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

LO1: Explain major developments in the history of managerial thought and identify traditional and contemporary approaches in Aviation Management.

LO2: Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles that applies on wide variety of skills such as communication and emotional intelligence which will help them to understand the current developments

LO3: Reflect on own management and employability skills


Core Texts:

Boddy, D. (2017) Management: An Introduction. Harlow: Pearson.
Mullins, L. J. (2016) Management and Organisational Behaviour. Harlow: Pearson.

Additional Textbooks:

Quinn, R.E., Faerman, S.R., Thompson, M.P., McGrath. M.R., (2014) Becoming a Master Manager: A Competency Framework. New York: Wiley.
Torrington, D. et al (2014) Human Resource Management, (9th.edn) Harlow, Pearson.

Child, J.(2015), Organisation: Contemporary Principles and Practice. Blackwell: Oxford.
Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. Pitsis, T. (2016) Management and organisations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. London: SAGE.
Gallagher, Kevin (2013) Skills Development for Business and Management Students. Oxford: OUP.
Parker, L.D. and Ritson, P.A. (2005) Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management. British Journal of Management, Vol 16, No.3. pp.175-194.
Robbins, S.P. & Coulter, M. (2016), Management. Harlow: Pearson.

• European Research on Management and Business Economics 
• Harvard Business Review 
• International Journal of Management and Economics 
• Journal of Management Studies
• Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues
• People Management


Electronic Databases:
• Academic Search Complete
• Business Source Ultimate
• FAME (UK Companies)
• Marketing & Management Collection
• Mintel