module specification

LL3106 - Property Law B (Equity and Trusts) (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25, but may be subject to modification
Module title Property Law B (Equity and Trusts)
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 24
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 240
187.5 hours Guided independent study
52.5 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Unseen Examination 100%   3 hour 15 minute closed book exam
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Thursday Morning
Spring semester North Tuesday Evening
Spring semester North Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

This module provides a sound understanding of the following:

1. The relationship between equity and common law, the nature of equity and the use of equitable principles and remedies in Property Law.

2. The concept and use of trusts.

3. The creation of trusts, trust powers and obligations

4. Remedies for breach of trust.

Prior learning requirements

2.2 Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent


Nature and Classification of Equitable Rights

The Nature of Equitable Rights and the relationship of Common Law and Equity
Trusts: definition, early history, classification and functions of the trusts in the modern economy
Liability of fiduciaries for secret profits
Constructive trusts and liability to account
Equitable charges
Equitable rights in land
Mere equities

Transfers of Property Rights

Legal Title
Passing of legal title to goods by sale or gift
Assignment and negotiation of choses in action

Equitable Title

Dispositions of and priority between equitable interests
Formalities and certainties for creation of express trusts

Incomplete dispositions

Specific Performance
Constructive trusts arising from specifically enforceable contracts to sell
Incomplete voluntary transfers
Resulting trusts

Security and Restitution

Retention of legal or equitable title
Proprietary remedies; tracing at law and in equity
Intermeddling: trustees de son tort
Receivers from fiduciaries Fraudulent assistance

The Family Home

Co-Ownership Of Land
Creation at common law and /or in equity (including resulting and constructive trusts)

Property and Wealth Preservation

Taxation and trusts
Trusts for successive interests
Maintenance and accumulation trusts
Protective and discretionary trusts
Trusts of Land: strict settlements and trusts for sale
Advancements and variation of trusts
Management of funds: fiduciary duty, duty of care, investments, trustees powers
Wealth held for a purpose and in association

Non-charitable purpose trusts
Charities - definition, taxation and trust law advantages, administration, the cy pres doctrine
Unincorporated Associations
Means of property holding Construction and effect of gifts
Application of funds on dissolution
Unit trusts Pension funds
Trustees’ powers and obligations

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Scheduled teaching comprises15 two-hour lectures and 15 90 minute tutorials.

Independent study comprises 87.5 hours of directed reading, research, class preparation and formative assessments.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this module, students will be able to do the following:

1. Understand the contrast and relationship between legal rights and equitable rights, the principles of equity/equitable remedies and the use of equitable principles and remedies in Property Law.

2. Understand the concept of a trust; appreciate the purposes for which trusts exist; understand how trusts are created; trust powers and obligations and remedies for breach of trust.

3. Demonstrate the ability to write critical, discursive essays relating to the topics covered in the syllabus.

4. In the context of the Law of Equity and Trusts, to demonstrate a basic ability to bring together information and materials from a variety of different sources; to produce a synthesis of doctrinal and policy issues; and to make a critical judgment of the merits of particular arguments.

5. Demonstrate an ability to use appropriate legal terminology and language in the context of the Law of Equity and Trusts.
