module specification

MC5013 - Fashion Branding and Communications (2018/19)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2018/19
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Fashion Branding and Communications
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
9 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
81 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
210 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Group Presentation 20%   Group Oral Presentation
Coursework 50%   Individual Report 2500 words
Group Coursework 30%   Group brand communication plan 3,000 words
Running in 2018/19

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year City Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

This module provides students with the opportunity to explore contemporary fashion branding and advanced marketing communications theory and analyse these within the context of the fashion industry & retail practice.  Over the course of the module students will examine consumer and business behaviour in relation to branding. Students will examine all the tools in the marketing communications mix and how Fashion brands integrate their mixes to maximum effect to their specified target markets.

The main aims of the module are as follows:
• To ensure students are equipped with relevant knowledge of branding & communication practices in fashion.
• To assist students in gaining a deeper knowledge of the fashion consumer, techniques used in fashion branding, the establishing of a strategic and visual tactical positioning in the current marketplace, the changing role of fashion communications, such as: events, public relations and social media.
• To increase students’ analytical, evaluative and budgeting skills with regards to selection of integrated communications tools. 

The module aims to assist in the building of the following specific skills:
1) Researching
2) Analysing data & problem solving
3) Commercial Awareness
The module also aims to assess the following additional skills:
1) Interpersonal, including collaborating / working with others, cross cultural awareness, having a positive attitude, negotiation and persuasion
2) Communicating/presenting – orally and in writing, including


• Brand diversity in Fashion –  Luxury branding, retail branding – High street, Fast Fashion Branding,  designer branding, Independent brands  Ethical and sustainable brands

• The role of  marketing  & marketing  mix in fashion  branding

• The influence of external factors on consumer Megatrends , Lifestyle trends

• .Factors influencing the purchasing  & decision making  of brands – internal Psychological Factors(motivation values  perception, attitudes  personality, the self & self-identity emotion)

• Social factors – Role & status, reference group,  symbolic consumption Culture –  Sub cultures, consumer tribes LO1


• Brand diversity in Fashion –  Luxury branding, retail branding – High street, Fast Fashion Branding,  designer branding, Independent brands  Ethical and sustainable brands

• Brand theory; Positioning, differentiation brand portfolio, brand architecture, brand personality, Brand identity, brand image, brand behaviour & reputation 

• Brand Equity- The source of brand power, building brand equity. Customer based brand equity , Brand resonance and brand value chain

• Managing Global Fashion Brands – Managing brands over geographic boundaries & market segments

• Creating & Sustaining brand Equity overtime – Launching a brand. Brand extensions, brand associations, Brand reinforcements strategies , Brand revitalisation strategies LO2


• Marketing communications and the process of exchange; scope, role and tasks; external influences

• Communication theory; message origin, content reception, noise; opinion leaders, formers, followers

• Communication theory – How commutations work – sequential models attitude and attitude change  models, cognitive processing

• Managing  integrated marketing brand communication strategy and planning – objectives planning strategy & tactics, budget and measurements of effectiveness

• The marketing communication mix-   sponsorship, sales promotions, advertising  & adverting models , direct marketing, personal selling, public relations events the role of the fashion film as promotion

• The effectiveness of different media channels used within strategic brand communications - Traditional  media  channels  magazine,  TV, radio outdoor & digital channels digital media -Social media; fashion blogs,  YouTube

• Celebrity endorsement: collaborations, Q-score, ranges, celebrity lifecycle, saturation, measuring the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement, celebrities and charities, trends LO3


Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be delivered over a 30 week period and consist of 1 ½ hour lectures followed by a combination of 1 ½ hour seminar/practical workshops. 

Lectures will include key theoretical aspects of branding and integrated communications on which students will research further and discuss examples of during the seminars. The seminars should in part have a workshop approach to aspects of evaluation of branding & campaigns.

Employability is embedded throughout the module whereby students consider different job roles within the Fashion marketing industry on a constant basis.
Weblearn will be used as part of a blended learning approach and will be central to the delivery of the module. It will contain the module handbook, case studies, journal articles and external Weblearn learning links.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit the students will be able to:

1. Appraise  the influences & the level of fashion consumers engagement with trends and brands  LO1

2. Apply theories and concepts to the development & sustainability of fashion branding LO2

3. Develop and construct an integrated Fashion branding communications plan underpinned by an understanding of Fashion branding & brand communications LO3

