ED7135 - Managing the Assessment and Feedback Process (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Managing the Assessment and Feedback Process | ||||||||||||
Module level | Masters (07) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 20 | ||||||||||||
School | Centre for Professional & Educational Development | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 200 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
This module examines the role that assessment plays within the overall learning process in Higher Education.
Prior learning requirements
Module aims
This module examines the role that assessment and feedback plays within the overall learning process.
It covers two main areas: the pedagogical aspect of assessment and feedback and the subject specific requirements of assessment including the impact of professional bodies. The former will consist of the analysis of assessment and feedback as part of the cyclical process of learning where debates such as student-centred vs. tutor-centred assessment practices, the role of summative and formative assessment in generating feedback for the learner will be explored in detail. The latter ensures that participants have the opportunity to implement assessment and feedback practices within their specific discipline and evaluate these in terms of supporting and enhancing the learning experience of students.
This module aims to enable new and experienced staff with significant responsibilities for student learning and achievement to develop and / or demonstrate their professional competence in the management of the assessment and feedback process in higher education, and in particular, in the context of working in institutions such as London Metropolitan University.
Through involvement in the varied workshop activities, participation in assessment item 1, and production of assessment item 2, participants have the opportunity to encounter, discuss and evaluate assessment sources, instruments and methods that are typical and/or atypical of their own and others’ subjects/disciplines. This is also a clear focus on the inter-personal aspects of assessment, such as groupwork dynamics, peer assessment issues and the assessor-learner relationship.
The module will address the following issues:
1. Setting the context for assessment and feedbackin higher education
The National and Institutional conte xts for assessment and feedback
Introduction to the purposes of assessment, and issues of validity and reliability.
The principles of assessment and feedback.
What assessment and feedback practices we use, and why?
What is assessed by our current practices?
What other assessment and feedback practices are available?
2. Examining assessment and feedback practices
Different types of assessment, such as exam, assignment, etc.
Peer, self and group assessment
Different types of feedback such as diagnostic, summative, formative etc and different modes of feedback such as written, audio, video, statement bank etc
Their use shall be considered with respect to fitness of purpose, validity, reliability and feasibility, guidelines on assessment.
Assessment within specific subject areas
3. What assessment and feedback can achieve
The links between assessment, feedback and learning
Assessing content v assessing process
The process of assessment and feedback, including:
- managing assessment in a modular programme
- assessing level
- timing of assessment
- assessment packages
Setting and using assessment criteria
Feedback using assessment criteria
Plagiarism/Academic Integrity
4. Assessing students’ work and giving feedback
How we assess students work
Making marking consistent, moderation, external examiners
Marking students’ work
- managing the process
- using assessment criteria
- using marking schemes
Giving written, oral and other forms of feedback
Using computer-assisted assessment
5. Assessment design
The design and organisation of assessment.
This includes:
- selecting appropriate assessment and feedback methods
- devising learning outcomes
- setting assessment criteria
- linking assessment and feedback to module design
- the timing of assessment
• Considerations for the assessment of students with disabilities
• Managing the whole assessment process
Learning and teaching
The module is delivered through:
i) A series of half-day workshops, which use a variety of structures and processes to introduce the main concepts and approaches specified in the syllabus and ensure that participants are familiar with that subject matter, the programme of independent study for the module, and the module assessment.
ii) Independent study activities for individual and groups of participants designed for both face-to-face and online environments - using the module’s dedicated VLE site
Learning outcome 5 of the module specifically requires participants to engage in reflective activity and both assessment components require reflective engagement with the subject matter. A principle element of assessment component 2 is a 300-word, reflective text which takes as its focus, the experiential assessment activity that comprises assessment component 1.
Additionally, as required by the 2011 Higher Education Framework UK Professional Standards Framework, participants are also required to reflect on how their participation in the module relates to appropriate Standards in that framework document
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, participants should be able to:
1. Critically engage with the purposes and principles of assessment in higher education contexts
and apply them in an institutional and subject context and within quality systems.
2. Appreciate the relative merits of a variety of assessment instruments and methods and be
able to identify appropriate assessment methods within given modules, programmes and/or a
subject area.
