module specification

SS5073 - Peer Mentoring in Practice (2017/18)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2017/18
Module title Peer Mentoring in Practice
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Social Professions
Total study hours 150
60 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
90 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   E-Portfolio
Coursework 60%   Summative reflection on learning as a mentor.
Running in 2017/18

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Wednesday Morning

Module summary

This module offers students an introduction to mentoring, coaching and supervision together with opportunities to apply their learning to support new C-level students on the course.  This represents an important first step that will allow students to build mentoring processes as a component into their subsequent professional lives or to open up a specific career path.

Module aims

The module aims:

  • To explore approaches to mentoring, coaching and supervision in professional contexts;
  • To enable students to gain experience through peer academic and social mentoring of new Education Studies students;
  • To enable students to model reflective practice through their own learning.


The nature, purpose, aims, tasks and functions of mentoring, coaching and supervision, in educational contexts. Comparison of mentoring, coaching and supervision methods and discussion of reflective learning as a developmental, formative and educational process. Theoretical models of Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision and their underlying philosophies will be compared and contrasted, and evaluated by context.  The impact of power relationships on Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision practice in particular contexts and the ethics of professional practice.

Learning and teaching

Teaching and learning will be transacted through seminar-based exposition, discussion and supervised practice.  Students registered for the module will be assigned to support a group of new students from inception, the initial focus will be on social and personal dimensions but will shift its emphasis towards academic peer support.  Periods for collective reflection will be identified during the course of the module and students will maintain a diary focusing on their learning, as part of their e-Portfolio.  This evidence will then form the heart of a final reflective assignment that scrutinises and reviews practice via a range of theoretical tools.

Learning outcomes

On the successful completion of this module students will be able to: 

  • demonstrate a systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of theories and models of Mentoring Coaching and Supervision;
  • show that they understand and articulate the available techniques to achieve reflective learning in Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision situations;
  • draw upon a fund of experience for their e-Portfolio and show that they are able to reflect constructively upon this;
  • suggest strategies to manage dilemmas and conflicts in the mentoring, coaching or supervision relationship and take account of their impact on individuals, groups and organizations as well as identify appropriate professional limits to their activity as mentors.

Assessment strategy

  1. E-Portfolio consisting of min. 5 reflective entries on critical incidents/episodes experienced in your activity as mentor.  The portfolio entries need to be drawn from your mentoring practice/experience and can include the following: reflective accounts of personal practice/experience, copy of personal blog posts/learning journal entries, reference to/discussion of relevant literature, poems, paintings/sketches, visuals etc.  Weighting 40%.  Due in week 15.
  2. Summative over-arching reflection on your own learning over the course of the module with reference to relevant theoretical concepts (2000 words).  Weighting 60%.  Due in week 15.


Andreanoff, J. (2016). Coaching and mentoring in higher education: A step-by-step guide to exemplary practice. London: Palgrave

Booth, S. & Marton, F. (1997). Learning and awareness. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Burley, S. & Pomphrey, C. (2011). Mentoring and coaching in schools: Professional learning through collaborative inquiry. London: Routledge.

Carnell, E., MacDonal, J. & Askew, S. (2006). Coaching and mentoring in higher education: A learning-centred approach. London: Institute of Education.

Clutterbuck, D. & Ragins, B. R. (2000). Mentoring and diversity. London: Butterworth Heinemann.

Fletcher, S. J. & Mullen, C. A. (eds.) (2012). The Sage handbook of mentoring and coaching in education. London: Sage.

Gray, D. E., Garvey, B. & Lane, D. A. (2016). A critical introduction to coaching and mentoring. London: Sage.