NU4057 - Applied Health Psychology (for Nutritionists) (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Applied Health Psychology (for Nutritionists) | ||||||||||||
Module level | Certificate (04) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||||
School | School of Human Sciences | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
Through successful completion of the module, learners will develop a broad understanding of psychology in relation to health and nutrition behaviour. Learners will also further develop skills in professionalism such as presenting skills and team working.
The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.
Specifically, it aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the psychological theories relevant to the practice of nutrition and dietetics. Also, the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC) Standards of Proficiency for Dietitians and Association for Nutrition (AFN) Code of Ethics and Statement of Professional Conduct for nutritionists.
Relevant aspects of nutrition & dietetic practice, theory and research will also be studied. This module also aims to provide learners with the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.
Prior learning requirements
Course entry requirements apply
The learning outcomes will be met via the following components:
1. Professionalism (LO2, LO3):
1.1. Learners will have opportunity to learn with and from learners from human nutrition.
1.2. Complementary and Applied Medicine (CAM): The use and evidence underpinning CAM
1.3. Presentation skill development.
1.4. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding required to meet the expectations of professional behaviours as stated by the relevant Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB).
2. Psychology (LO1):
2.1. Theories of human behaviour
2.2. The psychology of health behaviour and health education
2.3. An introduction to health promotion, behaviour change theory and methods for improving health centred on major public health concerns
2.4. Psychological theories related to eating disorders
2.5. Psychological dimensions of long-term illness
2.6. Psychology of normal and disordered eating
2.7. Attitudes and cognitive dissonance
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module will be delivered through lectures (28 hours) and tutorials which will include directed study, problem-based learning and workshops (14 hours)
Learners will be guided in their independent learning through directed reading (10 hours), use of the VLE and appropriate web-based resources.
Learners will also be required to develop skills in reflection and professionalism.
Learners will develop communication skills through active participation in group tasks.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module learners will be able to:
1. Explain the different theories of human behaviour and the psychological background of aspects of health behaviour relating to nutrition and dietetics.
2. Individual professional development via working and presenting with others.
3. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding required to meet the expectations of professional behaviours as stated by the relevant Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB).
Assessment strategy
As part of the assessment students will normally work in small groups to deliver an oral presentation which requires students to apply the psychological theories taught in the module. The oral presentation will provide formative and peer feedback to inform both the reflection and case study report.
This module will be assessed by:
1. A reflection (700 words) based on the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle. Students will be expected to consider and reflect on their experiences working in groups and the oral presentation delivery. Considering the feedback received and how this will aid their learning and development on the course.
2. A case study report on how psychological theories can be applied to the management of a given case study.