Assessment strategy

The assessment strategy consists of three components, which aim to assess the module’s learning outcomes:
1) Oral presentation (group):  Students will be asked to present research based on consumer lifestyle trends, attitudes, motivations, perception, processes of consumer decision making their impact on Fashion trends and brands. This will assist in developing research, interpersonal and communication skills. This will require verbal and visual presentation 20%. Week due: 11 Length: 15 mins LO1

2) Individual report: Students will be required to demonstrate an understanding of fashion/retail branding and branding strategies targeting the B2B and B2C sector thorough analysis and application of branding theory and concepts. This will assist in developing research, academic reading & writing skills.  Weighting: 50% Week due: 19, Length: 2,500 words LO2

3) Marketing communication plan (group): Students will be required to compile a detailed communication plan for a fashion/retail brand based on a given scenario related to a Fashion brand. This will assist in developing the following skills- Analysing data & problem solving and interpersonal skills and commercial awreness.Weighting: 30% Week due: 28, Length: 3,000 words. LO3

Students will be provided with both formative and summative feedback in the lecture and seminars and during tutor’s feedback and advice hours.  For the group presentation students will be provided with immediate oral feedback.  Formal feedback & grades will be made available to students in the seminars 14 working days post submission and or via web learn. The feedback should assist students in addressing their subsequent individual assignment and group report. For the Individual written assessments students will be given an opportunity and be required to show draft work/progress to their tutors for comments and feedback during seminars 17, 18 in the weeks prior to the deadline.  Generic feedback will also be provided in class, seminars one week post submission. Students will receive written feedback and grades within 14 working days of submission. The final group report students will be given an opportunity and will be required to show draft work/progress to their tutors for comments and feedback during seminars 26, 27 in the weeks prior to the deadline.  Generic feedback will also be provided in class, seminars and on Web learn one week post submission.   Students will receive written feedback and grades within 14 working days of submission.




Core Text:
Keller K. Aperia T. Georgson M. (2013) Strategic brand Management A European Perspective 2nd Edition FT Prentice Hall
Keller (2012) Strategic Brand Management: Global Edition, 4 Edition Pearson’s
Fill C. Turnbull S. (2016) Marketing Communications discovery, creation and conversations 7th Edition  FT Prentice Hall
Posner H. (2016) Marketing Fashion: Strategy, Branding and Promotion 2nd Edition  Lawrence King
Rath P. Bay S. Petrizzi R. Gill P. (2015) The why of the buy  Consumer  behaviour and Fashion Marketing  2nd Edition Bloomsbury publishing Inc

Other Texts:
Cope J.  Maloney D.  (2016 ) Fashion Promotion in Practice Fairchild
Easy M. (2009) Fashion Marketing Wiley - Blackwell
Hancock J. (2016) Brand/Story Cases and Explorations in Fashion Branding  Fairchild
Bendoni W.  (2017) Social Media for Fashion Marketing Storytelling in a Digital World Oxford Press
Harris C. (2017) the Fundamentals of Digital Fashion Marketing Bloomsbury
Rosenbaum-Elliott R. Percy L Pervan S. (2015) Strategic Brand Management Third Edition Oxford press 
D'Arienzo W. (2016)   Brand Management Strategies Fairchild
Daylen M. Lange F.  Smith T. (2010) Marketing Communications A brand narrative   Willey
Bickle M. (2010) Fashion Marketing, Fairchild
Van Dijk M. (2009) Luxury Fashion Management: Brand and Marketing Management in the ever-changing Luxury Fashion Industry, VDM Verlag
Kapferer  N. (2012) The New Strategic Brand Management: Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking New Strategic Brand Management: Creating & Sustaining Brand Equity 5th Edition Kogan page
Kapferer  N. (2015) Kapferer on Luxury: How Luxury Brands can Grow Yet Remain Rare 1st  Edition Kogan Page
Kapferer J.  and Bastien V.  (2012)The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands
Okonkwo U. (2007) Luxury Fashion Branding: Trends, Tactics, Techniques 1st Edition  Palgrave McMillan
De Pelsmacker Geuens M. Van Den Bergh J. (2017) Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, 6 Edition  Pearson

Journal of Product & Brand Management
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture
Journal of Brand Management
Journal of Brand Strategy
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Interactive Advertising
International Journal of Advertising
Journal of Current Issues in Advertising and Research
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Retailing and consumer services
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Promotional Marketing
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Sponsorship
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Consumer Behaviour

Drapers on line
Business of Fashion on line
Fashion United

Marketing week
Brand Republic
WWD: Women's Wear Daily
Trend watching
Financial Times
Brand channel
The Drum

Electronic Databases:
Lexis Nexis