module specification

MN4057 - Digital Business Management and Emerging Technology (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Digital Business Management and Emerging Technology
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
24 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
90 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Individual digital report (up to 1500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Tuesday Morning
Autumn semester North Tuesday Afternoon
Autumn semester North Wednesday Morning
Autumn semester North Wednesday Afternoon
Autumn semester North Thursday Morning
Autumn semester North Thursday Afternoon
Autumn semester North Friday Morning
Autumn semester North Friday Afternoon

Module summary

At present companies are employing various digital systems to support their business processes and gain competitive advantage, so equally are developments in Internet Technology affecting the social networks of individuals. In this rapidly changing and evolving environment of digital systems, it is vital that the students, as future managers, are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to exploit and manage digital business opportunities and initiatives.

This unit helps the understanding of principles of digital business management. It will focus on the applications of technology, exploring such important issues as the integration of the business environment, business models, and Internet marketing, requiring the understanding of theory, implementation and maintenance issues. Overall, the unit aims to develop a view of digital business in practice.

Prior learning requirements

Standard university requirements for Level 4 entry


• Business Transformations and E-Business Models LO1, LO2
• Digital Business Strategy LO1, LO2
• Digital Service Management and social networking for business LO1, LO2
• Digital Marketing LO1, LO2
• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and e- Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM) LO1, LO2
• Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) LO2, LO3
• Managing Knowledge Digitally LO1, LO2
• Business Intelligence and Business Decision Making LO1, LO2, LO3
• Cyber Security LO1, LO2, LO3
• Digital organisations – Agile, Virtual work design LO1, LO2, LO3
• Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Digital Business LO1, LO2, LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Delivery of the module will consist of 3 hours lecture and seminar. Students will be encouraged to research digital business management issues from a variety of sources in addition to module materials including newspapers, textbooks and on-line sources to identify aspects relevant to their areas of study.

Workshops will provide the opportunity for the whole class to come together and to interact with the lecturer who will provide the basic digital business management theories and present a set of examples and real-world cases. These should help students understand the key concepts and ideas related to digital business management.

Digital Business Management is an interdisciplinary aspect of the wider context of business and management. What the students will be able to develop, therefore, is a flexible and curious mind-set. They will be able to continuously engage in linking general business and management aspects to the concept of electronic or Internet-enabled business. Students will be able to identify how the changing business world and new business models impact on the conduct of businesses.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, theories and frameworks related to digital business management and e-businesses.

LO2. Demonstrate understanding of digital business management

LO3. Understand how emerging trends and contemporary approaches to organisations impact on business and management.



Core Text:

Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2019) Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. 15th edn. UK: Pearson.

Other Texts:

Bocij, P., Greasley, A. and Hickie, S. (2018) Business Information Systems – Technology, Development and Management for Modern Business. 6th edn. UK: Pearson.                                                   

Chaffey, D. (2019) Digital Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 7th edn. UK: Pearson.


Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
Information and Management
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly)
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
International Journal of Information Management (IJIM)
Journal of Information Technology (JIT)
Journal of Information Science
Behaviour & Information Technology
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing
Information Systems Journal
Journal of Knowledge Management
Knowledge management Research and Practice
Harvard Business Review

Websites: to be provided in class/Weblearn

Electronic Databases: to be provided in class/Weblearn

Social Media Source: to be provided in class/Weblearn