MC5051 - Brand Management (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Brand Management | ||||||||||||
Module level | Intermediate (05) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) | No instances running in the year |
Module summary
This module provides a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding on brands, brand equity and strategic brand management. It outlines the concepts and framework of branding, which are crucial in designing, implementing marketing campaigns as well as activities to build, measure and manage brand equity. It provides students with the tools and techniques to improve long-term profitability via creating effective brand strategies.
Aims of the module:
• To explore the role of branding from a corporate and consumer perspective.
• To introduce students to the theory of branding.
• To develop students' understanding of the role played by marketing communications in the building and maintenance of brands.
• To develop students' skills particularly communication skills including writing, oral and interpersonal skills.
On completion of this module students should develop the following skills:
• Researching and Analysing Data
• Application of Knowledge and Presenting Data
• Critical Thinking and Writing
• Communicating/Presenting – orally and in writing, including inter-cultural communication
• Problem Solving and Decision Making
• Interpersonal, including collaborating/working with others, cross cultural awareness, having a positive attitude, negotiation and persuasion
- Customer based brand equity concept LO1
- Building brand value through positioning LO1
- The role of the marketing mix and integrated marketing communications in building brand equity LO1
- Building brand equity through secondary associations LO1
- Managing brands over time LO2
- Monitoring brand performance and measuring brand equity LO2
- Managing brands over geographic boundaries and market segments LO2
- Cause marketing LO1
- Brand extensions LO1
- Future brand priorities LO2
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module will be delivered over a 13-week period, which will include a 3-hour workshop each week.
The workshop sessions will be utilised to highlight key theories, concepts and frameworks of strategic brand management and their application to real life situations in the context of UK and European as well as Global businesses. Furthermore, the workshop sessions will contain discussions, debates, question and answer sessions to build on the key topic areas in brand management. The emphasis will be on enabling students to apply knowledge into real life scenarios in order to prepare them for the individual and group assessments.
WebLearn will be used for the distribution of the module handbook. It will also be used as an interactive mechanism between students and tutors, for example, to direct students to particular readings or to provide news about the module or the module content. It will also be used for the timely provision of generic feedback following formative assessment.
Learning outcomes
1. Define and analyse the role of brand equity and apply relevant branding theory in different business contexts (LO1).
2. Analyse approaches to dealing with brand management problems, in particular examining issues within an appropriate strategic brand management framework (LO2).
Assessment strategy
The assessment strategy consists of two components, which aims to assess the module’s learning outcomes. These assessments require students to think critically and apply the knowledge gained during the module. The components are:
Individual Report (60%)
Group Presentation (40%)
Individual Report
Students will be required to analyse a brand using relevant theory within a specific topic area. Students will conduct secondary research on the organisation to gain an in-depth understanding of the branding strategies currently being utilised by the firm and provide recommendations based on their learning from the module. The individual report should have a word limit of 2,500 and weighs 60%.
This assessment encourages students to develop and practice the following skills:
Researching and analysing data, application of knowledge and presenting data, critical thinking and writing, problem solving and decision making.
Group Presentation
Students will be required to work in groups of 3-4 for a 10-minute oral presentation. In a defined problem setting, each group will be required to analyse approaches to dealing with specific brand management problems within a strategic framework. The presentation weighs 40%. It is mandatory for students to submit a group declaration form.
This assessment encourages students to develop and practice the following skills:
Researching and analysing data, application of knowledge and presenting data, communicating/presenting – orally and in writing, including inter-cultural communication, problem solving and decision making, interpersonal, including collaborating/working with others, cross cultural awareness, having a positive attitude, negotiation and persuasion.
Core Text:
Keller, K. L., Aperia, T. and Georgson, M. (2012), Strategic Brand Management: A European Perspective, 2nd Edition, Pearson.
Other Texts:
De Chernatony, L., McDonald, M. and Wallace, E. (2013), Creating Powerful Brands, 4th Edition, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Johansson, J.K. and Carlson, K.A. (2015), Contemporary Brand Management, Sage.
Kapferer, J-N. (2012), The New Strategic Brand Management, Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking, 5th Edition, Kogan Page.
Rosenbaum-Elliott, R., Percy, L. and Pervan, S. (2015), Strategic Brand Management, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press.
Journal of Brand Management
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Journal of Marketing Management
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Consumer Research
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Electronic Databases:
Mintel Marketing Intelligence
Professional/Marketing Magazines:
Marketing Week
Newspapers & Magazines:
The Times
Financial Times
The Guardian
European Business
Please note: The library also stocks a varied range of journals, e-reviews, magazines, databases and other resources. Please browse through the resources and contact the marketing subject librarian if needed.