BA5004 - Business Research Methods (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||||||
Module title | Business Research Methods | ||||||||||||||||
Module level | Intermediate (05) | ||||||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 30 | ||||||||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||||||||||
Total study hours | 300 | ||||||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) | No instances running in the year |
Module summary
This module introduces students to the essential methodologies, approaches and tools for business research. The module takes over from the skills picked up at level 4 in particular, the quantitative and qualitative skills taught and assessed in various modules. It explores some of the philosophies and theoretical perspectives underpinning the many different ways of conducting research as well as providing practical examples and guidance on how research should be planned and implemented. This module also provides a grounding to the final year dissertation for the Business and Management and related courses.
The module enables students to gain lifelong and employability skills such as planning, searching, reading, gathering and analysing data, writing and referencing. It provides students with technological tools to achieve the necessary results efficiently.
The module helps students to reflect on how research has enabled global organisations with their integrated and interdependent challenges to adapt to the uncertain world.
The module introduces students to the key and current business concepts and their operationalisation through a simple review of the literature. In doing so, it enables students to deal with conflicting issues of ethics and equality.
The key skills taught and assess on the module will include advanced use of Excel and/or SPSS, data analysis (Statistical and Thematic) and reporting.
Qualitative research methods
• Research philosophies - The interpretivist and other paradigms
• Purpose and method of literature review in qualitative research
• Interviews, Focus groups and transcription
• Validity and Reliability in qualitative research
• Qualitative data analysis techniques
• Using Nvivo – Coding and Nodes. Using Nodes to organise/manage data
• Analysing secondary data
• Content analysis
• Thematic analysis
• Reporting and report structure
Quantitative research methods
• Research philosophies and the positivist paradigm
• Purpose and method of literature review in quantitative research
• Questionnaire design, validity and reliability in quantitative research
• Quantitative data analysis techniques
• Using SPSS – Editing, Coding and transforming data into information
• Basic data analysis - Descriptive
• Univariate statistical analysis
• Bivariate statistical analysis
• Communicating research results – Reporting and Oral presentation
Learning Outcomes LO 1 - 4
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The business research module is designed to encourage students to work independently to some extent. A significant aspect of the module is carried out in class.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
Learning Outcomes must be Constructively Aligned to demonstrate:
• Apply a qualitative methodology based on a published literature [LO1]
• Formulate research questions and use an appropriate qualitative analysis [LO2]
• Apply a quantitative methodology based on a published literature [LO3]
• Formulate research questions and use an appropriate quantitative analysis [LO4]
Assessment strategy
In describing the assessment strategy, describe how:
• Students will be asked to use appropriate techniques of quantitative data analysis for business concepts. They will either collect or be given data to respond to research questions or test hypotheses.
• Students will be asked to use appropriate techniques of qualitative data analysis to explore business concepts or organisations. They will either be asked to interview (and record), or be given transcription of interviews to analyse.
Core Texts:
David E Gray, Doing research in the business world, 2017, Sage publication
Other Texts: Zikmund & al, Business research methods, 2009, Cengage publication.
Saunders M & al, Research methods for business students, 2016, Pearson
Liaise with Library Services to confirm availability of on-line licenses in academic year
Where possible, the most current version of reading materials is used during the delivery of this module. Comprehensive reading lists are provided to students in their handbooks. Reading Lists will be updated annually.
Websites: To be added
Electronic Databases:
Social Media Sources
Other (E-books)