module specification

MN3102 - The Context of Business (2023/24)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2023/24
Module title The Context of Business
Module level Foundation (03)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
30 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
198 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Other 20%   In-class group poster presentation
Group Presentation 30%   15 min Group Presentation with a short reflective essay
Coursework 50%   1500 word coursework on the impact of context of a local business
Running in 2023/24

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Monday Afternoon
Year North Tuesday Afternoon

Module summary

This module introduces students to the contexts of business. Business functions including innovation, operations, marketing, human resource management, finance and accounting, all of which interact with one another, can only be fully understood when the environmental, organisational, and strategic contexts within which the business operates are also understood. The focus of this module is the development of students’ understanding of how business organisations work and operate in the wider environment. Students’ have opportunities to examine the various functions of businesses and their relevant environments. They will analyse a variety of business situations and cases. This module introduces students to the concept of globalisation in terms of its impact on socio-cultural, political, economic and technological factors.   The main aim of the module is to introduce students to the impact of various contexts on business itself, and to provide them with opportunities to enhance a wide range of academic and business skills such as commercial awareness, and sensitivity in terms of people and cultures.


The syllabus is structured around four main themes as follows:

The concept of business in context includes examining socio-cultural, political, economic and technological elements and their impact on the various functions of business.

The second theme focuses on the functions of business. Students will be introduced to the various functions including, inter alia, innovation, operations, marketing, human resource management, finance and accounting.

The third theme is globalisation. Students are introduced to the concept of globalisation and its impact, not only on global organisations but also on local small businesses.

Fourth, there is a wide range of academic and business skills embedded in this module, such as academic literacies, commercial acumen, self-awareness and team-work.

Learning Outcomes LO 1 - 3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

PDP is an integral element of all Level 3 modules and this module reflects an ongoing process of reflection and professional development. This module is delivered through 3 hour weekly workshops which are enhanced by a mixture of blended and independent learning. The weekly workshops deliver theoretical input, which consists of defining and clarifying the topic to an appropriate depth and breadth, and with students working in groups to describe, analyse and evaluate the implications of the topic, for instance globalization, on local businesses.  Independent reading, group activities and problem-based tasks are supported by multimedia.  Students are required to produce a reflective piece of coursework.

Learning outcomes

LO1:   discuss the concept of business contexts and demonstrate a range of skills
           including commercial acumen;  

LO2:   explain the impact of globalisation on  both large and small businesses;  
LO3:   identify and explain how a business of your choice works and deals with
           external challenges;

LO4:   demonstrate commercial acumen and the ability to work collaboratively
with other students.

Assessment strategy

The assessment is developed to address the module learning outcomes and provide timely feedback to students. The assessment has three components, there are numerous opportunities throughout the module for students to test their knowledge and reflect on their progress.
