module specification

MC5055 - Digital Marketing (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Digital Marketing
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
105 hours Guided independent study
9 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Individual report word count 2,000 words
Coursework 0%   Formative coursework 200 words
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Monday Morning
Spring semester North Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

8 Module description
In the current business environment, it is imperative that marketers keep pace with the dramatic and far-reaching changes fuelling digital transformation. This module is about appreciating the importance of the ever-evolving, dynamic digital marketing landscape. Within the   digital marketing landscape you will be introduced to  the digital marketing channels and their applications.  You will be presented with theoretical frameworks and models, which are relevant to the analysis of  the  digital marketing practice. You will examine the development of supporting technologies for digital marketing and examines digital channels and their suitability for inclusion for effective integrated online and off line marketing programmes and campaigns. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), customer acquisition and retention, mobile marketing, email marketing, online PR, affiliate marketing, social media, video and multichannel marketing are all explored in detail. Additionally the importance of effective digital monitoring and measurement techniques that enable organisations to improve digital marketing effectiveness performance and planning will be explored Related legislation, regulation and codes of practice will also be examined
The module aims to –
• Develop students' understanding and knowledge of the issues in digital marketing.
• Provide students an understanding of the nature of digital marketing concepts and techniques, and the role of digital marketing in improving an organizations marketing effectiveness and planning.

The module builds on the acquisition of the following Skills
• Analysing data & problem solving
• Application of Knowledge and presenting Data
•       Digital literacy and IT skills

Prior learning requirements

MC4061 Principles of Marketing. & MC4060
Practice of Marketing    or equivalent
Available for Study Abroad


The principles and drivers of digital marketing - The relationship between the digital environment on marketing activity and consumers.
• Analysing the digital macro and microenvironment. -including Legislation, regulation and codes of practice related to digital marketing and ethical & responsible consideration in digital marketing.
• The digital environment – Digital transformation, programmatic marketing, Artificial intelligence, virtual augmented reality. The internet of things. Platforms- Mobile apps.
• The benefits of internet marketing, using 5 S frameworks.  The 10cs of internet marketing, marketing models of the digital world B2B, B2C G2C etc..
• Digital metrics analysis
• Factors influencing online consumer- Motives for going online - Chaffey 6 Cs framework. Expectations & concerns re security & privacy online buying, Customer journey experiences & touch points. The digital sales funnel. Developing personas, researching and understanding the consumers online behaviour.
• Social Media & Influence on consumer – Blogging, social sharing, user generated content.

Learning Outcomes LO1

Planning Digital Marketing

SOSTAC planning model. -The Development of analytical & evaluative   approaches for measuring planning  and improving web marketing performance onsite acquisition, conversion and retention

•  Digital Marketing Metrics & analysis

• Traffic generation techniques Search engine optimisation (SEO)-
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Key words, Email, social media, Paid search, Affiliate marketing.

• Digital media & the marketing mix- Examining and applying the marketing mix in an online context and evaluating the options available to use digital channels to vary and integrate the marketing mix.
•Marketing communication - Platforms & tools – Owned earned & paid.
Online video, Embedded video Blogs, vlogs podcast email   Marketing & newsletters.
Advertising – Ad formats , search advertising, network advertising

• Delivering customer experience on line

Mobile experience, Personalisation, Marketing automation 

Web site structure –  Navigation ,  & design web ownership, usability, landing pages  content development, .content marketing  User experience ( UX)

Digital Content – Digital content Differences between traditional and digital. The marketer the publisher, Digital value and interest.  5 stage frameworks. Steps in producing content – Customer needs entertainment or information. Develop or curate. Linking content to purchasing
• Types of content – Stock and Flow content, Formats Bosomworth’s Framework- Inspire/Entertain/Educate formats /convince. Consumer generated content. Consumers as part of the brand story. Content sharing. Discussion forums

Social media Marketing – The honeycomb model & social listening. The COBRA models.

Engagement & Relationship Marketing using digital platforms.   ECRM Social CRM

Learning Outcomes LO2

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be delivered over a 12-week period and consist of 2-hour lecture and 1 hour seminar each week.  The seminars will consist of a focus on key issues, concepts of digital marketing and their application to real life digital marketing situations. This will assist on building knowledge on the key topic areas in Digital Marketing. A blended learning approach will be applied for seminars activities and students through web learn will be given material in advance to prepare for seminars. Students are expected to prepare material. Additionally, the seminars will serve to anchor knowledge through the development of problem-solving analysis practical activities. The aim will be to on enabling students to apply knowledge into real life scenarios in order to prepare them for the individual assessments. Students will be required to submit a formative assessment in week 6 which addresses the development of a digital audit. Formative feedback will be given based on student’s ability to work through the given material and assist in students’ reflection on feedback to assist in the development of final assessment.  A number of seminars will require prepared computer-based activities. This is to assist in applied understanding of technological skills required for digital marketing in order to bridge the gap between web developers and marketers.
The use of WeLearn facilities is central to the delivery of module handbook, case studies, journal articles, external web links and student feedback. Students will also be encouraged to use web learn in understanding and engaging with of contemporary digital marketing issues.  As part of their personal development, students will be encouraged to consider the development of digital skills.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module the students will be able to:
1.  Assess & analyse the on line  marketplace  and the impact influence of the dynamic digital environment on marketing activity and consumers LO1
2. Develop a conceptual and analytical approach in the planning of digital marketing programmes to an organization and its markets LO2


Smith, P. Chaffey D. (2022) Digital Marketing Excellence Planning, optimising and Integrating Online Marketing 6th Edition Rutledge
Hanlon A. (2019) Digital Marketing strategic planning & integration
Chaffey D. Ellis-Chadwick F.  (2022) strategy Implementation & practice 8th Edition Persons

Additional helpful reading
Charlesworth A. (2018) Digital Marketing A practical approach 3rd Edition Routledge
Kingsnorth (2019) Digital Marketing Strategy : An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing Kogan Page
Dhal S.(2018) Social Media Marketing: Theories and application 2nd Edition  Sage publications
Heinze A. (2020) Digital and Social Media Marketing Routledge

Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Journal of Internet commerce
Computers in Human Behaviour
Journal of Internet Business
The Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management
International Journal of Mobile Marketing
Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Journal of Mobile Communications
The Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies (open access)
International Journal of Mobile marketing
The Journal of Mobile User Experience
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing

emarketer -
Smartinsights -
Clickz -
Social  media today
Search engine land
Internet retailing
Ecommerce times
Mobile commerce
Retail Technology
Marketing Sherpa:
The social media monthly
Digital Marketing Magazine
Social Media examiner
Mobile commerce daily. com
The drum
Similar web
Google trends
The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) UK

Social Media Sources