3. Design and select instruments and methods for assessment to suit particular circumstances.
4. Identify appropriate means and methods for establishing assessment criteria, undertaking the
assessment process and giving feedback, and evaluate their effectiveness.
5. Critically reflect on outcomes arising from considerations of assessment and analyse
implications for future thinking and practice.
Assessment strategy
Module assessment is undertaken in two parts:
1. A Group Presentation, which is tutor, peer and self-assessed using assessment criteria devised by the group and in consultation with a module tutor. This component comprises 40% of total mark.
Assessment Criteria
Having selected the topic for their Group Presentation, the group identifies assessment criteria appropriate to their presentation in consultation with a module tutor. The group then produces these assessment criteria in the form of a Grading Schedule, which will be used for tutor, peer and self- assessment and feedback for the presentation. Examples of grading schedules produced by previous groups are made available through the dedicated VLE site that accompanies the module and through the University Assessment Framework document - also available online.
The presenting group may specify a weighting attributed to each of the assessment criteria; otherwise each will be assumed to have an equal weighting.
2. An individual project (up to 3,000 words), which either further analyses issues identified in the group presentation or it may have an entirely new focus. In addition, there is also a 300 word (approx.) reflection on the process of peer, self and group assessment undertaken the group presentation. This is an opportunity to consider how these processes are experienced individually and to reflect upon any implications there may be for personal practice. This project will be initially self-assessed and is then tutor assessed. This component comprises 60% of total mark.
Assessment Criteria
The individual project may take as its starting point issues identified and discussed in the group presentation or have an entirely new focus. The Project must have a personal practice perspective (perhaps subject, course or module) perspective.
Consequently, a project should:
i) establish the context and starting point including key issues identified in the group presentation if it continues from this;
ii) integrate evidence drawn from other reading / research with personal experience;
iii) present an analytical and critical account of the issues being addressed;
iv) include a reflection of the process of peer, self & group assessment undertaken in the group presentation.
The content of the two assessment components is agreed and monitored through learning agreements. All learning outcomes are achievable in each of the assessment components. However, on submission, participants are required to identify which outcomes have been appropriately addressed.
Bloxham, S. and Boyd, P. (2007), Developing Assessment in Higher Education: A Practical Guide, Open University Press
Boud, D. and Molloy, E, Eds (2012), Feedback in Higher and Professional Education: Understanding it and doing it well. Routledge
Gibbs, G. and Simpson, C. (2004-5), Conditions under which assessment supports students’ learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (1), 3-29. Available at: http://www.open.ac.uk/fast/pdfs/Gibbs%20and%20Simpson%202004-05.pdf (last accessed 21.05.2013)
Gosling, D. and Moon, J. (2002 – reprinted with updates, 2008), How to use learning outcomes and assessment criteria, SEEC. Available at: http://www.seec.org.uk/publications/how-use-learning-outcomes-and-assessment-criteria (last accessed 21.05.2013)
Higher Education Academy (2012), A Marked Improvement: Transforming assessment in higher education. Available at: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/documents/assessment/A_Marked_Improvement.pdf (last accessed 21.05.2013)
James, M. (2012) Assessment in harmony with our understanding of learning: problems and possibilities. In: Gardner, J.(ed.) Assessment and Learning .2nd ed.London:Sage, pp. 187-205
Nicole, D. J. and Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006) Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, vol 31, No 2, pp 199-218. Available at http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/learning/assessment/senlef (last accessed 21.05.2013)
Prowse, S., Duncan, N., Hughes, J. and Burke, D. (2007) "…do that and I’ll raise your grade": Innovative module design and recursive feedback. Teaching in Higher Education. 12.4, pp 437-445
Sambell, K., McDowell, L. and Montgomery, C. (2012) Assessment for Learning in Higher Education. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
UK Quality Code for Higher Education (2012); Chapter B6: Assessment of students and accreditation of prior learning, QAA. Available at: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Documents/Quality%20Code%20-%20Chapter%20B6.pdf (last accessed 21.05.2013)
University Assessment Framework – 2010 (revised December, 2012). Available at: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/celt/learning-teaching-assessment/university-frameworks.cfm (last accessed 20.05.2013)