module specification

SDQW22 - School Experience to Progress Point 5 (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title School Experience to Progress Point 5
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 45
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 450
350 hours Placement / study abroad
88 hours Guided independent study
12 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 100%   Professional Placement.
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year (Spring and Summer) North Not applicable -

Module summary

To support the trainee to:
Achieve the professional Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Early Years Teachers Standards for Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) by the end of the course.
● To become a critically reflective practitioner inside and outside the classroom.
● To undertake the minimum requirements of the Core Content Framework for ITT.
● To acquire the necessary skills, experience and understanding required to plan, deliver and evaluate the appropriate areas of the national curriculum (for their route) by the end of the module.

Prior learning requirements

Graduate (and must be enrolled on PGCE/EYTS)


● Training and supervision of practice with focused feedback and target setting.
● Continuous practice of planning, teaching, evaluating and assessing using relevant curriculum documentation.
● Teamwork and collaborative practice within the school environment/setting.
● Collection of evidence to demonstrate that the Core Content Framework has been followed and that the requirements of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Early Years Teachers Standards for Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) are being addressed.
● Preparation for employment as a Newly Qualified Teacher

Learning Outcomes LO1 - LO5

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

● Practical teaching experience with regular observation and feedback by school-based mentor and / or class teachers, where appropriate.
● Other professionals (Professional Coordinating mentor (PCM), University Link Tutor and External Examiner) may also observe teaching or scrutinise training documentation to quality assure training and assessment.
● Regular meetings with the school-based mentor and / or class teacher during school experience.
● Independent study for reading, planning, reflection and evaluation.
● Reflection upon university based teaching to inform practice.
● Reflection upon practice to inform professional development.
● Blended learning – use of online materials and VLE.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, trainees will be able to:
● LO 1 Demonstrate that they have met at least the minimum requirements of the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Early Years Teachers Standards for Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) and have been able to teach satisfactorily across a sustained period.
● LO 2 Demonstrate that they can behave in a professional manner through adherence to the school and university procedures and the professional expectations set out in the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Early Years Teachers Standards for Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS).
● LO 3 Demonstrate that they are able to review their own teaching (through reflection and through response to feedback from colleagues) and identify targets and strategies for improvement of their practice.
● LO 4 Demonstrate that they are able to establish themselves in the classroom with sufficient presence that they can conduct successful lessons.
● LO 5 Plan and evaluate lessons to enable children to make good progress within subjects and across subject areas (as appropriate to their route).
● LO 6 Apply a range of different formative and summative assessment strategies to inform planning and support and challenge children's learning.
● LO 7 Apply a range of different teaching strategies to promote learning and manage behaviour successfully.


Cremin, T. & Arthur, J. (eds.) (2014) Learning to Teach in the Primary School. Routledge Taylor and Francis.
Davies, S. (2006) The Essential Guide to Teaching. Pearson/Longman.
Moyles, J. (ed) (4th edition.) (2011) Beginning Teaching: Beginning Learning. OUP/ McGraw-Hill Education.
Grigg, R. (2014) Becoming an Outstanding Primary School Teacher. Routeledge
Brooks, V., Abbott, I. and Huddleston, P. (eds) (2012) Preparing to Teach in Secondary Schools, Maidenhead: Open University Press
Capel, S., Leask, M. and Younie, S. (eds) (2016) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience London: Routledge
Dillon, J. and Maguire, M. (eds) (2007) Becoming a Teacher: Issues in Secondary Teaching 3rd edition, Maidenhead: Open University Press