SM6064 - Globalisation and the Media (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||
Module status | DELETED (This module is no longer running) | ||||||||||||
Module title | Globalisation and the Media | ||||||||||||
Module level | Honours (06) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||||
School | School of Computing and Digital Media | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) | No instances running in the year |
Module summary
This module focuses on: international communications and debates around globalisation and cultural imperialism; development and modernisation; the role of transnational regulatory bodies such as the WTO; the structure of the global media industries and centres of power; the development of contra flow in media and culture; Media Systems models; and de-westernising of media studies. The module includes engagement with studies of media in various countries and regions, analysing developments in telecommunications and the cultural industries. It draws on economics, politics, and sociology in considering the contemporary debates around shifts in power and the potential role of social and new media.
The module aims to:
● Introduce students to current theories of globalisation
● Critically investigate different theories and explanations for the imbalances in global communication
● Examine the structure of global media and their content and evaluate the current debates around the perceived implication of the dominance of a small number of countries over communication and culture
● Introduce students to Media Systems models and ideas involved in the debates on de-westernising media studies
● Examine Hollywood in the context of the WTO and the liberalisation of trade in the cultural industries.
An indicative programme of study covers the following:
● Economics of culture and shifts in value added.
● Theories of communications and development; media and cultural imperialism
● Theories of globalisation; globalisation and localisation; globalisation and resistance
● Sector studies to include for example: political economy of global media; International news flows; Hollywood and the WTO; Internet and Social media
● Media Systems Models: role of state, history and culture in shaping communication’s systems
● Media Systems models and the BRICS
Learning Outcomes LO 1 - 3
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
Teaching methods include lectures, seminars/discussion groups, audio-visual presentations, field trips, and guest presentations. Students will be expected to attend lectures and take notes; attend organised trips and arrange independent trips to film festivals or other events; students will be expected to read from primary and secondary sources.
A blended learning strategy will be employed to enhance the learning experience, facilitate communication between students and tutors and develop collaboration among students. The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be used as a platform to support online activities including on-line discussions, evaluation of online resources, and access to electronic reading packs. The VLE will also be used to facilitate formative assessment and related feedback, as well as a tool to integrate useful online learning materials provided by research institutions, academic publications, professional organisations and other relevant sources.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
(LO1) Discuss the main theories of globalisation, communications, cultural imperialism and dependency and the social, economic, political and cultural underpinnings of these theories.
(LO2) Explain and discuss the implications of the current structure of the global media industry.
(LO3) Outline, contrast and analyse the role of the state, history and culture in shaping communication’s systems.
Assessment strategy
1. A 1,500 word report will assess the student’s ability to explain and discuss the global, regional or national structure of a media industry or policy. This involves the student applying the techniques they have learned to review and apply their knowledge in an analysis of a concrete example of a media policy or sector. (LO1, LO3)
2. A 2,500 word essay will assess the student’s ability to engage with theories and discussions of key current debates, research and concepts around cultural imperialism, globalisation and communications. (LO1, LO2, LO3)
Core TextS:
Curran J. & Hesmondhalgh, D. (2019), Media and Society; 6th Edition, New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Hesmondhalgh, D. (2002) The Cultural Industries. London: Sage
Hallin, D. and Mancini P. (2012) Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Other Texts:
Curran, J. & Park, M. (eds) (2000) De-Westernizing Media Studies. London: Routledge.
Golding, P. and Harris, P., (eds.), (1996) Beyond Cultural Imperialism. London: Sage
Hallin, D. and Mancini, P. (2004) Comparing Media Systems, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hallin, D. and Mancini P. (2012) Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hesmondhalgh, D. (2002) The Cultural Industries. London: Sage
Hesmondhalgh, D. et al, (2011), Creative Labour. London: Routledge.
Hodgkinson, P. (2018), Media, Culture and Society, an Introduction, Los Angeles and London: Sage.
Jacques, M. (2009), When China Rules the World. London: Allen Lane
Khiabany, Gholam (2010) Iranain Media: The Pardaox of Modernity. New York: Routledge
McChesney, Robert, (2009), The Political Economy of Media. New York: Monthly Review Press
Moran, A. ed, (2009), TV Formats Worldwide. Bristol: Intellect
Paterson, C. and A. Sreberny (eds) (2004) International News in the Twenty-First Century. Luton: University of Luton Press.
Raboy, M. (2003) Global Media: Policy in the New Millennium. Luton: University of Luton Press.
Rantanen, T. (2004) The Media and Globalization. London: Sage.
Shirk, S. (2011), Changing Media, Changing China. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Sinclair, J. (2012) Advertising, the Media and Globalisation. London: Routledge.
Sparks, C. (2007) Globalization, Development and the Mass Media. London: Sage.
Thussu, D. K. (2006), International Communication - Continuity and Change. London: Arnold
Tunstall, J. (2008) The Media Were American. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Waisbord, S. and N. Morris (eds) (2002) Media and Globalization: Why the State Matters.
Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield.
Wasko, J. (2003), How Hollywood Works. London: Sage