module specification

SJ6034 - Creating Packages (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Creating Packages
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 300
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
210 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 20%   Print portfolio. Two articles (1,400 words) for first edition of magazine
Coursework 30%   2,100 word portfolio: comprising different sorts of features for second edition of magazine
Coursework 30%   Online magazine: completely new content for online magazine, up to 2,000 words with specified multimedia content, 5 arti
Coursework 20%   Newsdays/Engagement (assessed through Production log)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Wednesday Morning

Module summary

  Creating Packages is core for journalism-related courses. It develops the advanced professional skills taught at level 5: identifying subject matter and potential readerships, research, interviewing and editing techniques, on-the-spot reportage, and finding original angles and relevant sources for stories, to a stage where students originate and source the elements for their own journalism packages, based on a subject area of their own choice, rather than as directed by tutors. This is an exciting chance to create your own magazine in print and online.

Each package will have three instances, in print and online (or vice versa), to reflect the multimedia nature of such products in contemporary journalism. News days will reinforce a professional sense of urgency and the need to meet deadlines.

The module allows students to enhance their skills in writing news features arising from topical issues, using data for feature articles, developing more in-depth interviews and/or feature stories based on interviews and research. Students will be directed towards identifying subject matter and potential readerships, on-the-spot reportage skills, and finding original angles and relevant sources for their stories. Students also learn design, lay-out and multimedia skills.

Assessment will be of three portfolios of work, adapted for printed text and for online; two critical, self-reflective commentaries; an individual feature; and contribution to class, self-assessed through journals where students will self-assess their own work, their editorial roles and their participation in group contributions to class, including group and individual oral presentations (where attendance is mandatory). This will be moderated by tutor.

Prior learning requirements

 Pass level 5


 The main focus of this module is on advanced professional writing skills, which are highlighted, and the development of journalistic content within magazine formats LO1
Working in groups, developing social skills, students will explore a subject-specific project of their own choice, in depth. This subject, to be agreed with tutors, must allow the students to conduct and write in-depth interviews, on-the-sport reportage, and data-based features, which they learn to order and re-order for the different requirements of printed text and online. LO2, LO3
A variety of approaches and writing styles will be explored, including news and report writing for newspapers and magazines, and students will be encoura6ged to explore how unique voices are created. LO2, LO4

Groups will develop how different styles are used or adapted online as in the written word, as well as incorporating images, audio and video. LO2, LO5
Students will develop skills in identifying subject matter and potential readerships, research, the use of different datasets, interviewing and editing techniques, on-the-spot reportage, and finding original angles and relevant sources for stories. LO3, LO4, LO5
They will source and develop the printing of their magazines. LO1, LO2
They will sharpen writing and presentation skills through reflecting on feedback from staff and other students. News days will be used to focus on team work and deadlines. LO5, LO6
Such written work will help demonstrate employability for the PDP/e-portfolio

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be taught on an interactive, workshop-based model.

At the start, the module will focus on the development of news and feature writing in different iterations. Detailed in–class exercises on how to mine data and research methods, and an out-of-class on-the-spot reportage assignment, will familiarise students with professional skills.

Students will be expected to write in class and to discuss their work, as well as participate in class discussions. Students will work in groups, and together with the tutor develop a magazine project, taking account of the “pillars” of journalism – audience, style and vision.

Groups will then work together on developing journalistic packages. Each student must produce a portfolio of five features for print iterations of their project, laid out in InDesign:

● A news feature
● A reporting story on a live event
● A profile interview with head or senior representative of an organisation
● A data-based feature
● A general feature story

These ideas must be developed within the group, to produce a varied package.  Students must also produce five pieces of related material for the online iteration of their project, using images, audio and video where appropriate. This will be published via a WordPress blog (online skills learned during Levels 4 and 5 will be refreshed).

For each mode of output, students will write a critical commentary, analysing how their product might succeed and what its components are, examining how writing style changes for different outlets, drawing on reflections from class learning and reading and setting their work in the context of the publishing environment in the UK. This will be recorded through journals where students will self-assess their own work, their editorial roles and their participation in group contributions to class, including group and individual oral presentations (where attendance is mandatory). This will be moderated by tutor.

Students will then produce a showcase of their work: an individual online article, topic of their choice, with multimedia elements of 1,000 – 1,200 words, showing off the various multimedia skills they have acquired in the module.

News days will allow a virtual professional environment to foster team-building and employability. Working in small teams will develop social as well as academic skills.

The module will be supported by a VLE site containing notes, readings and extended bibliographies, and weblinks. Publication will provide material for pdp/e-portfolio

Learning outcomes

 If students read all the required texts, participate in all the class activities and complete the required assessments and assignments, they will develop professional skills. They should be able to:

1. Work in groups to originate and source a self-directed journalism project from beginning to end, including use of InDesign, PhotoShop and other technical skills, as well as smart phone multimedia;
2. Successfully adapt professional skills, including writing news reportage and features arising from topical issues, to different formats, platforms and iterations;
3. Write data-based features, using facts in combination with interviews;
4. Identify and interview appropriate sources within relevant organisations, to write in-depth interviews and feature stories;
5. Create news and features from in-depth, independent research;
6. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others, in class and in their own projects
