module specification

CS5002 - Software Engineering (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Software Engineering
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 300
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
148 hours Guided independent study
80 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Group Coursework 20%   Group Coursework 1000 words + diagrams (or equivalent) per student
Coursework 35%   Individual C/W 1500 words + diagrams (or equivalent) per student
Unseen Examination 45%   Two hours unseen Exam(part-seen)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Monday Morning

Module summary

This module provides a systematic approach to software analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The module also broadens the student’s knowledge of software engineering and systems development methods, techniques and tools. The general principles of Software Engineering and Systems Development will be introduced; notably the software life cycle and different software development approaches.  Students will be able to choose appropriate software development methods and apply them to case studies. They will use a variety of critical techniques and tools to model requirements and logical design. 

Students will apply their knowledge of computer systems and application areas to produce outline physical designs. Students will develop project planning and management, teamwork and communication skills, taking into consideration risk/safety, security, and professional and legal issues in the development of software products, information systems and services. Experience of working as an individual and a team member on a software development case study will enhance students’ employability.

Prior learning requirements

Successful completion of Level 4 or equivalent


The main topics of the module syllabus include:

1. The distinction between software products, information systems and services. (LO1)

2. Systems Analysis and Design applied to the development of Information Systems. (LO2, LO3, LO4, LO6)

3. Software Engineering applied to the development of software products. (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO5, LO6)

4. Software Life Cycle: Requirement specification, System Modelling, Design (including system architecture, software components and user interfaces etc.); Construction; Testing; Transition; Maintenance. (LO3, LO5)

5. Classification of software development approaches – (e.g., iterative/waterfall, data-driven/process-driven, structured/object-oriented, prototyping etc.). (LO2, LO3)

6. Software development methodologies (Agile Software Development, Rational Unified Process, DSDM, Experimental Prototyping etc.): overview description of main stages and their aims, purpose, and relationship between different techniques. (LO2, LO3, LO5)
7. Modelling techniques: fundamental UML analysis and design modelling techniques – Use Case models, Communication diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, State Charts, deployment diagrams, etc. (LO3, LO4, LO5)

8. Component Technologies for Software development. Programming Paradigms, Design Patterns and Implementation Frameworks. Development of Software Components using programming languages, IDEs and CASE Tools. Software System Integration and Software reuse. (LO2, LO3, LO5)

9. Introduction to software testing approaches component, integration, system and sub-system testing. (LO1, LO3, LO5)

10. Introduction to information security, risk and security management. (LO4, LO5)

11. Introduction to principles and concepts of software project management, including project planning and estimating, monitoring and control, risk, quality and configuration management. (LO5, LO6)

12. Project management tools and techniques, e.g., Gantt chart, network diagrams, critical path analysis, cost-benefit analysis, earned value, and work breakdown structure. (LO2, LO5, LO6)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module is taught through a combination of lectures for basic concepts, methods and techniques for Software Engineering and practical tutorials for enhancing learning and developing skills each week for 30 weeks. Appropriate blended learning approaches and technologies, such as the university’s integrated learning environment (currently using WebLearn) and online tools, will be used to facilitate and support students learning, in particular to:

• Deliver teaching materials
• Provider a communication platform to support coursework
• Provide formative and summative feedback to students

Students will be expected and encouraged to produce reflective commentaries and an action plan for personal development on the learning activities and tasks they carry out to complete their work, e.g., in the form of an assessed section of their coursework report

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

- LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles of system and software development, considering legal, ethical, social and professional (LESP) issues.

- LO2: Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the main stages of software engineering within a range of standard software development methods and an awareness of supporting CASE tools.

- LO3: Demonstrate practical skills in building fragments of software systems using suitable design patterns and apply a range of key modelling techniques appropriate for development in various problem domains.

- LO4: Recognise information security and security risk issues and demonstrate an awareness of software architectures and design guidelines for safe and secure systems development.

- LO5: Demonstrate an awareness of software architectures and design guidelines for safe and secure systems development and describe the essential concepts of project planning, risk analysis & management, and quality and configuration management.

- LO6: Apply key project management concepts, tools and techniques to a given specification in teams and individually.
